Sunday, June 26, 2022

Two Odd Healings

I)   The Deaf Mute  - Mark 7:31-17 
Decapolis = 10 cities  (Gentile area)

Question:  was this man Jewish?
                did he know of Jesus?   (was deaf!)
                did he know why his friends brought him to Jesus?
                why did Jesus take him aside?
                Why did Jesus put fingers in his ears?
                why did Jesus spit and touch his tongue?

Jesus tells people not to tell about the miracle - is not yet time for His Messiahship to be revealed

My guess = (1)  Jesus = communicating His intent  (to heal)
                  (2)  Jesus is establishing rapport "led aside/touched/face to face/talking (signs)/ connecting.
Healings were never impersonal!!
Was this necessary for healing?  No - a word = enough!!
So... (1) must be for the man's benefit...
       (2)  shows something of the person and character of Jesus.

II)  The blind man - Mark. 8:22-26

(again) led outside the village  (away from people)
spit on eyes?/  (John 9  "spit and made mud")
result = partial cure  (only time recorded!)
then.. question, touch again, TOTAL cure!!

These miracles/healings  oddunusual!  Unique to Mark.  Not recorded in any of the other gospel accounts.

Why did Mark record them?
What do they add to our understanding of Jesus?  the Gospel?  the Kingdom?

(for one thing) they illustrate truths found through-out scripture!!!

(1)  Jesus has time for you
then He was in the flesh, local only (in one place at a time), yet took time!!
Now = Omnipresent ... Has time for your, wants time with you.  Therefore,
We should take time for others!

(2)  Jesus' interactions are always personal
On one hand, were times when many were healed - Matt. 14:14
However, never = mass healings!  always individual and personal!!

Point:  He wants to interact with you.
         (A) personally - example:  Billy Graham crusade; thousands touched, yet each feels Individually addressed!
         (B)  on a level you can understand  (example:  these men)
You may not know a lot about Jesus, But, you know enough to take the next step!!
Which = all He requires of you TODAY!! - one step

(3)  Jesus' intent is always healing
Not always Physical healing!! 
Is no record He ever refused a physical healing ... until after the Resurrection!!  (after His Lordship was fully established)
Then??  example:  Paul's thorn in the flesh - 2 Cor. 12

On one hand, is a mystery.
However, "no healing till heaven"

So,,, what is the healing He intends NOW?!?
Answer = healing of mind and soul

God intends..

(1) healing through salvation - born again, forgiven, reconciled, assured of your place in heaven.

(2)  healing through Sanctification - ie:  the life-long process of developing, growing, becoming what God saved you to be.  Phil. 1:6

He wants you to (1) come to Him
                        (2) continue to grow in Him
                        (3)  eventually find Absolute healing in Him

(4)  Though He takes you aside and deals with you privately and personally, Others are always watching!!
ie:  watching your salvation, sanctification, growth, development, "healing" ministry  (service)
Example:  Kids and parents - church, Sunday School, etc.

LIFEWAY SURVEY - Sunday School Attendance - 2016

if neither parent attends.... 6% of kids will attend as adults
if only mother attends ... 15% of kids will attend as adults
if only father attends ...   55% of kids will attend as adults
if both parents attend ...  72% of kids will attend as adults


81% of Catholic teens adhere to parent's faith
80% of evangelical teens adhere to parent's faith

By reverse ... of teens whose parents are religiously unaffiliated - 86% describe themselves as "NONES"

Are dozens of similar surveys, stats may vary a bit,
        #2. - though particularly true of families ... nevertheless, KNOW THIS:
                       (A)  others are watching you
                       (B)  your faith, lifestyle Makes a Difference!!  (and could Make an Eternal Difference)
Your response to Christ affects others!!

(5)  regardless of where you are in your spiritual walk....
you have friends that need Jesus.
friends  (A)  brought the men
            (B)  begged Jesus to heal them

On one hand, can't drag, push people to Jesus
However, CAN invite them, love them to Him.

Closing:  John 4:35

Monday, June 20, 2022

Family Series: Honor Your Father and Mother

 The Command:  Ex. 20:12

Definition:  respect, look up to, give special recognition, (sometimes) defer to

honor = easier to recognize than to define
(contrast - dis respect, dis regard, ignore, etc.
(We KNOW the difference!)

Deut. 5:16 - "as commanded" !!  - The Lord has commanded.

The Promise - Eph. 6:1-3 = to the nation!  Is the first command with a promise.  Not an individual promise, but as a national promise.
POINT:  This = critical to social order!!
                    = necessary to national prosperity!!
(nation will not prosper if children do not honor the parents_

NOTE:  (1) = among the TOP TEN moral laws!!
and  (2)  is the 1st. in the horizontal tablet  (1st. in last 6) - This has not changed.  Is NOT exclusive to the Jewish people.

Obviously is serious!!  So ... Ex. 21:17  Deut. 27:11-15 - talking about absolutely rebellious child
consistent with "ye shall purge the evil from among you"
(it will rot your society)  

This principle, found in  (1)  Wisdom literature - Prov. 1:8-9, 19:26, 30:17
                                   (2)  New Testament instruction  (Eph. 6, Col. 3)  1 Tim. 5:4, 8
                                   (3)  Lists of sins - Rom. 1:29-31, 2 Tim. 3:1-2
                                   (4) Validated by Jesus - Matt. 15:3-4  (corban)
                                                                     Luke 18:18-20  (rich young ruler)

This =
A)  Clearly and emphatically taught!!!
B)  a universal moral law!!!

