Sunday, May 12, 2024

What Makes a Godly Mom?

 Prov. 31:30 - a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. 
(side note:  if your mom is failing at some of these points, don't tease her.  Remember:  Matt. 7:2)


1)   She knows God!
John 14:6 - Eph. 2:8 - first and foremost need to put faith in Christ if haven't already done so.  Without God's love, cannot become a Godly mom.
Believers as well.  1 John 1:9  - be forgiven, don't carry burden of sin, are better with that weight off.  You can't run the race if are entangled in sin.

2)  She prays for her children 

Col. 1:9-12 - written to Christians in Colossae, but should serve as a model for us.  Who would not want to be doing this for our children.
1Thess. 5:17 - pray continually.  Example:  Hannah in OT, mother of Samuel, prayed with all her strength.  Priest thought she was drunk.

Example:  1 Sam. 1:8 - from buffaloes and butterflies messages:  Elkanah = clod, sinful male, is confused, hurt, doesn't understand "butterfly".
"She poured out her soul before the Lord" - do we do that?
Need to have knowledge, spiritual wisdom and understanding so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord.

3)  She teaches her children.  No one has the time, opportunity and obligation like you. 
Example:  Timothy - ordained by Paul, at least 5 New testament churches, went with Paul on a good portion of his missions, was with him in his imprisonment.  Was extraordinary.  Fox's Book of Martyrs states he died at Ephesus a the age of 80.  Killed by pagans that he offended with the message. 
Where did Timothy first learn the scriptures, about the faith. From his Mama and Grandma.
2 Tim. 1:5, 3:14-15 - where would we be if not for all this teaching and preaching.

Deut. 6:6-9 - teach children all the time.  in little conversations, moments, opportunities.  All this adds up.  Make the most of the time you have.  Basically, ALWAYS be teaching your children.  

4)  She models the faith for her children.
Titus 3:7-8
1 Cor. 11:1 - "follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ."  - Children learn more from what we do than what we say.  Back up your talk with your walk.  Kids take cues, imitate how you talk and treat their father, the church, church people - at home vs public, how you spend time, money, what shows and media do you watch, value, dress, social media.  They'll follow - work hard, serving at church, loving husband, showing mercy, sacrificing, staying on the right path.

Give mama a break.  It is Mother's Day after all.

How to honor Godly mothers?
1)  Have grace for her - Rom. 3:23, Eph. 4:32 - she has a tough job.  cut her some slack.

2)  Appreciate her.  Prov. 31:28-31 - thanks.  Good job.  Eat what's put on your plate.  Put up laundry,  don't roll eyes, help, pick up.  Give her a minute to read her Bible, pray, potty, give a card, do the dishes, take out trash, talk with her, eat dinner she prepares.  Look for ways to appreciate.

3)  Obey her.- Eph. 6:1-3

4)  Give her some time and attention

5)  Pray for her.

6)  Don't badmouth her.  - Psm. 19:14

7)  Don't be a dingus (doofus)  - Prov. 10:1 - fools break hearts so stop being fool!


Mamas have an amazing calling, opportunity, and responsibility.  

Come to Jesus,, be set free, Love, experience, and give.  Can never show the love of God to your children if you have never received the love of God.

Once saved/changed, set free.... commit to pray, teaching, modeling.  No one can replace you. 
Got questions?  "What is a Godly mother?" = "A woman who represents the heart of Christ to her children."  - Is no greater responsibility.

Children of all ages.  Seek to honor your mom.  Today and everyday.  In so doing - will continue to build strong families.  Stand firm with joy and love and a good time.

Closing Scripture:  Prov. 23:23-25

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Paul's Final Words to Ephesus Leaders

Intro:  Paul spent 3 yrs. @ Ephesus, leaves after a riot, travels  throughout the area (3rd missionary journey)
Decides NOT to return to Ephesus!  Goes instead to Miletus - 30 miles east of Ephesus. 

 Acts 20:16-21:1 - final words to leaders of church in Ephesus

1)  You know how I lived - during the 3 years - served with passion and humility.... in good times and bad!

2)  You know I preached the WHOLE Gospel, not just the comfortable parts (not easy believe-ism!)

3)  Now I go to Jerusalem ... compelled by the Holy Spirit, and NOT knowing what I'll encounter there.

