Monday, December 16, 2024

Joy to the World! The Lord Is Come!

It is very special to reflect on Christ's 1st. Coming

A favorite Christmas song is "Joy to the World".  Was written by Isaac Watts - 1674 - 1748.  A non-conformist, meaning he didn't conform to the teachings of the Anglican Church.

Message = first 4 lines of song.  

Are 4 points on the importance of Christ's advent.  Should be great joy at Christmas time.

I)  Joy to the World!  The Lord is Come!  This should bring us great joy.

Question:  Why should the world rejoice?

      A)  Christ's coming showed God's good will to men. - John 3:16-17
      Shows how precious we are to Him.  Christ came willingly to demonstrate God's love for us  

     B)  Christ's coming made the Father visible - John 14:6,9  Matt. 1:23, Isa. 7:14  (700 plus years before)
           He is the image of the invisible God.  Jesus is our perfect example.  Humans will let you down.

     C)  Christ's coming showed God keeps His word!  Hos. 11:1 (Egypt)  Micah 5:2 (Bethlehem), Isa. 7:14 (born of a virgin.  All promised 600/700 years earlier.
            God's faithfulness in the past gives confidence He'll continue to be faithful.  All of us have been let down by somebody sometime.  God will never let us down!  God wants good for us!

II)  Let Earth Receive Her King
      Jesus is King whether you recognize it or not.  Whether it's labeled hate speech or not.  He is not dethroned.  Truth is truth whether you like it or not.
      Not just for the Jews, for for all nations.  We are to be a part of a Messianic Psalm.  If we are in Christ, are part of His kingdom.  Psm. 2:8, Matt. 28:18-20, Acts 1:8  Rev. 1:5-6 
He is ruler of the kings of the earth.  Has made us a  kingdom of priests.  Psm. 2:1-12 - warning

III)  Let every heart prepare Him room
       Who is the us?  Gen. 12:3 - Gal. 3:7-8 - ... of the faith....  Eph. 2:8  is not generic faith  acts 4:11-12 - must submit to Christ
       Give life to Jesus.  Will never find purpose until you do.  Is no better time than the present to give your life to Christ.

IV)  And Heaven and Nature Sing  - Is what your were created to do... all creatures and creation created to serve and worship God.
Psm. 19:1 - the Heavens declare   Psm. 98:7-9 - what inspired Isaac Watts
Heavenly Beings - Job 38:4-7, Isa. 6:2-3, Rev. 4:8, Rev. 5:11-14  
Song "All Creatures of Our God and King" written in 1225 - We were created in God's image with more responsibility than any other created thing on the earth to praise Him.

So----- what should this season inspire us to do?
REJOICE!  Trust God moreServe the King!  Submit our heart to Him!  Join creation in His worship!

St. Francis Assisi wrote "All Creatures of Our God and King" in 1225 which tells all created beings to praise the Lord.  Will never find joy and satisfaction until you do!

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Onesiphorus, A Brother Born for Adversity

 As believers, we should be good to people. 

Onesiphorus - great example of what to be and what to be as a believer and a friend.

Paul was a great friend and had great friends:  can see this from groups, fellowship tender words, was ripped away when had to leave them, was gifted.  

Examples:  Onesimus, Epaphroditus, Priscilla, Aquila, Thychicus (a beloved brother), Tertius, Ampliatus (my beloved in the Lord), Luke (with him during his imprisonment), Timothy, and of course, Onesiphorus.

Paul = writing to Timothy from an awful prison to encourage and instruct.  Probably = last words.  He was lonely, and knows his time is coming to an end.

2 Tim. 1:13-15 - Guard and Practice because:

1)  People will abandon the faith.  Example:  Matt. 13:20-21 - Parable of the sower.  When hard times come, is a time for growth, the real believers stay firm. 
     So, build and train - is good to know the 'why' we believe.

2)  Serving the Lord can FEEL lonely   But, are never alone if really in the faith.  Psm. 94:14, Matt. 28:20, Heb. 13:5-6, Rom. 8:31-35

Lessons from Onesiphorus.    2 Tim. 1:16-18

A.  Be a real bro.  Prov. 17:17    How?

B.  Be present - ministry of presence is fairly easy now.  Was a lot harder in Paul's time.

C.  Make an effort - Matt. 25:37-40  traveled a long distance to go to Paul.  searched earnestly, at great risk, had a history of service

D.  Have your brother's back.  He was not ashamed of Paul.  Was a friend all the time.  Gal. 6:2, Heb. 13:1-3, John 13:34-35, John 15:13 - greater love hath no man....  Brothers should defend, care for each other.  We should have a special love for other Christians

Inspire others to be better believers.  We can be inspired by others to do better. 
    Heb. 11, Heb. 12:1-2, 1 Cor. 11:1 - Imitate me as I imitate Christ --- let that be a goal in our lives.

How can we stir up love and good works   Heb. 10:24 - one of the chief jobs of Christians

Challenge:  think am I refreshing the saints?  Am I loyal to God and his people?  Am I pulling people to or pushing them away?  Can't love the Lord and hate His people.

Closing Scripture:  Eph. 4:29-5:2

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

2 Timothy 1:8-14

 In the New Testament, we have Pastoral Epistles  (1 & 2 Tim, Titus)
                                            and Prison Epistles  (Ephesians, Philipians, Colossians, Philemon)

2nd. Timothy = Both!!  in other words - TO Timothy FROM prison.

Closed Acts with Paul in Rome under house arrest!  Evidence suggests were 2 Roman imprisonments.
So NOW (2nd. Tim) Paul IN prison awaiting execution.  (is pretty confident that he will be executed)

So.... pens "last words" to Timothy  (at Ephesus)
Hence, there is much advice, instruction, encouragement - MOST of which applies to ANY and ALL Christians!
Note:  Timothy is in charge of all the churches in the area.

(Josh did 2 Tim. 1:1-7 last time)   Today = 2 Tim. 1:8-14

BUT, ... vs. 8 begins with "therefore", So leading up to this? 
              vs. 3 .... I thank God as I remember you"
              vs. 5 .... I'm reminded of your sincere faith"
              vs. 6.... fan into flame ... the gift within you"

In other words, "because of who you are and what you are called to do (the task before you) ... additional advice!

2 Tim. 1:8-14 - Watch  for specific charges that apply to Timothy AND to you!

4 Specific Charges:

I)  Don't be ashamed (of the Gospel)

II)  Join me in suffering (for the Gospel)

III)  Follow the pattern (you've been shown)

IV)  Guard the good deposit (you've been given)

I)  Don't be ashamed  (of the Gospel, of me)  - Vs. 8
      Why 'ashamed?? 
(A)  THEN  - Example:  Alexamenos = weakness!  Worshiping a God who was crucified and hung naked on a cross.  Showed sign of weakness to Romans.  Ridicule in Rome still found today.  Christians saw this as a great victory over death.  Mockery still true today.

(B)  NOW = foolish!!  ie:  direct your life based on myths, legends, antiquated morals?"  (still a mockery)

Paul's answer ... #1)  2 Tim. 1:12 - "I know WHOM I have believed" 
Christianity is more than a belief system.  It = a personal interaction with a risen Christ!

                         #2)  Rom. 1:16-17 - "it is the Power of God... to salvation"
In other words, it works!!!  John 14:6,  Acts 4:12

II)  Join me in suffering  (share in)  Vs. 8b

     A)  suffering for the gospel - in other words, when presenting, promoting the Gospel entails a degree of suffering .... DON'T SHY AWAY!
     B)  suffering by the Power of God - ie:  with the Presence and assistance of God.  When are suffering for the Gospel, are NEVER alone!  

Note:  vs. "His prisoner" - (Christ's)
     C)  Suffer well  (properly - in an exemplary manner)
ie:  when suffering is not immediately, directly tied to the Gospel ... Nevertheless.. Christians should suffer in a manner that shows Faith and Confidence in God - 2 Tim. 2:3,  1 Pet. 2:21  (context = slavery)

III)  Keep to the Pattern  (vs. 13)  in other words, what you've been taught (the truth), is true... DON'T DEVIATE FROM IT!!!
early on.... many received the Gospel But wanted to "adjust, correct, improve on it" 
example:  Gnostics
Today? = Same!!!  example:  Progressive Christianity 
Titus 1:9 - applies to more than "elders".  Should be true of all Christians. "If it's new, it's probably not TRUE!" 

Closely related...
IV)  Guard the good deposit - Vs. 14
"you've been ENTRUSTED with something valuable & precious..."GUARD IT!!"  watch over, protect, keep safe, be diligent, alert, attentive.
Which = (1) protect it from corruption - on one hand, can't keep others from corrupting, BUT can keep self from corrupting it!
              (2)  put it to use Example:  Parable of the Talents - "wicked, lazy servant"
Don't SIT on your salvation!
Note:  closing of 1 Tim. 6:20 - with help of Holy Spirit

V)  Entrust this deposit to others 2 Tim. 2:2
     ie:  evangelism, discipleship, teaching, training, equipping, etc.
Which = Pass it on and multiply the effects!

2nd. Timothy is full of direct, explicit charges ... to Timothy, to US... to you! 
So... (1)  give serious consideration to these charges
and  (2)  measure your faith according to them.!

