Friday, July 5, 2024

God Gives Opportunities in Adversity

Acts 21:27-29 
Men probably came from Ephesus (served many idols, had the Artemesian Games)  was a big riot when Paul was there. 
They accused Paul of having contempt for the Jewish people, the Law, the Temple.  False witness.  Accused him of taking a Gentile (non-Jew) into the temple which had a penalty of death.  They wanted to have Paul killed.

Acts 21:30-32 - he was rescued by Gentiles.  Similar to Jesus, other prophets - beaten, etc. by Jewish mob.  Was not lawful for Paul to be beaten as he was a Roman citizen.

Compare to Matt. 23:37 - Jesus lamenting over Jerusalem

Acts 21:33-38  Josephus records an Egyptian Jew names Sikarios who led a revolt in Jerusalem against the Romans.  Had Roman sympathizers.  Paul = not me.  I want out.

Acts 21:39-40 - takes a heart and a love for the people.  God works through adversities. 

Refer to Gen. 50:20 (Jerusalem persecution) - caused people to flee - and they spread the gospel out away from Jerusalem.  See Rom. 8:28 
When in the midst of adversity, pray:  God how can I serve you in this?  What are you trying to teach me?  Lord, use me in this?  Work this out for our good.

Acts 22:1-2 -  Paul = affection, desires salvation, forgives them like Jesus on the cross. 
Question:  Do you love those who hate you like that?

Acts 22:3-5 - Paul shares his testimony, who he was. Like them but better at it.  Continues testimony in Acts 22:6-19 - He was zealous for God.

Testimonies are powerful when played out in the life of a Christian.

You have a testimony.  Share it.  ie.  Luke 8:39 - man with demons   Psm. 107:1-2 - God has been good to you.  Share it!

Acts 22:21-24 - Wanted to stone Paul.  Romans just want to know what's going, decided to flog it out of him.
Find out about Paul's citizenship.

Acts 23:1 - Paul's greeting:  brothers - informal, affectionate, familiar faces.

Acts 23:2-3 - High priest wanted more respect.   Broke the law.  Deut. 26:1-2 - only the guilty are to be beaten.  This installed by Herod.

Paul sounds like Jesus in Matt. 28:37 - No high priest would defy the Law this way.  Sort of apologizes in vs. 5

Acts 23:4-5 - Quotes Ex. 22:28 - back in apology.  

Summarize Acts 23:6-12 - divides pharisees (phonies - honor me with their lips)  Matt. 1:8  vs. Sadducees (liberals on resurrection)

Rom. 9:1-3 - broke Paul's heart.

God meets us in our lowest moments.  Acts 23:11    Heb. 4:14-16

The Lord met with Paul and promised to give the desire of his heart.  Rom. 1:9-11 - Paul's heart.

Ananias = God is gracious

Three Ananias s here.  (1)  a corrupt high priest   (2)  & Sapphira pretending, played church, were phonies
(3)  led Paul to the Lord..  Risked all to be obedient - we don't know what became of that Ananias.

God can do a great work in you and through you!!

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