Monday, October 7, 2024

The Christian Journey - Part 2

 Last Week = Israel out of Egypt + into the wilderness
Egypt = bondage    Wilderness = teaching and testing
Promised Land = where God wanted His people to dwell in this life  (land of blessing) 

Application for us?  - 1 Cor. 10:11

compare to your personal journey!  getting to the place God wants you to be - ie:  IN THIS LIFE!!
We can learn from their mistakes.

Last week = "what 1st. generation did wrong...."
(1)  Stopped!  didn't stop believing, owning, following... but= stopped short;  on the brink of blessing.

(2)  Why stopped?  easier to wander tan to fight - today - easier to be a mediocre, lukewarm Christian than be where God wants us to be.

(2)  Result?  on one hand, God took care of them.
                    however, they missed His best.... for themselves and for their children!  AND, they left a legacy of unbelief (failure)

The REST of the Story?  Conquest by the 2nd. Generation.
(Book of Joshua   Deut. = re-reading of the Law    Joshua - the conquest

So.... today= What the 2nd. Generation did right!

Application = compare to your spiritual journey  ie:  getting to the place God wants you to be (in THIS life!)

I.  They embraced God's Vision   (for them) 
Which = Ex. 3:7-8  ("out of, into")
On one hand  wilderness - part of the journey  (teaching, testing)
However, not intended as permanent residence

Note:  the analogy breaks down here because our Spiritual journey means we OFTEN return to the place of teaching, testing.  Example:  Abraham - Gen. 22:1  - 114 years old.

God's plan for you MAY be scary, difficult, etc. 
But  (1) = a plan for your good  - Ger. 29:10-11
(context = Israel and homeland   But has universal application for believers) - vs. 11

And (2)  a plan for your growth - Eph. 4:11-15

II)  They accepted responsibility (for the conquest (them)
Contrast:  1st. Generation - Korah's Rebellion - Num. 16:12-14

Question:  Who = responsible for your spiritual journey?  growth?  development?  Because = "fix me"!!!
Compare:  2 Pet. 1:3/5

III)  They Planned to Succeed
This is more than hoped, intended, wanted to....
This - planned and prepared to .

NOTE:  this does not mean plans APART from God
             but = in conjunction with God  (His directions)

So... do you want to be a wanderer?  (a victim; "not my fault")
or a conqueror?  (take responsibility)

IV)  They stepped out  (moved forward, acted, went in)
again ... NOT apart from God's directives BUT once you know ... it's time to GO!!

V)  They went into the Land  (redundant?)
WENT IN ... (1) focused - alert, aware
Deutonomy states over and over - "watch out, beward, remember, don't forget" - therefore intent and intense
                     (2)  fighting  - compare  Col. 1:28-29
                     (3) expecting trouble - Eph. 6:10-12 - our struggle ins not against flesh and blood, BUT ... = constant struggle!!
                     (4)  expecting success  - they had the Lord's PROMISE and PRESENCE  Josh. 1:4-6, 9

VI)  They TOOK the Land
On one hand, God GAVE it to them!!
However, they had to TAKE it!  Josh. 1:10-11
AND ... they took it INCREMENTALLY - ie.  1 small piece at a time.  Conquest too 5 - 7 years.
Book of Joshua covers about 25 years. 
On one hand, we have some miracles after Jericho
However, MOST cities fell without miracles!!!

So... they fought to TAKE the Land and then,

VII)  They fought to keep it.
The WAR isn't OVER when the Battle is won.    Satan will try to take it all back!
On one hand, we have VICTORY in Christ
However, the Final Victory is not until we are in His presence!!

So..... the Challenge for us... for you....

(1)  will you leave Egypt?  A way has been provided for that .... The Gospel

(2)  You will travel through the wilderness  (maybe repeatedly)
Question:  will you learn there?  or will you Live there??  Is your decision

(3)  Will you move on ... to the place God wants you to dwell?  May be scary, difficult, dangerous, BUT,.. you don't go alone  "Lo, I am with your ALWAYS..." 
You have to go - no one is going to carry you.  

Closing Scripture:  John 13:17

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