Closing scripture:  2 Tim. 4:1-5


Monday, November 25, 2024

How Giving Thanks Changes the World

 God's people have been giving thanks long before it was started in this country.  America did not invent Thanksgiving. 

James 1:16-17 - How soon we forget that all the good gifts we have are from God. 
Bitterness and Discontentment are results of ingratitude.  They are the marks of a crumbling society - one that refuses to honor God.  We, as God's children, cannot or should not be ungrateful.

2 Tim. 3:2-4, Rom. 1:21-24

Josh. 4:1-7, 19-24  - Before this, there was the exodus from Egypt, disobedience at Kadesh Barnea, a generation wanders for 40 years, Joshua takes them into the Promised Land.

I.   Reasons to give God Thanks
     #1.  For what He's done:  Examples:   Exodus, enemies, provided manna and quail in the wilderness, Pilgrims

Question:  What has he done for you?  Physically?  Spiritually?  We seldom give God credit.

     #2,   For what he's promised.  John 10:10  "I have come that you might have life..."  (direction, peace, purpose) Promised Land.  Ultimate Promised Land..  John 11:25-27 - Do you believe this?  What a day that will be. - God is doing good things in our lives right now.

There are many reasons to give Him thanks, but, How?

II.  How to give God thanks.
      #1.  Remember - ex. 12 stones after then crossed the Jordan. 
           Psm.  78:9-11 - Ephraimites condemned.  they failed to remember what God had done.  Remember daily in prayer - 1 Thess. 5:18  Count your blessings.
Pass down faith.  Demonstrate in front of your children what He's done.

III.  What are the results of giving thanks? 
       #1.  A grateful heart is a happy heart. = Psm. 9:1-2  God has a way of using gratitude to change heart and mind.
       #2.  People turn to God.  When have a grateful heart, look different - Matt. 5:16  As Christians, when we live a life of gratitude, we will look different to the world.

Psm. 67 - Before you eat, thank God for what He's done, promised.  Recount His faithfulness and provision through song like Psm. 13:6

Monday, November 18, 2024

What Parents Should Want for Their Children

2 Tim. 1:1-7

 Parents' greatest job, fears, joys - often wrapped up in their children.  

We all have desires for our children, wonder what to pray, what to teach.

From God - we see some of Paul's heart, desire and prayer.  Calls Timothy his son in the faith.  This written by the Apostle Paul.

2 Tim. 1:1-2 - Paul met Timothy during his 2nd. missionary journey. 
          Timothy had believing grandmother and mother, Greek father.  He impressed Paul who brought him along on his missionary journey.

1 Timothy is more a manual for church business.  Paul was hoping to visit Ephesus.

2 Timothy - more personal for Timothy.  Shows his love and care for Timothy.  Was in Roman prison at the time he wrote this.  2 Tim. 4:6-8 - eventually was executed for preaching the Gospel.

This letter comes when Timothy was a young pastor, but was struggling, dealing with desertions, heretics, Hymenaus.

Timothy was young. - 1 Tim. 4:12, 2 Tim. 2:22  sick - 1 Tim. 5:23,  timid - 1 Cor. 16;10
Paul brought him along, discipled, poured out, demonstrated.  He mentored him - similar to the way Jesus mentor his apostles.

 Parents should want:
#1.  Good Influences for their children.
        Prov. 13:20
        2 Tim. 1:3 - clear conscience.  Paul at the end of life.  Not how he was.  Heb. 10:22
        Need to get right.  Only way to get there is through Jesus Christ.

       2 Tim. 1:3-4 - see the love?  need to pray like that for children.  Has a Pastor's heart.  a Fatherly heart.

       2 Tim. 1:5 - Importance of godly fammily.  Taught, modeled.  

#2.  Have Sincere Faith - John 1:12 - Faith that won't fade with trials or successes - forever.

#3.  Develop and use their godly gifts.  2 Tim. 1:6   Serve the Lord with all they have.
       Fan into flame.  Charisma.  Spiritual gift (s) - (discernment, evangelism, giving, hospitality, leadership mercy teaching... )  Evangelist, Pastor. 
      Is a gift, but must work and use what have been given.
1 Tim. 4:14-15 - not only spiritual, but all gifts.  Praying and helping discover and practice.  If we don't fan the flame, the fire dies and the talents get taken.

#4.  Have Confidence to use their gifts.   2 Tim. 1:7  Are those who poke holes in confidence.  ie:  fear, cowardice.  Timothy struggled.  Why do we fear?  - embarrassment, failure, task too big not good enough, scared of naysayers.  All of that is not from God. 
God gives us power, Acts 1:8 - strength, power, ability.  That's from God.  Heb. 13:6

With that power, love, and self-control that we may not fall.

Paul eventually executed in Rom.  Not sure if Timothy ever made it to see him.  Paul would be so proud to see how Timothy was using his gifts.  Tradition records he faithfully served in Ephesus until he was 80.  God used him, was so bold that he was stoned trying to stop pagan festival there.  Stoned to death. 
He, like Paul, could say, 'I've fought the good fight.  I've finished the race.'

Challenge:  pray for and work with your children.  Work on this yourself.  Let us all strive to fan into flame the gift that God has given.

Sunday, November 10, 2024

Suffering for Jesus

Suffering is a reality, a big part of the reality, and we all will suffer sometime.

2 Tim. 1:8, 12, 2:3, 2:9, 3:11, 4:5

Reasons for suffering:

1)  We live in a sinful, fallen world

2)  Our own sinfulness - we make bad decisions, etc.

3)  For discipline - Deut. 8:56, Heb. 12:6-7, Prov. 3:11-12

4)  For the sake of Christ - we are going to be opposed if we love Jesus.  Are people who hate Jesus.

     2 Tim. 3:12, 1 Pet. 3:16-17, 1 Pet. 4:14-16
There will come times of persecution and suffering when we honor God.

Responses, when it comes, if it comes:

A)  Rejoice  - Acts. 5:41, Acts 16:25 - Paul and Silas thanking God in prison

B)  See it as an opportunity.  God uses hardships to grow us, to mold us.  Suffering helps us grow.

Result of suffering

   1)  Can strengthen your ministry potential - 2 Cor. 1:3-4
   2)  Can strengthen connection with others - God uses these times
   3)  Sometimes puts us in the right ministry environment. 
         Ex. Joseph, Paul - Phil. 1:12-14
   4)  It just makes us better - Rom. 5:4-5

God works all these things together for good.  2 Tim. 4:6-8

God has great reward for those who suffer and are obedient.  2 Cor. 5:10, Matt. 6:20


Closing Scripture:  Rom. 8:18-25

Monday, November 4, 2024

Ordination Service for Josh Smith

To ordain = set apart to an office, duty, task.....

Ordination = a ceremony wherein an individual is
          #1 - recognized as called, gifted for a task
  and   #2 - FORMALLY INDUCTED - into that office or given a title reflecting that

So... are gathered to FORMALLY recognize and induct Josh into the office of Pastoral MINISTRY

Pastoral Qualifications?  1 Tim. 3:1-7

Additional charges in Pastoral Epistles = 102  (my count)  - Timothy and Titus

Whittled down to 3 categories....

    A.  Preaching
    B.  Pastoring 
    C.  Personal Development   

So.....The Charge to Josh  

I.  Preaching - because this is a ministry of THE WORD!! - if not of the Word, is not preaching.
    1 Tim. 4:13
    Titus 2:1 - "teach according to sound Doctrine" - get it right
    2 Tim. 2:14 - Keep reminding, warn them  (REPETITION)

On one hand - "with great patience"
On the other hand - Titus 2:15 - "with all authority"

In other words, be authoritative, but don't be an arrogant Know it all!!!!

1 Tim. 6:2 - "urge these things upon the people"

II.  Pastoring (Shepherding)
Because this = ministry of Word AND of People!!   A person who doesn't do well with people can't be a pastor.
1 Tim. 4:12 "example" live the faith as well as preach it
2 Tim. 5:1-2  On one hand "exhort" (confront, challenge) without being arrogant
                     However, "don't rebuke sharply" and "treat people properly"
1 Tim. 5:21  "Without partiality"
                Some people are more likeable but all due equal respect and concern
2 Tim. 2:24   "kind to everyone" (includes non-believers)
2 Tim. 2:25   "gently instruct" those who oppose

Titus - "teach older men, teach older women, encourage young men, be a n example, show integrity"

Add:  2 Tim. 4:5 - don't be a 'short fused' preacher
       endure, do the work, discharge ALL duties!!!

Add also:  John 21 - "feed my sheep" IF you love me!!!!
And  1 Pet. 5:2-4

Octavia Baptist Church needs BOTH a preacher AND a pastor!!!

III.  Personal Development
1 Tim. 4:7 - TRAIN YOURSELF!!  Nobody is going to do it for you!!!

1 Tim. 4:14 - don't neglect your gift
1 Tim. 4:15 - be diligent (give self wholly to this)
1 Tim. 4:16  - watch LIFE and DOCTRINE  (persevere in both)

Add these....:  "flee sin, pursue righteousness"
                      "fan into flame the gift within you"
                      "guard what has been entrusted to you"
                      "endure hardship"
                      "join me in suffering for the gospel"
                      "fight the good fight of faith"

Summary:   1 Tim. 2:15
Only 1 person can develop you into a great preacher, pastor - YOURSELF!!! Even God won't do it without your cooperation adn effort!!!

