Monday, November 29, 2021

The Parable of the Sower

 Mark 4:1-20 with Matt. 13 and Luke 8

Mark 4:1-2 - parable - a story designed to teach, illustrate a spiritual truth; short, catchy, memorable (and often a bit of a a riddle), a comparing something we know (soil/seed) to explain something we don't know or aren't familiar with;  ie: (spiritual growth/ spiritual productivity)

this parable = longer than most and includes explanation found in Matt., Mark, Luke  (Jesus gives the meaning)

Question:  Why use parables??
Answer = Mark 4:10-12 with Matt. 13:10-15 - quoting from Isaiah chapter 6.   Jesus doesn't heal, save, instruct people against their will.

Parables designed to:  on one hand, bring spiritual truths to light! 
While, on the other hand, veiling, concealing those same truths!!

So that those who want to know the truth will see... while those not interested will NOT see!!  Matthew Henry refers to "a dark lantern" - light to some, dark to others.
Example:  in Exodus - pillar of light .... was light to Israel and darkness to Pharaoh.   Ex. 14:19-20

So... while many were amused by the parable/stories, only a few were instructed by the same parable!!
Point = how you approach a parable will (partly) determine what you receive from that parable!! 
If you approach a parable seeking to get instruction, will tend to find it.

The Parable of the Sower/Soils ... Mark 4:2-9

The Explanation of the Parable - Mark 4:14-20

(1)  The seed is the Work of God = compare Luke 8:11
Is broadcast (available) to ALL!!!   But lands on different soils!

(2)  The seed is good.  The outcome is determined by the soil!!!!

(3)  The soil is the heart of man - Matt. 13:19   Luke 8:12
Attitude matters (a great deal in this).!!!  how you approach the parable determines the outcome.

(4)  You determine the type of soil... the condition of your heart.  Soil is determined by the individual

#1)  The hardened soil (heart) - Mark 4:15  hears word, doesn't attend to it.
Example:  attends church, stays awake ... BUT message lost in the parking lot!!!

#2).  The Shallow soil (heart) - Mark 4:16-17
"receives the Word with joy!!"  BUT any difficulty ... and "fall away"!  

#3).  The thorny soil (heart) - Mark 4:18-19   Luke 8:14
at issue is not the soil but = competition for the soil!!!  Note:  these weeds are NOT necessarily evil in themselves.
Example:  Solomon's riches, Job's possessions, Joseph's position...  When not properly handled, they choke out the Word.

#4)  The fertile soil (heart) - Mark 4;20
Especially note:  Luke 8:15 - "hear
                                          - retain
                                          - persevere
                                          - produce

following Christ is more than just perseverance!
Also = PRODUCTION!!!  are called to produce Good Works!
Example:  parable of the talents
Compare/contrast ..a  Christian hermit  (perseveres, but doesn't produce!!)  God calls us to grow the kingdom, Make a Difference.

So.... How to develop a fertile heart???
#1.  expose yourself to the Word - (ie the seed!)
This = intentional, continual exposure 

#2.  Attend to the Word
soils 1, 2, and 2 didn't reject the Word ... however, did not "attend" to it!! - "Remember!  Pay attention!  Lookout!  Be careful!

#3.  guard your heart
     The input - example:  porn, trash
     the content - anger? bitter? envy?  if feed and fertilize it?  will continue to grow!!
     the response - can't always control input and content (feelings)  but CAN control Response!! - what we do with it!!

Proverbs 4:23 -
heart determines course of your life!!    Is source of all the issues in life!

Closing Scripture:  Gal. 6:7-9

Monday, November 22, 2021

Give Thanks

 John 1:16 - (refer to Nov. 25, 2019 sermon notes for Blessings List)

Because you are so blessed, you should.....

#1)  Be Grateful - Col. 2:6-7 - continue in Him - should overflow with attitude of gratitue

#2)  Give Thanks - attitude to action!!    Times action mentioned in Bible to times attitude mentioned = 50 to 1.
Example:  10 lepers - all were healed.  Undoubtedly all were very grateful to be healed.  BUT, only one came back to say Thank You!!  - Luke 17:11-19 - we are called to give thanks.

#3)  Give Thanks in proportion to your blessings.  Deut. 16:16-17

#4)  give thanks in midst of every situation.  1 Thess. 5:18 - (IN everything - not FOR everything!")
Because  (A) in all things God WORKS!  Rom. 8:28
               (B)  sometimes blessings come wrapped in the rags of a curse!!  - examples:  Jacob and angel; Paul and thorn in the flesh.

NOTE:  Heb. 13:15 - "Sacrifice ...."  because is not always easy!!  But, is always acceptable.  

#5)  Be willing to give thanks publicly.  Psm. 35:18,  Psm. 105:1


(1)  Giving thanks is a command - not an option - benefits us.

(2)  Giving thanks is a reasonable command - Rom. 13:7

(3)  Giving thanks is an action  (as well as an attitude)

(4)  Giving thanks is an act of worship - comes from weorth scibe = ascribe worth to.