Exactly how to?  what does it look like? "easier to recognize than define!"

Some suggestions:

(1)  express appreciation
parents have sacrificed!!! - Rom. 13:7 - pay what's due

(2)  Seek their advice
(3)  listen to them - Prov. 23:22
This does NOT mean take the advice.  Means seek and listen!

(4)  treat them with respect ... even when you disagree.  (especially when you disagree)
Their reaction to you NOT  taking their advice = their problem, their issue!

(5)  talk well of them in public  (especially before your kids!)
This does not mean ignore their faults.  It means don't inflate the faults

(6)  pray for them - parenting = tough job ... especially for sinners  (Rom. 3:23)
(7)  forgive them
(1)   "all parents sin and come short of the glory of God"
Heb. 12:14-15 - "unforgiveness (grudge) = poison you drink to hurt someone else!!"

(8)  Keep in touch  ("leave" does not mean forsake!)

(9)  provide for them - as they become unable to cope.  "provision" may be financial, physical care, oversight, visitation, etc.   

(10)  honor their memory - example:  care for the gravesite, tell your kids, grandkids about them....

This is not math/science;  there is no step by step instruction book; are lots of legitimate questions and uncertainty!!  in How to??

Example:  what about step parents?  in-laws?  grandparents?  aunts?  uncles?
Answer:  same rules generally apply!
Lev. 19:32 - the Christian responsibility for elderly does not end with parents!!

Question:  Can you "honor" from afar?
Answer - yes IF necessary ... but be careful of Self righteousness, self deceit, etc.  Must search YOUR
heart, God's will

Question:  Can you honor them and force them against their wishes at the same time??
Example:  nursing home:  Alzheimers?  driving?
On one hand, you may become a PROTECTOR!   (in charge)
However, one thing you should protect = their DIGNITY!!

NOTE:  You teach your kids to respect their elders .. partly by modeling respect for elders!!  (if kids don't see respect.. will they learn to give respect?!)

Sometimes "honor father and mother" comes Very Easy!! (if parents are honorable)
Sometimes     "        "       "       "       comes Very Hard!!
So.. (1) remember:  this = a Commandment  (not a suggestion)  (is serious)
       (2)  this is for our benefit!!

OVID (Roman poet in Augustus' day) quote = "to be loved be loveable"
"honored ... be honorable"
Deut.  30:19-20
Make it Easy for your kids to honor you!!

Monday, June 6, 2022

Family Series - Parenting Adult Children

"Adult" = somewhere from late teens to midlife.  (will be looking at Scriptural principles rather than explicit teachings)  - Note:  parenting is the hardest the 1st. 40 years.

Gen. 2:23-24
Part of your job = prepare your children for independence (to leave)  "Leave" = God's plan, will, design

Problems often come when child exercises that independence!  Especially when they choose a path contrary to your plans, wishes, values, hopes for them!!!

2 Tensions:

#1.  they leave but are going in the wrong direction

#2.  they won't leave!!! - "failure to launch"

So... parent begins to instruct (as a parent!)
Child chooses not to heed (as an adult!!) - parent still trying ot tell child.  Child chooses not to listen.

So... what to do?  

Suggestions are based on Biblical principles:

First:  some "remembers" because this is not stuff we don't already know ... but is stuff we forget!

(1)  Remember .... you raised them to be independent!   (partly your fault)

(2)  Remember... God has endowed them with free-will.
And equipped them with a capacity to decide!

(3)  Remember... your role has changed - from controller TO advisor/support
But.... if headed to 'destruction'??
Answer = these are general guidelines.  The specifics will vary.

(4)  Unsolicited advise usually is seen as criticism.
So... (A)  express your views, state your case
But   (B)  treat them as adult (not child)
       (C) - don't make this the subject of every visit.

(5)  Remember... you can't fix anybody.

(6)  God won't force anybody  (He won't intrude)
So... leave the Holy Spirit to "convince"
Example:  A prayer - based on 2 Cor. 4:4 - "Lord don't let satan blind their mind!" - Let them see the light.

(7)  Remember ... Prov. 22:6 - is still generally true - however, not an absolute truth.

(8) and Rom. 8:28 still applies.
ie:  a hard time CAN work to their good!! 
Bad things are always bad, but God sometimes uses them to help get back on track.

For Illustration:

  The Parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15)

The Father ... (1)  let him go.... (with his inheritance)
                     (2)  allowed him to fail
We assume the father (3) grieved at his going
                               (4) prayed for his return
the father       (5) welcomed him back!  without reservation and with rejoicing

This parable was used as an illustration of how a person walks away from God, blows it, God welcomes him back.

On one hand, this is not a text on parenting.  However, has great parallels!!)  God is a loving father to all people.

Re-do and old phrase for this application:  instead of WWJD?  Use WWG(F)D?  (what would God the Father do?)
ie:  with this child?  in this situation?


-- Encourage -- but don't enable.
(sometimes helping hurts!!) - continued helping can destroy the development of responsibility.

-- Allow them to fail
Their experience probably more effective than your advice!!

-- Seek community - "you're not alone!!
Nearly ALL parents experience this to some degree!

Don't Burn your Bridges!  At the end of life, the most important things = relationship with God and relationship with family.

Don't give up!!

Remember, there IS NO guarantee of success!!!  There is NO absolute method!!

So... in the end it's

(1)  Do your best!!

(2)  Trust God - who loves your children - regardless of their path. 
1 Tim. 2:3-4
2 Pet. 3:9
Final:  Prov. 3:5-6 - Trust in the Lord.