This = your Calling, ministry, JOB!!
DON'T BE LAZY!  DEVELOP YOURSELF!! NEVER  stop studying, pursuing, developing, learning!

NOW  A Charge to the church - Josh is being ordained BY OBC to soon be your Pastor.  You have obligations and responsibilities also!!!!

#1.  If you recognize him as a preacher, teacher ... listen to him!!
Doesn't mean he's always right!  But always give due consideration and respect.

#2.  If you recognize him as a leader... follow him. 
    On one hand, he's not always right
    However, he is the one most likely to recognize God's Vision and direction

#3.  If you recognize him as a defender of the faith.... support him!  Example:  Ex. 17 - Israel and Amalekites
Aaron adn Hur holding up Moses' hands!! - a leader needs to be supported

#4. If you recognize him as a man of God... Pray for him!! - that is our obligation  
      The greater the ministry... the greater the pressures and attacks!! By Satan, by non-believers

NOTE - his call, position does not lessen his humanity!!

#5.  If you recognize him as a fellow human being.... minister to him!!
      He will need - encouragement, compassion, sympathy, affirmation, backing, forgiveness!!! 
Jesus - "spirit is willing, flesh is weak"

#6.  If your recognize him as  a family man.... minister to his family!  If you want to bless him bless his family!

#7. If you recognize him as a n employee ... Pay him! 
      Don't be so "spiritual" that you are impractical!  1 Cor. 9:7-11

#8.  If you recognize him as an Outstanding employee... reward him!!   (this is more than money)
      IF he blesses this church and this community, then it is only fitting for the church and community to bless him!!

Closing:  presentation of Certificate of Ordination, signed Bible, prayer and congratulations!!

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

The Cure for Weariness

 I)  Why are we weary?  Why are we tired?  Answer:  Our souls are malnourished.

      A.   - Man does not live by bread alone......  Matt. 4:4, Deut. 8:3
           God gives peace, satisfaction, rest

           Junk food doesn't satisfy - gives a burst of bad energy, then crash
           Example:  candy to kids on bus.  Great for a while, but crash is coming!

     B.  We aren't getting our work done - Gen. 2:2 - in 6 days you shall do your work, and 7th. day cease from labor.
           Sabbath = rest or cease
           Mixing work with leisure = do neither well
           God gave 7th day of rest as example for us.  He doesn't get tired.  You do!

    C.  We are weighed down by sin and useless stuff.
           Psm. 38:3-4 - Psm. 31:10, Psm. 32:3-4  so ... Psm. 32:5-7
           Heb. 12:1 - sin and junk
            "if your social media causes you to miss out on life, delete it."
            "if your cell phone causes you misery, light it on fire and smile"
            "if video games consume 6 hours of your day, sell them.  You'll have money and time."

    D.  We fail to rest.   First of all, repent of sins and trust Christ - Rom. 6:16-18
                    Matt. 11:28-30 = rest and refreshment for your soul in Christ.
             Yoke sounds like bondage .... My yoke.....
             Matt. 23:4     - not by works
             Eph. 2:8 - God draws - God saves - God keeps by grace

             Luke 10 - Mary sits and listens to Jesus, while Martha is busy.  It's good to serve, but it's hard to serve in your own might without God.
            Give God a day - Gen. 2:2 - a little every day 

You have an example in Elijah - (rested and refreshed) 
             1 King. 1:9 - defeated prophets of Baal, brought rain, raced Ahab on foot
                               - then on run from wicked Jezebel
              1 Kings 19:4 - meets with God, eats, drinks, gets some naps (good spiritual advice)
                                   = back at it in strength after 4o days.

We - need to find rest so we can work, fight, live as intended
       - turn to Jesus
       - repent of sin, get rid of junk
       - give Him time (a day) - for the Word, prayer, Worship, fellowship, enjoy the outdoors, family, enjoy God's gifts and cease mentally, physically, spiritually from work.

Closing Scripture:  Heb. 4:1-11                           

Friday, October 25, 2024

Obedience, Faithfulness, Provision

 God teaches us through stories.  Today - story of Abraham.

Gen. 12:1-3 - much has happened prior to this section of Scripture:  

                     The flood, tower of Babel,

Now God chooses and calls a man called Abram to leave his country, his family, to a place He tells him. 
                      Will make him a great nation, all families of the earth will be blessed.
                       Name will be great.

 God Blesses and works through Obedience 
Shows great faith, even when don't  have all the details.  Was a big ask.   Abram left everything.

 Sometimes God calls us to something that we aren't comfortable with, but we have to step out of our comfort zone in faith to obey.

 Went to Egypt because of famine - claimed Sarah his sister - 

Heb. 11:8-9 - Matt. 19:29 

God does this not only to Christians but to unbelievers as well.
In order to follow Christ, they have to leave a lot.

When God calls you to step out in faith, we can look at Abraham as an example.
Goes to Egypt due to famine, not totally honest with Egyptians about who Sarah was,
God brings plagues, uses plagues to bring them out.

Later on, due to famine, Joseph's family moved to Egypt, then were called out after 400 years - used plagues to get them out.  

Jesus went to Egypt as a baby to avoid Herod's decree to kill all the male children. - Hos. 11:1

God using all these things to show us that God is faithful.

Gen. 13 - 14 - separates with Lot, rescues him in battle, Melchizedek shows up.

Gen. 15:1-6, 12-21 - God makes covenant with Abram - and he believed God.  Was counted as righteousness.  Jer. 34:18-19 - how covenants worked in those days

God is faithful even when we're not.   Abram cannot mess this covenant up - both parts taken by God.

   a) - dishonesty about Sarah
   b)  - Sarah, Hagar, Ishmael
   c)  Gen. 17:15-21- Abraham laughs -
   d)  Sarah laughs later and God chastises - can't lie to God.  Just be honest.

Gen. 18:14 - Is anything too hard for the Lord  

Psm. 86:15 - get back in the game - 1 John 1:9 - God does keep His promises.

Chapter 21 - Isaac born, Abraham was 100 and Sarah 90.

Though Abraham was a great man of faith, and a hero in the Bible, he was still a man just like us and still messed up.  If God chooses to work with and through us, He has to work with broken and flawed people.

God provides for our greatest needs. 
Psm. 23:1 - The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.

Gen. 22:1-3 - God tested Abraham. - Was quick to obey. 

Gen. 22:8 - that's faith - said God would provide a lamb
Gen. 22:9 -  willingly lay life down in obedience to his father. 
Can see gospel message played out. - Mt. Moriah very close to where temple was built, and close to where Jesus was crucified.

Gen. 22:13-14 - God provided a substitute
         He still does this for us.  1 John 4:9-10, Rom. 5:8
         Accept it.
         Don't get numb to it.  

Greatest need any of us have is a Savior.  God placed in us the desire to know Him.

A. Give life to Jesus.  Don't give up or give in after you fail.
Examples:  Peter, David, Abraham

B.  Get Back in the fight.

Never going to find true love, true peace, without Christ.


Monday, October 14, 2024

Start Winning the Battle in Your Mind

 We all struggle with discouragement, anger, depression, fear, frustration, etc,  Many are completely destroyed.  The major battles start in the mind.

Today:  Paul to the Philippians, from prison.

Phil. 4:4  - Major theme = REJOICE!
Phil. 2:18 - you also be glad and rejoice with me.
Phil. 3:1 - ..... rejoice in the Lord
1 Thess. 5:16 - Rejoice always - regardless of circumstances - be glad in, celebrate, delight in God's grace

Antonym of rejoice:  be annoyed, aggravated, irritated, gripe

Why rejoice?  We have reason to rejoice!!  It sets our heart and mind right.

Phil. 4:5 - reasonableness, gentleness - speaking to two women. 
quote from Preach the Word - "A rejoicing spirit is a gentle spirit and a gentle spirit is a healing balm to the church and the world!"

The Lord is at hand, near.  God is with His people.  - Isa. 57:15 - Rest in that!

Phil. 4:6 - Do not be anxious - don't worry about it 
              Paul writes from prison - Phil. 4:9 - model what you've seen in me.  He had dealt with hunger, poverty, ostracism, infiltrators, and heretics.
Matt. 6:25, 31, 34 - states 3 times 'do not be anxious'.  It steals from God's gift and plan for today.

We worry about so much that will never happen.
Matt. 6:27 - who can add a cubit to height by worrying
Luke 12:25 - who can add single hour to life

Now I'm worried about my worrying.  What do I do??

Pray with a thankful heart.  God knows what is going on around you.
Sounds simple and it works.

Pray without ceasing = 1 Thess. 5:17-18
Song:  "oh, what peace we often forfeit, oh what needless pain we bear"

Phil. 4:7 - Peace of God - prayer works.  John 14:27 - Jesus gives peace far beyond what anything else cn give.

Phil. 4:8 - Fill your mind with and think of good things. 
Think on true things instead of lies.
              honorable things instead of dishonorable, unethical, unprincipled things
              just things instead of unjust, unreasonable, wrong
              pure things instead of filthy, contaminated things
              lovely things instead of ugly, grotesque
              commendable instead of reprehensible

Media, blog, TV, podcast social media - What we consume matters.