(5)  Giving thanks is a testimony of your faith -
       a model for your kids
       a witness to the non-believer

(6)  giving thanks is a habit  (like whining, complaining, etc) 
     Point - it can be developed!

(7)  Giving thanks is contagious  (like whining, complaining)  Gen. 21:6 - Sarah @ 90

(8)  Giving thanks is healthy - Phil. 4:6-7
      contrast:  Rom. 1:21 - being unthankful is unhealthy


Some online dictionaries chart recent usage of a word.  Example "Blessing" (in English)

From 1800 to 2019, the usage has dropped considerably. 
Meaning what?  Why?

Not sure - But - we see American's increasing sense of Entitlement!!  - advertisements = "everyone deserves the best!!"
In other words:  (1)  Good things are my right!  It's what I deserve!!  (not a blessing but a basic Right!!)

AND......          (2)  it's God's JOB to give them to me!!!  (no need to thank Him for doing His job!!)


SUMMARY:   You Should Give Thanks!!!

Closing Scripture:  Psm. 89:1-2, 8

Monday, November 8, 2021

The Unpardonable Sin

 Mark 3:20-21 - "family"?  (as in NIV, ESV, NLT)                             
                          "friends"?  (as in KJV, NKVJ, NAS
                          "his relatives"?  (Phillips, Jerusalem Bible)
These translations not typically used of any of these!!  Literally = "those from His side" ... meaning is unsure, but know they were close to Him.  

Statement:  "out of His mind" = insane?  probably not.  Probably = beside Himself, not thinking straight.  Considering the constant pressure, He was in need of R & R!!   (This was NOT Jesus' situation)

But .. could be family!!  Mark 3:31-35 - Jesus didn't deny His family.  Just included others.
Question:  What family did He have?  Mark 6:3
Question:  Did they believe in Him??  John 7:1-5
       On one hand, they believed His miracles - nobody was denying these.
       However, Messiah?  Son of God?  (were they even aware of the Virgin Birth?)

BUT - after the Resurrection!!!  Acts 1:14 - brothers and family were NOW believers. 
(1)  Example: brother James = James the Just, leader of the church in Jerusalem.  Called "camel knees" because he spent so much time in prayer.  Author of the book of James, martyred in 62AD

(2)  Example:  brother Judas - Jude, author of Jude

The brothers came to believe and promote His gospel.  This = evidence of the Resurrection!!!

By contrast - (many religious leaders of the day ...Mark 3:22-30.
NOTE:  (1)  Jesus = healing and casting out demons ....  even His enemies admitted that!!!  Everybody in Jesus' time admitted to the miracles.

BUT (2)  some = so jealous of His success and zealous of their religious stance ... that they wouldn't (or couldn't) admit to the Presence, Power of the Holy Spirit in His life!!

Which led to... The Unpardonable Sin
- often defined as "Rejecting Christ" - which is unpardonable if not repented of in THIS life!!

But here appears to be ... attributing to Satan (what is clearly) the work of the Holy Spirit.!!

This is not talking about honest inquiry, questioning - example:  Nicodemus
This is more than a hard-core religious stance - example:  Paul before his conversion

This = (1)  a denial of the work of the Holy Spirit ... in spite of ...
                    (A)  external evidence  (healings, exorcisms)
                    (B)  internal evidence (promptings of the Holy Spirit within their hearts)
                    (C)  common sense reasoning (which Jesus uses here) -
                                        Illustration:  John the Baptist - Luke 7:20-22

AND (2)  Attributing that work  (of the Holy Spirit) to Satan!!
This = a settled condition, hardened heart - gone so far as to be incapable of faith
Compare:  Rom. 1:20-21, 28, 32

Question:  Why is this unpardonable???
Because God WON'T pardon ad forgive????
OR the offender WON'T seek pardon and forgiveness??  (either way = miserable state!!!)


#1.  You are probably not in danger of committing the "unpardonable sin". 
BUT, we are all prone to quenching, grieving, and resisting the Holy Spirit.  (these = Biblical terms used in the New Testament!)
Examples:  David and Bathsheba .... you and me!!    
Because His promptings OFTEN go contrary to our desires!!!  BUT .. His promptings are Always for good!  (ours and others)

#2.  Labeling evil as good and good as evil is nothing new..  - example:  today's social environment
          compare:  (1)  Jesus' day, this text    (2) Isaiah's da
y - Isa. 5:20-21   (3)  Adam and Eve - Gen. 3:1-5
in every age there will be .... seekers and believers... but also skeptics, detractors, even enemies of the Gospel.    BE AWARE!! Don't  be alarmed!!! - 1 Pet. 4:12, 1 Cor. 10:13

#3.  Entry into Jesus' family is available to ALL who will accept it!!  _ Mark 3:35 with "whosoever will may come"  - open to scribes, Pharisees, Sadducees, tax collectors, sinners;  seekers, skeptics, detractors
BUT ... don't wait till the heart is hardened!!

