Sunday, September 8, 2024

Faith for the Fire

Recap = Daniel 1.  (See last week's notes.)  605 BC - Jerusalem invaded, best and wisest of young men taken to Babylon to make them into Babylonian wise men.


Dan. 2:1-2 - Nebuchadnezzar's dream.  Offered death or riches to magicians, enchanters, sorcerers (all forbidden) to not only tell him what the dream was but then EXPLAIN what the dream MEANT!! 
Apparently, these wise men could do something things. 
Examples:  Egyptian magicians, sorcerers - mimicking some of the signs that Moses showed Pharoah. 
                 Witch of Endor and calling up Samuel for Saul.  
The Bible CONDEMNS dabbling in witchcraft, substances, black magic, etc.  It will mess you up, and has nothing to do with Jesus.  Continuing in these things can ruin a society.  

Dan. 2:10-11 - what king asks is impossible for all but the true God.

King very angry at this.  Set decree to destroy all of the wise men.  This included Daniel and three friends. 

Dan. 2:12-18 Daniel responds with prudence and discretion.  Then  schedules meeting with the king.  Goes home and prays with his friends.  You need Christian brothers and sisters in your life.  Join a church.  Get involved with those that are there.
Daniel tells the king his dream and the interpretation. 
Interpretation:  head of gold
                       chest of silver
                       body of bronze
                       legs of iron
                       feet of iron mixed with clay
                       large stone
(descriptions of coming kingdoms after Babylonians)

When things get crazy in the world, Christians should be the most calm.

Dan. 2:25-30   Daniel gave all the credit to God, not himself.

Point #1:  God's best servants are humble servants.

Dan. 2:46-49
Question:  did the King get saved?  Answer:  NO!!  Paid lip service.  Bowed down and paid Daniel homage.  Shouldn't have done that!!Was stirred but not changed.

Point #2:  God's servants don't just give lip service!  Matt. 15:7-8
Jesus to the Pharisees,
See that in many folks - they have an experience, but no submission to God.

How do you know King Neb wasn't changed?

Dan. 3:1-7 - Image of gold - 90 ft. tall, 9 ft. wide.    Set up probably near where the Tower of Babel was built.
Ordered everyone to fall down and worship the image when heard the music.  Clearly Nebuchadnezzar was not changed. 
Everyone went along.  

Point #3:  God's people don't follow the crowd.
If the whole world is chasing something, you need to stop and question - is this honoring to God or not?
The mark of a Christian is not how much you can look like the world
John 15:18 - if the world hates you, understand, it hated me first.  However,
Rom. 12:18 - as far as it depends on you, live in peace.

Dan. 3:8-12
Point #4:  God's people will be hated - 2 Tim. 3:12
Chaldeans had lost their influence to these Hebrew boys whose God was not a god of the Babylonians. they'd been put in places of authority  So, they tried to have Shad, and Misch, and Abed killed. 

Just like Jesus was rejected by the elites (Pharisees and Sadducees) who were trying to hang on to their control.   John 9:41 - knew the truth of who Jesus was but but tried to suppress it.

Rom. 1:20-22 - they were without excuse.  Claiming to be wise, became fools.   Word for fool = Nabal. - morally corrupt, willingly disobedient, 
If you are suppressing God's call, drop your pride and come to Jesus.  

Dan. 3:13-18
Point #5:  Obedience to God is always right 

Dan. 3:19-23 - king sat down to laugh

Dan. 3:24-27 - 4th. man in the fire?  son of the gods?  Christophony?   I believe was Jesus!
God saves his people. not even the smell of smoke on their clothing.

Psm. 103:11-12
Point #6:  Jesus Saves  His blood was so precious and powerful, it can save YOU!  Murderers, adulterers, thieves, even tax collectors.  Saves completely!!!

Eph. 2:8-9 - if you've never put your faith in Jesus Christ, let go and follow Jesus.  If He's drawing you to Himself, don't fight it.  Don't put it off!

For those of us who ARE Christians, let us not be afraid to stand for truth, for God, let us think about what we're doing, what we are going along with.  Make sure our confessions and our praise goes to the King of kings and Lord of lords.



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