Psm. 101:3 - peaceful mind - or tumultuous, anxious, angry

Rejoice --- don't complain
Set self to not worry --- don't be consumed with it
Pray without ceasing ---- instead of prayerless
Fill your mind with good and not evil.

Ask self - What do you add and what do you subtract?

Closing Scripture:  Eph. 4:25-32

Monday, October 7, 2024

The Christian Journey - Part 2

 Last Week = Israel out of Egypt + into the wilderness
Egypt = bondage    Wilderness = teaching and testing
Promised Land = where God wanted His people to dwell in this life  (land of blessing) 

Application for us?  - 1 Cor. 10:11

compare to your personal journey!  getting to the place God wants you to be - ie:  IN THIS LIFE!!
We can learn from their mistakes.

Last week = "what 1st. generation did wrong...."
(1)  Stopped!  didn't stop believing, owning, following... but= stopped short;  on the brink of blessing.

(2)  Why stopped?  easier to wander tan to fight - today - easier to be a mediocre, lukewarm Christian than be where God wants us to be.

(2)  Result?  on one hand, God took care of them.
                    however, they missed His best.... for themselves and for their children!  AND, they left a legacy of unbelief (failure)

The REST of the Story?  Conquest by the 2nd. Generation.
(Book of Joshua   Deut. = re-reading of the Law    Joshua - the conquest

So.... today= What the 2nd. Generation did right!

Application = compare to your spiritual journey  ie:  getting to the place God wants you to be (in THIS life!)

I.  They embraced God's Vision   (for them) 
Which = Ex. 3:7-8  ("out of, into")
On one hand  wilderness - part of the journey  (teaching, testing)
However, not intended as permanent residence

Note:  the analogy breaks down here because our Spiritual journey means we OFTEN return to the place of teaching, testing.  Example:  Abraham - Gen. 22:1  - 114 years old.

God's plan for you MAY be scary, difficult, etc. 
But  (1) = a plan for your good  - Ger. 29:10-11
(context = Israel and homeland   But has universal application for believers) - vs. 11

And (2)  a plan for your growth - Eph. 4:11-15

II)  They accepted responsibility (for the conquest (them)
Contrast:  1st. Generation - Korah's Rebellion - Num. 16:12-14

Question:  Who = responsible for your spiritual journey?  growth?  development?  Because = "fix me"!!!
Compare:  2 Pet. 1:3/5

III)  They Planned to Succeed
This is more than hoped, intended, wanted to....
This - planned and prepared to .

NOTE:  this does not mean plans APART from God
             but = in conjunction with God  (His directions)

So... do you want to be a wanderer?  (a victim; "not my fault")
or a conqueror?  (take responsibility)

IV)  They stepped out  (moved forward, acted, went in)
again ... NOT apart from God's directives BUT once you know ... it's time to GO!!

V)  They went into the Land  (redundant?)
WENT IN ... (1) focused - alert, aware
Deutonomy states over and over - "watch out, beward, remember, don't forget" - therefore intent and intense
                     (2)  fighting  - compare  Col. 1:28-29
                     (3) expecting trouble - Eph. 6:10-12 - our struggle ins not against flesh and blood, BUT ... = constant struggle!!
                     (4)  expecting success  - they had the Lord's PROMISE and PRESENCE  Josh. 1:4-6, 9

VI)  They TOOK the Land
On one hand, God GAVE it to them!!
However, they had to TAKE it!  Josh. 1:10-11
AND ... they took it INCREMENTALLY - ie.  1 small piece at a time.  Conquest too 5 - 7 years.
Book of Joshua covers about 25 years. 
On one hand, we have some miracles after Jericho
However, MOST cities fell without miracles!!!

So... they fought to TAKE the Land and then,

VII)  They fought to keep it.
The WAR isn't OVER when the Battle is won.    Satan will try to take it all back!
On one hand, we have VICTORY in Christ
However, the Final Victory is not until we are in His presence!!

So..... the Challenge for us... for you....

(1)  will you leave Egypt?  A way has been provided for that .... The Gospel

(2)  You will travel through the wilderness  (maybe repeatedly)
Question:  will you learn there?  or will you Live there??  Is your decision

(3)  Will you move on ... to the place God wants you to dwell?  May be scary, difficult, dangerous, BUT,.. you don't go alone  "Lo, I am with your ALWAYS..." 
You have to go - no one is going to carry you.  

Closing Scripture:  John 13:17

Sunday, September 29, 2024

The Christian Journey

Comparison:  Israel's Journey from Egypt to the Promised Land

Application = 1 Cor. 10:1-6, 11

This = parallel to the Christian journey.
Egypt = land of bondage
Wilderness = wandering, teaching, growing
Promised Land = place of blessing

We are looking at the 1st. generation coming up out of Egypt.
Note:  we are in bondage to sin before accepting Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior

I)  What did they do wrong?
They stopped!!!!  = didn't stop believing, owning God as their God,, following Him
                            = stopped short of His plan.  ie:  the blessing

II)  Where did they stop?
On the brink of blessing!!
God's plan for them - Ex. 3:7-8

III)Why did they stop?  were on the brink of blessings
Answer:  easier to wander than to fight!
God's plan is NOT always easy, comfortable, ... BUT = BEST!

IV)  How did they fare
OK!  They got by .... Deut. 29:5

V)  What did they miss?  
Only God's BEST!! 
A)  What He had for them!
B)  What He had for their kids!
NOTE!!   on one hand, this is your journey.  However, others are affected by it!

VI)  What did they leave behind?  
A legacy!!... of a bad example!!
On one hand, God is going to use you.
However, YOU decide how!!  2 Tim. 2:20-21
You can be a flower pot or a chamber pot.  


How to NOT get stuck??
Don't stop!  Keep going!
Note: you don't make the journey all alone.  (God, brothers and sisters in Christ)
However, nobody is going to Carry you into the Promised Land!!

What if I Have stopped?
Then..... Re-Start!!!  We get more than one chance at the Promised Land.   Rev. 2:4-5 - to the church in Ephesus.

This journey requires....
(1)  a decision - (a) going to accept and get out of bondage
                         (b)  where you are going to spend the rest of your life?

(2)  A start - from Egypt AND From the wilderness

(3)  Continuity = doesn't mean never stumble, fall. 
                       = always get back up
Hang in there, keep going, keep moving
Example:  the tortoise and the hare

(4)  Self-discipline because = WORK!!!   Phil. 3:12-15    It's a whole lot easier to NOT do the things needed to do to get God's blessings

(5)  Regular re-adjustment - example:  self-guided missile.  (self-correcting)

(6)  An occasional Re-start
Because, we all tend to 'slip away', get lax, etc.

(7)  Confidence in God - (religious terminology = FAITH!!!)

Back to:  1 Cor. 10:11-13
POINT = (1)  You can DO THIS!! = is God's plan, will, desire for you!!
                (2)  with the help of  ... (a) God
                                                    (b) your brothers and sisters in Christ

This is YOUR Decision!!

Closing Scripture:  Heb. 11:1, 6

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Priority Problems

Do you find yourself busy, doing stuff,  but accomplishing nothing?  Worried & stressed and have regrets at the end of the day.

The world today = directionless, anxious, unproductive.  However, we, as Christians, should not be that.       We have direction, we have purpose.  The Bible tells us not to be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and thanksgiving to let our requests be known to God.  And the peace of God will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

We know if we are honoring God with our life, we should be bearing good fruit.  But, we live in a world that is directionless, anxious, and unproductive, and, we, as Christians can fall into this, too.

One of main reasons we do this = priorities get out of line, are off.

Here are some things that should be priorities and will make life more productive, less anxious,  and more direction and purpose to life.

First of all:
1)  Put your faith in Jesus.  Are never going to be effective in the life you are meant to live without a relationship with God..

     John 14:6 - You can't run from the author of life!

Just we live in a Christianized part of the world doesn't mean everyone is a Christian.  You have to make that decision yourself.  Someone else's faith will not save you!!

2)  Make meeting with God top priority.   Matt. 6:33 - seek God before seeking even necessities.

     a)  Spend time in the Bible - Psm. 119:105
          Read, meditate, memorize - God's Word gives direction, guides your path.  Helps set our mind on God, and puts our view of ourselves in its proper place.  He has a way of using His word in a huge way to work through your life.

    b)  Pray - Jer. 33:3  Starting your day with prayer and scripture, sets the tone for the whole day. 

3)  Eliminate distractions.  Distractions lead to procrastination
     Do you have a problem with procrastination?   Pretty universal problem.  When we eliminate some distractions in our life, helps us to better do the things we SHOULD do.
     Eph. 4:11-14 - God has given us these resources to make us solid in the faith.

Do we let the world dictate our life?  What we think about?  what we value?  what we work for?  spend time?  spend money?  
   What we see on our  Phone, TV, social media, Video games, podcasts, videos we let dictate what we think about that day.  Are they good hobbies, do they help with tasks?
Col. 3:1-2

Challenge:  Don't consume anything until you've met with the Creator.  Not just food.  Before we start taking in what the world has to say this morning.  Before all this, spend time with the Creator whose every word is true.

