Sunday, September 22, 2024

Priority Problems

Do you find yourself busy, doing stuff,  but accomplishing nothing?  Worried & stressed and have regrets at the end of the day.

The world today = directionless, anxious, unproductive.  However, we, as Christians, should not be that.       We have direction, we have purpose.  The Bible tells us not to be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and thanksgiving to let our requests be known to God.  And the peace of God will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

We know if we are honoring God with our life, we should be bearing good fruit.  But, we live in a world that is directionless, anxious, and unproductive, and, we, as Christians can fall into this, too.

One of main reasons we do this = priorities get out of line, are off.

Here are some things that should be priorities and will make life more productive, less anxious,  and more direction and purpose to life.

First of all:
1)  Put your faith in Jesus.  Are never going to be effective in the life you are meant to live without a relationship with God..

     John 14:6 - You can't run from the author of life!

Just we live in a Christianized part of the world doesn't mean everyone is a Christian.  You have to make that decision yourself.  Someone else's faith will not save you!!

2)  Make meeting with God top priority.   Matt. 6:33 - seek God before seeking even necessities.

     a)  Spend time in the Bible - Psm. 119:105
          Read, meditate, memorize - God's Word gives direction, guides your path.  Helps set our mind on God, and puts our view of ourselves in its proper place.  He has a way of using His word in a huge way to work through your life.

    b)  Pray - Jer. 33:3  Starting your day with prayer and scripture, sets the tone for the whole day. 

3)  Eliminate distractions.  Distractions lead to procrastination
     Do you have a problem with procrastination?   Pretty universal problem.  When we eliminate some distractions in our life, helps us to better do the things we SHOULD do.
     Eph. 4:11-14 - God has given us these resources to make us solid in the faith.

Do we let the world dictate our life?  What we think about?  what we value?  what we work for?  spend time?  spend money?  
   What we see on our  Phone, TV, social media, Video games, podcasts, videos we let dictate what we think about that day.  Are they good hobbies, do they help with tasks?
Col. 3:1-2

Challenge:  Don't consume anything until you've met with the Creator.  Not just food.  Before we start taking in what the world has to say this morning.  Before all this, spend time with the Creator whose every word is true.

4)  Write down priorities and order efforts accordingly.
   Example:  1) God  2)  Family  3) Work   4) Ministry

 Question:  How am I ordering my priorities?  Am I doing the big things first, or spending all my time on the small stuff.

Little book - quick read - "Tyranny of the Urgent" by Charles G. Hummel

You'll be amazed when you start doing the important things first, how there will be time enough for all the smaller things. 

What are the effects of proper priorities?

---Peace - Psm. 1:1-6, Isa. 26:3  Peaceful heart should set Christians apart.  You can't have peace, can't rest apart from God.  Are to rest in the presence of God.  God IS our rest!

---Fruitfulness, productivity - John 15:4-5, Titus 3:14

---Discernment - Rom. 12:1-2  Direction.  

Let us strive to put God first.

Closing Scripture:  Matt. 11:25-30

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