#4.  Doing God's will consists first and foremost (primarily and most importantly) of accepting Jesus as  your Savior and Lord.
On one hand, nobody keeps His will perfectly - Rom. 3:23
However, Receiving Christ = the beginning, the basis, the doorway to the family of Jesus!!

But entry is more than agreeing, believing  "demons believe and tremble" ...
It is accepting, receiving, bowing the knew to, making the decision ad declaration  (cross the Bridge)

On one hand, rejecting Jesus and the Holy Spirit's call on your life is NOT unpardonable.  However, rejecting that call too long ... can lead to an "unpardonable" state.

Psalm:  "today.... if you hear His voice... do NOT harden your heart."
Is true of the initial call  (salvation)
Is true of the daily call (sanctification)

Closing Scripture:  John 1:11-13

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Octavia Baptist Church - Past to Future

OBC born from a brush arbor meeting - Aug. 1905.   After the meeting, people met and organized "Eagle Fork Missionary Baptist Church"  = 116 years old.

This was during Indian Territory!!  Was 2 years before statehood (11-16-07)

First building = log cabin built near the brush arbor (thought to be on right side of Cemetery Road somewhere across from the cemetery)  Was used as a church and school house!
Thought to have been built by Raymond Wilson.
Building burned in 1913, and moved to the Octavia School.

1st. pastor - JM Widner (who preached revival meeting)  Over next 78 years - 28 men served as Pastor.  At least 7 served multiple times; Pastor was voted on every year until the mid 50s.  Baptisms were held in the creek just west of Octavia (old bridge was still there)

Preaching = "1/4 time" = meaning every 4th. Sunday.  (this does NOT mean 15 minute sermons)  Sunday School met every week.
Under J.T. Bowling, preaching went to "1/2 time" - (1929).  Went to "full time" in 1945.

Money was tight. In 1910 - 40 cents was given to start a "church bell" fund.  (a year later as fund never grew, church voted to us the 40cents to buy a lantern!

in 1926 - 15 votes were cast to build a church building.  Was completed in 1928.  (Pastor's pay in 1928 - $150/year.  Changed in 1947 to 75% of the offering!  

Electricity came in 1949.

1st couple married in new (old) church = Sam and Judy Maggard  (most couples got licenses in Mena, therefore had to marry in Arkansas.  Had to go to Poteau or Idabel to get Oklahoma license.)
1st. couple married in NEW church = Kevin and Jaquita Toon

Until 1965, men sat on south side of the church and women sat on the north side.  (RL & Gloria Williams credited with changing that)

Some deacons over the years:
William Littrel  (Charlotte's husband, Harold's family.)
Raymond Wilson (Tommy and Johnny Phillips' great grandfather)  He donated land for church/school, cemetery
Jim Blackwell  (Jim's grandfather)
John Hensley  (Glen's grandfathe; Joe's great great uncle)
Dukes Wilson (son of Raymond - Helen Caldwell's father)
Ballard Maggard (Tommy and Johnny's grandfather)
RL Williams

Another change/new beginning - October 1983 - First full time Pastor
( 1st. official day = Halloween!)

Halloween became a fun time!!  Did a "Hillbilly" Halloween, then an "Under the Big Top" theme, then a "Wild West" theme.

Started Mother's Day breakfast - in '85 or '86.

MRP's first wedding performed = Elicia Babcock and Phillip Stone - on creek bank at Babcock's original home on Big Eagle Creek

A memorable baptism = Havis Batchelor (was 90+ years old) - in Eagle Fork Creek on a very cold, dreary day. 
First baptism in the new church baptistry = Ron Ratliff (Betty Heaton's son)

Then had to expand --- so moved to a new site!  Bought property for $1000/acre.  (23 acres)
Pad was build by Glen Hensley
Work done primarily by volunteers.
Building completed in 1992..  Then moved old building from Octavia to new site. 
Set the bell.

Then, ... 4th. of July events began with parade in 1983.  Then parade and events ramped up in 1984 and became a major community event.

Patrice dreamed up the "Pig Party" to take place Friday afternoon after completion of VBS.

VBS - all handled by Volunteers.  (volunteers are a huge part of OBC)

Then, started Day Camp!!!  originally held in sanctuary and foyer only!  had no SS rooms, no fellowship hall, etc.
Betty Heaton served lunch under the drive through..  Expected 50+ kids, had 110 the first day!!

Then, transformed the old building to the Fellowship Hall (with kitchen addition)

Built youth building and bathroom building

Added Education Wing

This = brief overview of the church.

Point = #1   for a church to stay alive, relevant, effective... must be open to CHANGE!!   That doesn't mean compromise the Gospel, or God's Word
However, times, cultures, communities, congregations change!!!

#2.  Change always = a challenge
       Usually = uncomfortable for many!!  Nevertheless, it's necessary!!

#3.  it's time for OBC to comtemplate - another significant change!!