4)  Write down priorities and order efforts accordingly.
   Example:  1) God  2)  Family  3) Work   4) Ministry

 Question:  How am I ordering my priorities?  Am I doing the big things first, or spending all my time on the small stuff.

Little book - quick read - "Tyranny of the Urgent" by Charles G. Hummel

You'll be amazed when you start doing the important things first, how there will be time enough for all the smaller things. 

What are the effects of proper priorities?

---Peace - Psm. 1:1-6, Isa. 26:3  Peaceful heart should set Christians apart.  You can't have peace, can't rest apart from God.  Are to rest in the presence of God.  God IS our rest!

---Fruitfulness, productivity - John 15:4-5, Titus 3:14

---Discernment - Rom. 12:1-2  Direction.  

Let us strive to put God first.

Closing Scripture:  Matt. 11:25-30

Sunday, September 15, 2024

8 Words to Direct Your Life

Opening Scriptures:
Matt. 5:13 - you are the salt
Matt. 5:14 - you are to be the light of the world
Eph. 2:10 - you were created by God for good works
1 Cor. 12:7 - every Christian given manifestations of the Spirit for the good of others 

Point = You are here for a Reason!  a Purpose!
In other words -- to MAKE A DIFFERENCE    (MAED)  - make an eternal difference

in light of that.....  8 words to direct your life... FROM A BIBLICAL PERSPECTIVE

#1.  CONSIDER = stop and think, examine, reflect on LIFE and YOUR life
Jesus said, "life is more than food and clothes"  - more than material things.
Should ask self "where I came from?  Where am I going?  WHY am I here?  - sum total of philosophy

Prov. 14:8, 15, 21:29    Matt. 6:30-33

#2.  CHOOSE - on one hand, can't choose all things (when and where born, to whom, siblings, etc)
                      however, CAN choose what to DO with what you have
Deut. 30:11-15, 19

John 1:11- given opportunity to accept Christ.

#3.  DEVELOP- IF you choose Christ, THEN are to Develop your Christian Character!  2 Pet. 1:3-9
This requires... attention, effort, discipline, continuity

#4.  INFLUENCE - "salt, light, fishers of men, helpers" = INFLUENCE
in other words, guide, direct, convince, sway, shape, change for the better
2 Cor. 5:17-20
"ambassador" - seeks to Represent Christ
                     - seeks to influence people for Christ

Lest I present Christianity as ALL work and responsibility ... add
#5.  ENJOY!  1 Tim. 6:17
Proverbs says a lot about "glad heart, cheerful heart"
Ecclesiastes - "nothing better than Be Happy - Do good - eat, drink and find satisfaction in your work - this is God's gift to man"
Nehemiah 8 = "Go enjoy choice food, sweet drinks, do not grieve FOR (1) this is a holy day" AND "the joy of the Lord is your strength"

But also...
#6.  PREPARE   Luke 12:13-21 - this man had an Abundance!!  Was prepared to ENJOY it!! But failed to prepare for most important time of his life!!! (ie:  death and thereafter!!)  Hence = "Rich Fool"

#7.  REVISIT - ie:  Reexamine, Review, Reevaluate these things! 
Is often repeated in Scripture: "Remember, don't forget, be careful, watch out, etc....
BECAUSE We = forgetful... Especially when times are good!!!
2 Pet. 1:12-13  - The value, benefit of attending a good Bible based church!

#8.  READJUST - compare to self-guided missile.  Knows the target but has to readjust course many times during the trip there.
But, we are not machines, we don't automatically readjust.  We have to consciously choose to readjust course.
must apply 'self.... attention, examination, willingness, effort

This seems intense!  A lot of effort and work and self-discipline!  And it IS!!! But.... John 13:17 - "not you know... blessed If you DO....!!
This I know about you..... in other words, You Want to Be Blessed!!!

Closing Scripture:  Deut. 28:1-6

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Faith for the Fire

Recap = Daniel 1.  (See last week's notes.)  605 BC - Jerusalem invaded, best and wisest of young men taken to Babylon to make them into Babylonian wise men.


Dan. 2:1-2 - Nebuchadnezzar's dream.  Offered death or riches to magicians, enchanters, sorcerers (all forbidden) to not only tell him what the dream was but then EXPLAIN what the dream MEANT!! 
Apparently, these wise men could do something things. 
Examples:  Egyptian magicians, sorcerers - mimicking some of the signs that Moses showed Pharoah. 
                 Witch of Endor and calling up Samuel for Saul.  
The Bible CONDEMNS dabbling in witchcraft, substances, black magic, etc.  It will mess you up, and has nothing to do with Jesus.  Continuing in these things can ruin a society.  

Dan. 2:10-11 - what king asks is impossible for all but the true God.

King very angry at this.  Set decree to destroy all of the wise men.  This included Daniel and three friends. 

Dan. 2:12-18 Daniel responds with prudence and discretion.  Then  schedules meeting with the king.  Goes home and prays with his friends.  You need Christian brothers and sisters in your life.  Join a church.  Get involved with those that are there.
Daniel tells the king his dream and the interpretation. 
Interpretation:  head of gold
                       chest of silver
                       body of bronze
                       legs of iron
                       feet of iron mixed with clay
                       large stone
(descriptions of coming kingdoms after Babylonians)

When things get crazy in the world, Christians should be the most calm.

Dan. 2:25-30   Daniel gave all the credit to God, not himself.

Point #1:  God's best servants are humble servants.

Dan. 2:46-49
Question:  did the King get saved?  Answer:  NO!!  Paid lip service.  Bowed down and paid Daniel homage.  Shouldn't have done that!!Was stirred but not changed.

Point #2:  God's servants don't just give lip service!  Matt. 15:7-8
Jesus to the Pharisees,
See that in many folks - they have an experience, but no submission to God.

How do you know King Neb wasn't changed?

Dan. 3:1-7 - Image of gold - 90 ft. tall, 9 ft. wide.    Set up probably near where the Tower of Babel was built.
Ordered everyone to fall down and worship the image when heard the music.  Clearly Nebuchadnezzar was not changed. 
Everyone went along.  

Point #3:  God's people don't follow the crowd.
If the whole world is chasing something, you need to stop and question - is this honoring to God or not?
The mark of a Christian is not how much you can look like the world
John 15:18 - if the world hates you, understand, it hated me first.  However,
Rom. 12:18 - as far as it depends on you, live in peace.

Dan. 3:8-12
Point #4:  God's people will be hated - 2 Tim. 3:12
Chaldeans had lost their influence to these Hebrew boys whose God was not a god of the Babylonians. they'd been put in places of authority  So, they tried to have Shad, and Misch, and Abed killed. 

Just like Jesus was rejected by the elites (Pharisees and Sadducees) who were trying to hang on to their control.   John 9:41 - knew the truth of who Jesus was but but tried to suppress it.

Rom. 1:20-22 - they were without excuse.  Claiming to be wise, became fools.   Word for fool = Nabal. - morally corrupt, willingly disobedient, 
If you are suppressing God's call, drop your pride and come to Jesus.  

Dan. 3:13-18
Point #5:  Obedience to God is always right 

Dan. 3:19-23 - king sat down to laugh

Dan. 3:24-27 - 4th. man in the fire?  son of the gods?  Christophony?   I believe was Jesus!
God saves his people. not even the smell of smoke on their clothing.

Psm. 103:11-12
Point #6:  Jesus Saves  His blood was so precious and powerful, it can save YOU!  Murderers, adulterers, thieves, even tax collectors.  Saves completely!!!

Eph. 2:8-9 - if you've never put your faith in Jesus Christ, let go and follow Jesus.  If He's drawing you to Himself, don't fight it.  Don't put it off!

For those of us who ARE Christians, let us not be afraid to stand for truth, for God, let us think about what we're doing, what we are going along with.  Make sure our confessions and our praise goes to the King of kings and Lord of lords.



Monday, September 2, 2024

Set Apart for the Lord

 Can learn a lot from Sunday School Bible stories.  They stick with you throughout your life.

This morning from book of Daniel.

Dan. 1:1-2 - takes place about 605 BC. Later, were more sieges, more captives taken, finally temple overthrown.

Question:  The Lord gave.......?  Why? 
Answer:  to discipline His people.  They were living in sin. Had abandoned God.   Can read about that in Jeremiah, Ezekiel, 2 Kings.  Were serving other gods.   Would offer up sacrifices to these foreign gods.  Even to sacrificing their children.  

Point #1:  God disciplines and purifies His people.
 Does this because He loves us.  The Lord disciplines the one He loves, and He chastens everyone He accepts as His son. - Heb. 12:6

Psalm 94:12 - Blessed is the man whom You discipline, O Lord, and whom you teach out of your law.
When we are disciplined by God, is a good thing.  That means we are His children.  We're His people. 

Psm. 94:14 - For the Lord will not forsake His people;  He will not abandon His heritage!  Jesus' blood is precious for us to continue in our sins.   He will not let us go our own way.

He disciplines us because He loves us and we are HIS people.  We are called by His name for a purpose.
Discipline is for our good!

2 Tim. 2:21-22 - "....flee youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace,...."
God can discipline individuals, nations, communities, and churches.  From the outside, looks like a defeat.  But
God is NOT defeated.  He allowed this for a purpose.

