Sunday, September 29, 2024

The Christian Journey

Comparison:  Israel's Journey from Egypt to the Promised Land

Application = 1 Cor. 10:1-6, 11

This = parallel to the Christian journey.
Egypt = land of bondage
Wilderness = wandering, teaching, growing
Promised Land = place of blessing

We are looking at the 1st. generation coming up out of Egypt.
Note:  we are in bondage to sin before accepting Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior

I)  What did they do wrong?
They stopped!!!!  = didn't stop believing, owning God as their God,, following Him
                            = stopped short of His plan.  ie:  the blessing

II)  Where did they stop?
On the brink of blessing!!
God's plan for them - Ex. 3:7-8

III)Why did they stop?  were on the brink of blessings
Answer:  easier to wander than to fight!
God's plan is NOT always easy, comfortable, ... BUT = BEST!

IV)  How did they fare
OK!  They got by .... Deut. 29:5

V)  What did they miss?  
Only God's BEST!! 
A)  What He had for them!
B)  What He had for their kids!
NOTE!!   on one hand, this is your journey.  However, others are affected by it!

VI)  What did they leave behind?  
A legacy!!... of a bad example!!
On one hand, God is going to use you.
However, YOU decide how!!  2 Tim. 2:20-21
You can be a flower pot or a chamber pot.  


How to NOT get stuck??
Don't stop!  Keep going!
Note: you don't make the journey all alone.  (God, brothers and sisters in Christ)
However, nobody is going to Carry you into the Promised Land!!

What if I Have stopped?
Then..... Re-Start!!!  We get more than one chance at the Promised Land.   Rev. 2:4-5 - to the church in Ephesus.

This journey requires....
(1)  a decision - (a) going to accept and get out of bondage
                         (b)  where you are going to spend the rest of your life?

(2)  A start - from Egypt AND From the wilderness

(3)  Continuity = doesn't mean never stumble, fall. 
                       = always get back up
Hang in there, keep going, keep moving
Example:  the tortoise and the hare

(4)  Self-discipline because = WORK!!!   Phil. 3:12-15    It's a whole lot easier to NOT do the things needed to do to get God's blessings

(5)  Regular re-adjustment - example:  self-guided missile.  (self-correcting)

(6)  An occasional Re-start
Because, we all tend to 'slip away', get lax, etc.

(7)  Confidence in God - (religious terminology = FAITH!!!)

Back to:  1 Cor. 10:11-13
POINT = (1)  You can DO THIS!! = is God's plan, will, desire for you!!
                (2)  with the help of  ... (a) God
                                                    (b) your brothers and sisters in Christ

This is YOUR Decision!!

Closing Scripture:  Heb. 11:1, 6

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