4)  BUT ... I do  know ... the Holy Spirit warns me of hardships (on account of the Gospel) Wherever I go!!  (later ... from prison - 2 Tim. 3:12)

5)  Nevertheless, my mission (ministry, calling) is more important than my comfort, convenience, my safety!!

6)  I know I'll never see you again..... So here are final words of Encouragement and Instruction:

7)  KEEP WATCH!!  (A)  over yourselves (ie:  your spiritual life, condition, walk)  AND (B) over the flock - "that God has ENTRUSTED to your care".

8)  BE SHEPHERDS!!!  (of God's flock, bought with Christ's blood).  Look after their well-being!  (feed/nurture/care for their needs)

9)  I Know ... Savage Wolves Will Come!!  - false prophets, teachers, AND will arise (even) from within your own congregation!!

10)  They will distort the truth!  not with blatant lies, but doctrinal distortion;  twisting, reshaping, manipulating TRUTH!!

11)  They will draw people after them!  Typical feature..... ie:  more about you follow me!  than follow Jesus. Example of contrast:  John the Baptist

12)  So... again... BE ON GUARD!  Watch out!  Pay attention!! 

13)  Remember!!!  Don't forget!  don't become complacent concerning doctrinal truths! (I've warned you for 3 years!)  

14)  Now (in my absence) I commit you to God and His Word.  (you are now in His care, not mine!)

15)  God and His Word are able to:
       A)  build you up  (grow, edify)
       B)  secure your inheritance (eternal residence, rewards)

16)  You know..... how I worked...  (a)  at my ministry AND (b)  at my vocation

17)  I did this to demonstrate (model) how we should WORK!!!  to
      (a)  support ourselves  (b)  assist others  (as instructed by Jesus Himself!)

THEN Paul prayed with them, wept with them, entrusted them to God's care, "tore himself away", went on with his work, ministry, calling
WHICH = according to God's will, God's plan
NOT according to the will of Paul or Ephesians!!

This = a RICH Passage.  (is more than a historical record, includes Instructions)
IF 2 Tim. 3:16-17 is true, THEN surely we can find many truths and applications (within this passage) FOR you and ME!!

Paul said "you now how I lived"
#1)  It's important to SHARE your faith AND to MODEL your faith Ie:  your daily lifestyle matters and should be compatible with your profession of faith.

Paul said "I worked hard at both my ministry AND my vocation.
#2.  Your visible testimony includes how you do your job!!  ie:  your work effort/ ethic - (attitude/action)
Primary place of witness is in the workplace.

Paul said (paraphrase) - "I preached the Whole Gospel"
#3)  We should preach the whole Gospel ie:  Emphasize God's love, grace, compassion, etc. without omitting justice, wrath, punishment, separation

To reject God's Will, Word, SON (sacrifice) leaves one in Eternal Separation from God  (HELL) - we are not free to ignore the parts of the gospel story that we don't like!

Paul said "Keep Watch" ... over yourself and your (God's) Flock
#4.)  Your calling starts with guarding yourself  (spiritually)

#5.)  Your calling ALSO includes looking out for God's flock. 
IF you are a follower... THEN you are responsible for a portion of God's flock!!
So...  (1)  identify them
         (2)  care for them!  (nurture, look after, "shepherd" them
                         (a)  1 Pet. 5:13 - context, application
                         (b)  John 21 - "do you love ME?  (then) FEED MY SHEEP"

Paul said "Holy Spirit warns me of hardship wherever I minister"
BUT (paraphrase) "my ministry is more important than my safety"
#6.)  Ministry (shepherding) is not always convenient!!
    On one hand, sometimes is easy, natural, enjoyable
    However, OFTEN - HARD WORK!  physically and emotionally exhausting  (often VERY inconvenient!)

#7.)  To ALL of this you are called!!
ie:  to share your faith, to model your faith, preach WHOLE Gospel,, guard yourself, care for others, minister in good times and bad times, to follow God's word and Paul's example!!

To this ( and more) the Ephesian Elders were called, charged.  To this you are called, charged  (How are you doing?)

But add... #8)  For doing this... you will be rewarded, if you do your job.  1 Pet. 5:4

So.... are you doing this?  sharing your faith?  living your faith  ON the job?  faithfully shepherding those under your care?  ministering even when it's inconvenient?  difficult?  unpleasant? 

Do you need to make adjustments?  in Actions?  in Attitude?

Closing Scripture:  2 Tim. 6:11-14