Point #2:  God doesn't lose - He works through calamity.

Daniel 1:3-7
Took the brightest and best to Babylon to teach them Babylonian ways.  )Not a good kingdom.  Not a good king.)  Mainly young people.
   *Identity - gave them new names that mocked the meaning of their Jewish names - names pointed to YHWH
To teach them how NOT to be Jews, but how to be Babylonians.

Purpose was to deconstruct them down to nothing and rebuild them into Babylonian wise men. 

Today much of the same is happening to our young people through Hollywood, politics, academia, social media, etc.  Whole purpose = to destruct, confuse and abuse - from Christianity, family, basic identity as man/woman, from truth of God's Word.

Challenge:  keep our eyes open!  Be on guard!  Set our minds of true things.  A lot of things are discussed as normal, good, acceptable are not neutral.  Enemy's #1 target is young people - and the best and brightest of our young people.

Daniel 1:8-14 - resolved in innermost being.
  They were all alone (no parents, priests, teachers) - they'd seen great calamity.  Would be easy to forget about or doubt God.
  Were not Vegans, but didn't want to eat unclean, and food sacrificed to idols.  Not only would they be partaking of the king's food, would be partaking in the worship of the king's idols.  They resolved in their heart to honor God.  They denied themselves.  - No one else did!  Seemingly, everyone else was going along with the king's orders.

We can get to the point where we judge right or wrong by what is socially acceptable?  What does everyone else think about this.  That can NEVER be our standard.  Daniel and his friends RESOLVED in their hearts to honor God by what they ate and drank.
How easy it would have been for them to NOT do this, to just fall in line with everyone else.   Most of these youths had seen horrible things - were totally separated from friends and family.

Question:  Do we deny ourselves?     Matt. 16:24 - If anyone would come after me......
Youth - dating, media, speech, treatment of others, what we consume - does it look different from the world around you?
Adults - time, money, media, spouse and kids, speech?  Do our lives truly look different from those around us who are not saved.  Do these things reflect our devotion to God?   The way we speak to each other?  to those who have wronged us?  to those in the community?  It is easy to point fingers at other people.  Easy to find the faults in other people.  Need to examine selves.  

It's amazing what God will do with young people when they are sold out to Jesus Christ.

1 Tim. 4:12 - don't let anyone look down on speech, conduct, love, faith, purity..  People are going to want to know what is different about you.

This could have cost Daniel and friends, as well as the chief eunuch greatly.  But God is always working - already working things out when we can't see - must just trust and obey.  

Dan. 1:15-21 - God is pleased with and blesses faithfulness.
Luke 11:28 - "Blessed rather are those who hear the Word of God and keep it!"

They were given understanding and wisdom (comes from God) and learning.  More than all in Babylon.  We given an audience with the king.  They used that wisdom for the glory of God.

Matt. 5:16 - Let your light so shine before men....
Stand out - be different.  Stay faithful to God.  Trust and believe that God will use us.
Don't let the world dictate your belief, your words, or your life.

God takes the low things of this world and uses them for big things.    

Let us honor God with our whole lives, be courageous, and stand firm.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Primary Elements of A True Christian Faith

1st. John - - written to Christian Churches dealing with Gnostics - (claimed they had knowledge no one else had.  They perverted the gospel.)  written by John at about 90 years old.

1 Theme in 1st. John = "by this you can know you're a true believer in the faith."

Alongside that  = (1) characteristics of the TRUE FAITH  
                          (2)  the growth and development of that faith.

Which = this morning's topic!

Some primary elements  (components) of a TRUE Christian Faith!!

A True Christian faith consists of....

#1.  A Knowledge of God  (ie:  begins with head knowledge; based on actual facts, truths - reality
Because you are NOT going to trust unless your Know they are TRUSTWORTHY.
You can't be at ease with God if you don't KNOW God - specific revelation!!
2 Pet. 3:18 - grow in grace and knowledge   Prov. 18:15 - intelligent heart requires knowledge

#3.  Fellowship with God - (or Christ) - This is more than head knowledge = experiential
James 2:19    Gen. 4:1
This relationship/intimacy comes from....
   A  Knowing ABOUT God
   B.  Personally coming to God - ie:  born again, saved, etc.
        Rev. 3:20  - personal, intentional decision to receive Him as Lord and Savior

#3.  Obedience to God (Christ) 
      John 14:15   1 John 2:3-4    Luke 6:46
Keep His commandments - if say am a Christian but not keeping commandments, are a liar!

#4.  Confidence in God (Christ)  = called "trust"
      Confidence for ..... (1)  Salvation - John 3:16
                                   (2)  for preservation  (of salvation) - Jude 24
                                   (3) IN CONFUSION - Psm. 42:11  2 Cor. 4:18  - even when world is falling apart

#5.  Spiritual Growth  - 1 Pet. 2:2  2 Pet. 1:3, 5-8
       Living things grow  (develop)
BUT.... spiritual growth requires cooperation with God.  If is no growth, should question salvation.

#6.  Service for God and to God
       John 21 "if you love me.... feed mine..."
      Matt. 23 - "greatest = servant of all"
     AS seen in .... 1 Cor. 12:7     Pet. 4:10 - use your gift to serve other people - we are God's hands in the absence of Jesus.

#7.  Community  - Matt. 16:18  "build my church"
       Ecclecia = Called out AND gathered together
      (Church = Body of Christ ... we - His hands in His absence.
     Heb. 10:24-25  - church gathers

#8.  Perseverance - 1 John 2:19   Heb. 2:1
     The one who disconnects totally from God's people gives reason for their faith to be questioned.

Question:  How am I doing with these things????

Closing Scripture:  2 Pet. 1:9-10


Sunday, August 18, 2024

The Unhindered Incarceration

Paul is in prison but God's Word goes on and is not hindered.

We are coming from Acts - Paul's 3rd. missionary journey, testified before governors and kings, the Sanhedrin, and has ended up being brought to Rome.  

God did a lot of work during the trip to Rome.  

Acts 28:11-12 - finally set sail for Rome after 3 months layover.  Stopped at Syracuse and stayed three days.  Paul planted a church during those three days.   

Acts 28:13-15 - stayed at next stop for 7 days.  Brothers came from surrounding areas to see Paul.  Gave Paul courage.  Paul was encouraged.  

Why?  saw some effects of his ministry?  saw some fruit from his ministry? 
Probably just because he was revived to be in the presence of other believers.

Being around other believers is or should be an encouragement to us, refreshing.

Point #1:  Thank God for good fellowship.  Christian life is not meant to be lived alone.  We need one another, we are refreshed by one another, we encourage one another.

Acts 28:16 - Paul allowed to stay by himself chained to a Roman guard.  Possibly had 4 different guards every day.   You can imagine what these guys heard from Paul and what he did.

What happened to these guards?   Phil. 1:12-14 Has become clear and evident to these guards that Paul was in prison because of Christ.   Circumstances actually worked out for good.  Worked through speaking to the guards, but also encouraged the believers to speak out boldly for Christ.
When you are around someone with courage, it gives you more courage.

Point #2:  God doesn't stop working in "bad" circumstances 
God uses these bad circumstances to direct and correct
God does great things in bad times.
Examples:  through Paul's persecution in Jerusalem - before this, gospel message was staying pretty localized.  Then persecution came and suddenly gospel was spread out throughout entire area.
                 Rom. 12:12 - rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.  "help me to see what You are trying to show me in this situation."

Now Paul's custom was to go to the Jews first.  They were supposed to be waiting for the Messiah.  Had knowledge of the Old Testament, Jesus' ministry was mostly to the Jewish people.  
Paul says in Rom. 1:16 - not ashamed of the gospel .....Jew first and also to the Greeks.
Paul had a heart for those closest to him.  He was a Jew's Jew - Jewish to the core.  Had a great love and compassion for the Jewish people.

Acts 28:17-24 - mixed response but lots of rejection! - from his Jewish brethren.

Point #3:  Never give up on your family
Gal. 6:9 - let us not grow weary
1 Cor. 15:58 - be a witness to those closest to us.  Easy to become discouraged and give up.  God has called us to be a light, a witness to those closest to us.  It's hard to do.  But, do not grow weary of doing good, especially in witnessing to and ministering to your family.

God does bless our work, and is pleased with our work.

Acts 28:25-28 -Prophet Isaiah said Holy Spirit wrote....  

All views of Christian Eschatologies - believe that there is a time coming in the future where there will be a great revival among the Jewish people. 
Rom. 11:25-26 - partial hardening of Jewish people will come until time of Gentiles is fulfilled. 
However, for all - only ONE way to God and that is through Jesus Christ.

Acts 28:30-31
Paul perhaps supported by local believers, kept on with all boldness and without hindrance "unhindered"

He had very fruitful prison ministry. 
 - wrote Ephesians, Phillipians, Colossians, & Philemon

Encouraged and mentored several companions:

Timothy - (Phil. 1, Col. 1:1)
Luke - Acts 28:18
Epaphras - "Fellow servant", "faithful minister", brought the gospel to the Colossians, tradition says was martyred
Onesimus - ex-slave of Philemon, became a Christian - Phil. 1, Col. 4:7-9, Eph. 6:21-22
Philemon - became Christian - pastor in Ephesus after Timothy, filled in for Titus and Timothy
Mark, Aristarchus - Phil. 24 - Mark = former deserter - became helpful, fellow worker, called for
Aristarchus - travel companion - according to tradition - bishop in Syria and martyred by Nero

Phil. 4:21-22 - great ministry in Caesar's household
Paul preached the gospel unhindered, faithful and bold.

Who would have thought!!
Not the end of Paul yet.  Seemingly had a 4th. journey.  clues in the epistles and extra history.  visited old territory, plus
Clement of Rome AD 95 = said he went to the "farthest limits of the west"
Possibly went to Spain - Rom. 15:24, 28
Some even say, went to the British Isles

2nd arrest and traditionally executed by Nero.

Acts ends but the movement continues.

Monday, August 12, 2024

Miracles in Malta

 Acts 28

Last week - God worked thru shipwreck at Malta.
Malta - small island 17 mi x 9 mi.  50mi. south of Sicily.  180 miles north of Libya.  Descended from the Phoenicians descended from Canaanites.  Roman and Greek gods, a temple they claimed built by a giant.  Temple is still there.  Very interesting history.

Acts 28:1-2 - native people showed unusual, extraordinary kindness. 
Publius - chief man - brought all 276 people home with him for 3 days.  

These people showed the shipwrecked people incredible hospitality.  Interesting - they were not Christian people yet.  God blesses that.

Today = 3 points.

Question #1:  Are you known for your hospitality? 
     We used to be - Christians ought to be known for hospitality.  Heb. 13:2   Do we treat strangers that way?
Examples:  Abraham in Genesis 18 - God and two angels
Jesus sending out the 72 - shake dust off feet if not welcomed.

Even lost people can do good - Rom. 2:14-15    The law is written on their hearts - Romans 1, so without excuse.
We as Christians need to be more hospitable to people, not only to strangers, but each other. 
Gal. 6:10 - lest us do good to everyone, especially house of God.

Question #2:  Do you serve with humility?  Are you willing to serve without recognition or praise for what you are doing?
How humble was Paul?  Must be willing to serve wherever needed.

Example:  Mark 9:34-35 - Jesus washing disciples' feet.  

Acts 28:3 - here Paul is a servant with a humble heart.  Picking up sticks for the fire. 
viper latched on to Paul's hand.  

Acts 28:3-6 - Paul unharmed by snake.  Miraculous to confirm the message and the messenger. 
Example:  Mark 16:18, Luke 10:99
Elijah and the prophets of Baal - fire from heaven.
It became clear that God's hand was on Paul.

the Pagan interpretation of this = Pike - mother - goddess of divine justice.  They believed that gods exacted vengeance, were surprised that Paul lived.  So, viper was justice on land.  Took Paul to be a god when he was unharmed by the snake.
Paul did not welcome them proclaiming him a god.  Acts 14:11-17

Here's how we are proven to be Christians - Rom. 12:9-21

Acts 28:7-8 - Hospitality - (276 people in house)

Acts 28:8-10
Question:  why all the miracles in Malta?  Are less and less in Acts - been a couple years and 8 chapters back since any miracles recorded.
Answer:  God blessing their hospitality?  Maybe.  BUT, this was an unreached area - the frontlines.
Many miracles even today through missionaries to unreached places.
God works thought people still - one way he does that is he gives us influence.

Question #3;  Are you using your influence?  With your children, grandchildren, community, school, work, ball games, etc.
God gives us influence for a reason.
God gives us talents and abilities - He expects return...  and, He can just as easily take those things away.

How Paul used his influence:  
He led Publius to the Lord. 
Publius started the first church in Malta, was the 1st. Bishop in Malta, maybe was even the Bishop in Athens.  Malta became the 1st. Christian nation.

The effects are still felt today.  Are different than us, but a 2018 poll stated that 95.2% of the people claimed Christianity.  That all started with Paul using his influence 2000 years ago.

How will you influence those people God has put in your life?

Sunday, August 4, 2024

7 Spiritual Certainties to See When Storm-tossed and Shipwrecked


It's been 2 years since Acts 23:11

Paul had been arrested in the temple, testified before the Sanhedrin, the mob, Felix (Roman governor) and Priscilla, Centurions and soldiers, Festus (replaced Felix), King Herod & his sister Bernice.  In all these instances, God's message was shared - through his own testimony woven in with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

 #1.  God works in transitional times.  He used prison time (2 years) to get His message out.  God told him he would share the gospel in Rome.  Paul waited two years for that to happen.
Examples:  Matt. 10:18 - Jesus to disciples before Paul even in the picture.  

        A.  Don't spend so much time looking ahead that you miss God's call right in front of you.                                 B.  Don't idolize the future ie: when this or that happens, then we'll be ready.  We can miss out what God is putting right in front of us.  The future turns into the present and the present is never perfect.
        C.  Bloom where you are planted until He moves you.

Acts 27:1-3 - Centurions of the Bible:
                    a)  Julius - kind, listens later, saves Paul's life
                    b)  of Capernaum - asks for Jesus to heal servant - Jesus marvels at his faith - more than elsewhere in Israel
                    c)  of Caeserea - who feared God - 1st. Gentile convert, baptized with Holy Spirit

Question:  Why do storms come? - (really tough times.)
Answer:  1)  we live in fallen world
               2)  God redirecting, testing  - Job; blind man
               3)  our own sin
               4)  someone else's sin - ex.  Joseph
God can work in and through all these things.

Acts 27:4-12 - ESV study note:  they were already off course.  Things were getting worse.

2.  Seek God in your decision making

Adrian Rogers' 3 rules to sink your ship. 
      1)  Make your decision in haste - Prov. 19:2, Rom. 12:12, fruit of the spirit (patience), Gal. 6:9
      2)  Depend on worldly wisdom. - bad advice is everywhere.  What voices are you listening to.
           Can really get some bad advice from all kinds of places.
           Paul's credentials as to why should listen to him:  2 Cor. 11:25-27 - written from Macedonia before this
           shipwreck.  Prov. 1:7, Prov. 24:6
      3)  Just follow the crowd. - James 4:4 - problem with the world (crowd) they are often wrong!
           examples:  Shadrach, Meschach, Abendigo, Daniel - went against the crowd - 1 Pet. 2:9
           Atheist morality built on man's ideas and philosophies
If you are a Christian and build your life on the teachings of Christ, your life will look different!!   And that's OK.

Acts 27:13-26.
3.  God's Word is our compass  (should be)  We as Christians always have a way to know which way to go.
         Psm. 119:105, 2 Cor. 5:7

4.  It's OK to say "I told you so."   When the whole world is going crazy, we should look different and tell others why this stuff is happening.

Acts 27:27-32
5.  Faithfulness leads to influence
    example:  Joshua, Centurion here
    Matt. 7:24-27 - man who built on the rock.   Faithfulness makes people notice.  We should be living in such a way that says not terrified by what's happening.

Acts 27:33-44
6.  God keeps His word. - Prov. 30:5

7.  God takes care of His own.
    Doesn't mean that hard times won't come, death won't come, but through it all, God takes care of His children.  Always cares for His own.  Psm. 46:1, Rom. 8:28

God IS and always HAS been in the business of caring for His people.  Even when Paul loses his life.   Said for me to live is Christ and to die is gain.  And for the believer, that's the truth.  God works for our good and His glory.  BUT, that promise is only for believers - God's people.  

If you have never put your faith and trust in Jesus Christ, you certainly are going to run into a storm.  We all will, but you certainly will.  And, you are not going to have a compass, a guide, you have nothing.  Will be in it alone.

If you have never trusted Christ as your Lord and Savior, you need to do that.   Deal with that.
For believers, when we're going through tough times, there are truths God has given us to hold on to. 
Understand this, God is working.  We may not see it, may not understand it, may not ever understand it, but we can hold on to the truth that He loves us and He cares.
God does and will continue to do great things through His people in the midst of tragic times.


Monday, July 29, 2024

Paul on Trial

Acts 21:27-28, 30
Paul returns to Jerusalem - results in riot in the temple court.  Accused of preaching against the Jewish people, against the Law, against the temple.

The Roman Commander (next door in barracks area) intervenes.  (Claudius Lysias - commander of the Roman garrison) Acts 21:31-26

Paul is permitted to address the mob;  gives his personal testimony.  They listen UNTIL ... Acts 22:21-23 - vs. 22 - heresy

Paul taken into the 'barracks' - next day on trial before the Sanhedrin (ruling council of the Jewish nation)
Paul refers to "hope in the resurrection' .. Council is divided and violent.  Acts 23:10

Paul rescued - Acts 23:11 - Lord's message to him.

Plot to kill Paul is thwarted/Paul rushed away to Caeserea to Governor "Felix".  Caeserea - primary port.  Center of Roman politics.

5 days later... Paul has hearing before Felix.  Jews complaint - Acts 24:22-23
Felix calls for personal interview!!  Acts 24:24-26  (Felix was known for taking bribes)

Felix = Convicted but Conflicted ... so... Acts 24:27

Felix is recalled to Rome because of his bribe taking, etc. - replaced by Festus  (Felix' brother-in-law)
Festus goes to Jerusalem and is met by ANGRY Jews!!  Acts 25:1-3

Back in Caesarea .. ANOTHER hearing before Festus!!!  Acts 25:9 - political

But Paul knows PLOT and SENTENCE .... so  Acts 25:11-12 - now has the right to a trial in Rome.

Enter Agrippa!! - Acts 25:13

Festus' dilemma!! - Acts 25:18-19   So... Acts 25:22  He totally doesn't understand what this is all about.

So... Another hearing!!  Acts 26:22-23 - Paul presents his testimony again along with gospel presentation.
       Festus' response - Acts 26:24
the Verdict!! Acts 26:30-32 - Not guilty.

That's the story...,  Are there any lessons?  Any Applications?

Note 1st:  Paul's primary defense is his PERSONAL Testimony!!  (shared before the Jews, Festus, Agrippa!)

Personal Testimony consists of 2 Simple Parts:

#1.  This I KNOW
#2.  This I Believe about what I know.

Example:  the Blind man - John 9:24-25, 32-33
On one hand, need to be able to share the gospel also  (bridge illustration)
However, Testimony is a powerful tool (IF your lifestyle lines up with your testimony)  If it doesn't, your testimony is of no value!!!

Responses to Paul's testimony were varied!!
    Jews - Angry
    Felix - Convicted
    Festus - Indifferent
    Agrippa - Curious
You can expect all these responses to your Personal Testimony.


#1)  People get angry when you question their standing with God. 
Example:  Paul and Jewish council.
Because saying "you're NOT in good standing with God, but I am!! - this is why Jews were so angry.

#2.)  Considering Christ creates inner conflict
Example:  Felix - Because following Christ means (1) giving up some things
                                                                           (2)  TAKING up some things.
This is true of the believer as well as non-believer.  (This is why is easier for kids)

#3.)  People often appear indifferent to the Gospel.
Example;  Festus - whether they ARE indifferent ... we can't know...
BUT this we CAN Know!!  Isa. 55:10-11

#4)  Curiosity does not necessarily mean a genuine interest
Example:  Agrippa - But again, we can't know - so treat it seriously!!  Continue to pray and minister.

And #5)  People can (and do) overcome these obstacles.
Example:  pre-converted Paul and his anger, hostility!!

Therefore:  share, pray, don't give up. You never know when your personal testimony is going to change someone.

FINALLY.....God is making the Gospel known THRU Paul's difficulties!!
(Audience of the Sanhedrin, Felix, Festus, Agrippa, prominent men of Caesarea, etc.)

Remember:  Acts 23:11 - now jump ahead to... Phil. 4:22 - heard Paul's testimony and turned to Christ.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Problems We Face in the Church Today

Acts 23:23-25 - Continuation of previous lessons from Acts.

A plot against Paul by 40 Jews - to kill him.  Paul's nephew hears about the plot, warns Lysias, the Roman commander, and he sends 470 guards from his 1000 member garrison.  They took Paul at night to Caesera.

Lysias also sends report that Paul is not guilty.  No death or imprisonment.

Acts 24:1 - Ananias (High Priest) - not doing the right thing. 
                  Tertullus - Roman or Hellenist Jew, hired hand
                  Pathetic elders - didn't want to testify, so had Tertullus do it for them.   Similar to Paul at the stoning of Stephen.  Didn't throw any stones - just took care of the clothing of those who were.

Acts 24:2-4 Tertullus laying it on thick and Felix (the Roman governor) ate it up.

Acts 24:5-6 - Called Paul a plague, troublemaker, pestilence, a real pest, a pestilent fellow) - really annoying.  They hated Paul.  They hated Jesus, they hated Paul, they hated the way (Christians) threatened their power.  They loved themselves more than God.

But they did bring 3 charges against Paul:
(1)  He led riots (was Rome's business.  Called sedition and could lead to execution.
(2)  He was a Sect leader (heretic)
(4)  Tried profaning the temple.

No specifics - just generalizations.  They knew his heart.  Accusations = very broad.

Acts 24:6-8 - a lot of violence.  Arrested him????  Fake news.  Euphemistic way of saying mob beating.
Acts 24:9 - All these cowards bore false witness violating the 9th. commandment.  In order to murder Paul, violating the 6th. commandment.

Paul's answers to these charges:

Acts 24:10-13 - In regards to the riot, I wasn't there long enough.  Never had any discussions with anybody and they can't prove it.

Acts 24:14-15 - regarding being a Christian:  I am, but we are NOT a cult or sect.  We are the ones who understand the Law and Prophets.  He alludes to Dan. 12:2 - regarding the resurrection.  John 5:39, 46-47 

Acts 24:16 - take pains to have a clear conscience toward both God and man.  What a goal!!

Acts 24:17-20 - I did nothing in the temple.  As a matter of fact, the Jews from Asia are not hear for a face to face accusation.  They were the ones who said this, and they are not here.

Acts 24:21 - all about the resurrection.  Is it real?  Did Jesus do it?  We all need to decide if Jesus is a liar, lunatic, or LORD.

Acts 24:22-23 - Paul could not be charged.  Was no real evidence.  Lysias and Paul and Felix agreed, but to appease the Jews, Felix keeps the peace by keeping Paul in prison for 2 years. 

All right!!  All that narrative to get down to 2 problems we really face as church folks today:

#1.  Vs. 24 - 25 - We run from convictionie:  brutal ruler, 3rd. wife, Drusilla left 1st husband in an affair with Felix.  She knew better.  Jonah, David's sin, Israelites and the promised land.
WE run from repentance.  From God's calling.

#2.  We are afraid of speaking truth.  Paul spoke to one who had the power to kill him. 
What about us?  Statement at work?  Conversation with lost friend?  school assignment? 
Will we stand for Jesus when it's tough?  2 Tim. 3:12, 1:7

#3.  We just pretend to be godly/love God... but hate people, the truth, never submit to Jesus, or His word - - exactly what is going on with the Sanhedrin.
Isa. 9, Isa. 53, Psm. 110 - but they rejected Jesus as Lord!! They weren't blind - John 9.

Are you just pretending?  Are you a believer?   Prov. 20:10 - shady business.
Heb. 13:4 - dating life   James 1:26 - speech  John 1`3:34-35 - love for fellow Christians?

It is HARD to stand for Jesus.  Easy to run!!!!

Friday, July 5, 2024

God Gives Opportunities in Adversity

Acts 21:27-29 
Men probably came from Ephesus (served many idols, had the Artemesian Games)  was a big riot when Paul was there. 
They accused Paul of having contempt for the Jewish people, the Law, the Temple.  False witness.  Accused him of taking a Gentile (non-Jew) into the temple which had a penalty of death.  They wanted to have Paul killed.

Acts 21:30-32 - he was rescued by Gentiles.  Similar to Jesus, other prophets - beaten, etc. by Jewish mob.  Was not lawful for Paul to be beaten as he was a Roman citizen.

Compare to Matt. 23:37 - Jesus lamenting over Jerusalem

Acts 21:33-38  Josephus records an Egyptian Jew names Sikarios who led a revolt in Jerusalem against the Romans.  Had Roman sympathizers.  Paul = not me.  I want out.

Acts 21:39-40 - takes a heart and a love for the people.  God works through adversities. 

Refer to Gen. 50:20 (Jerusalem persecution) - caused people to flee - and they spread the gospel out away from Jerusalem.  See Rom. 8:28 
When in the midst of adversity, pray:  God how can I serve you in this?  What are you trying to teach me?  Lord, use me in this?  Work this out for our good.

Acts 22:1-2 -  Paul = affection, desires salvation, forgives them like Jesus on the cross. 
Question:  Do you love those who hate you like that?

Acts 22:3-5 - Paul shares his testimony, who he was. Like them but better at it.  Continues testimony in Acts 22:6-19 - He was zealous for God.

Testimonies are powerful when played out in the life of a Christian.

You have a testimony.  Share it.  ie.  Luke 8:39 - man with demons   Psm. 107:1-2 - God has been good to you.  Share it!

Acts 22:21-24 - Wanted to stone Paul.  Romans just want to know what's going, decided to flog it out of him.
Find out about Paul's citizenship.

Acts 23:1 - Paul's greeting:  brothers - informal, affectionate, familiar faces.

Acts 23:2-3 - High priest wanted more respect.   Broke the law.  Deut. 26:1-2 - only the guilty are to be beaten.  This installed by Herod.

Paul sounds like Jesus in Matt. 28:37 - No high priest would defy the Law this way.  Sort of apologizes in vs. 5

Acts 23:4-5 - Quotes Ex. 22:28 - back in apology.  

Summarize Acts 23:6-12 - divides pharisees (phonies - honor me with their lips)  Matt. 1:8  vs. Sadducees (liberals on resurrection)

Rom. 9:1-3 - broke Paul's heart.

God meets us in our lowest moments.  Acts 23:11    Heb. 4:14-16

The Lord met with Paul and promised to give the desire of his heart.  Rom. 1:9-11 - Paul's heart.

Ananias = God is gracious

Three Ananias s here.  (1)  a corrupt high priest   (2)  & Sapphira pretending, played church, were phonies
(3)  led Paul to the Lord..  Risked all to be obedient - we don't know what became of that Ananias.

God can do a great work in you and through you!!