Sunday, April 30, 2023

After the Resurrection

 Acts 1:1-11 - written by Luke

(1)  the transition - Luke 1:1-4  Acts 1:1-2
(a continuation / a sequel)

(2)  the account - covers next 33 years / development of the early church.  (interesting that Jesus spent approximately 33 years on earth)

Luke = known for his accuracy!
Uses more than 100 personal names, more than 100 place names
Hence, today - are Tours "in the footsteps of Paul"

On one hand, this is a great history of the early church
However, is NOT the complete history!!  Luke records movement mainly North and West of Jerusalem and nothing about South and East. 
Point = God is typically doing much more than we are aware of.

(3)  The Recipient - "most excellent Theophilus"
"theophilus" = friend of God, loved by God
"most excellent" = used of ppl. with high social standing (probably Gentile ... new believer??  seeker???)

But like all of God's Word ... whether believer or seeker... this = part of God's message... TO YOU!!

(4)  The Purpose - "that you might know the Certainty of the things you've been taught."

The Book = to inform - ie. to build your faith and confidence
                   to instruct   Christianity = worldview BASED on FACT(s) - solid stuff.  Not just another theory or ideas of man.
                   to inspire                                                                                  

AND to evangelize;  Reveal God, Edify believers, draw sinners.

4 things established in this short text that are very important to Christianity:
(1)  The CERTAINTY of the Resurrection. 
Acts 1:3 - if there is no resurrection, faith is worthless.  Is just another theory.

(2)  The Christian Mandate to spread the gospel.
       Acts 1:8   Matt. 28:18-20 - Great Commission

(3)  The promise of Divine Assistance (Holy Spirit) in that task 
     Acts 1:8, Luke 24:49, John 14:16, 18
That promise applies to Both Christian walk and Christian ministry 

(4)  The Promise of Christ's return - Acts. 1:11
which = promise of ultimate success, victory for the Christian


#1.  An informed faith is a strengthened faith 
ie:  the more your learn about our faith ... the more confidence 

You may begin in blind faith (only the Holy Spirit's drawing)
But you are to learn and grow!!

#2.  Christ's work continues today - "what Jesus began to do"
went on 33 more years;  continues today!!

#3.  God generally does His work through His people  (in both Old and New Testaments)
This = His plan according to His wisdom!!

#4.  We are instructed (commanded) to continue His work 
Acts 1:8 - "you will be..." = all believers, all ages

But, #5.  He promises to be with us in that work
Matt. 28:20 - "lo I am with you always"
So Paul... "Phil. 2:12-13  Col. 1:28-29 - Paul is working hard
                ("go and then I'll go with you")

#6.  (As a believer) You are called to be a witness 
Definition of witness = one who sees, observes, experiences, And then ... presents testimony of that experience!!

"Objection!  I didn't see, experience any of this!" 
Answer = IF you've encountered Christ.... then ... you've experienced and are called to testify to WHAT YOU KNOW!!

#7.  This is a personal mandate best accomplished in a cooperative effort!  (ie:  church and churches)
"church" appears 3 times in the gospels.  23 times in Acts!!
Point:  your Christian WALK and Christian WORK are most effective when practiced within a Christian group... which = A church!!

All this = 2,000 years ago ... a lot has changed!!
BUT... (1)  His instructions remain unchanged!
           (2)  His promises remain unchanged!

Closing scripture:  1 Cor. 15:58

Monday, April 24, 2023

What To Look For in a Church

Message by Associate Pastor Josh Smith

Rev. 3:14-19 = church at Laodicea  - neither hot or cold, but lukewarm

Hot = good
Cold = good
Lukewarm = not a good thing

Laodicea - very wealthy city - had BIG problem - terrible water
Nearby Hieropolis - had hot healing springs
            Colosse - had good natural cold springs

Luke warm = good for nothing.

Laodicea had to pipe water from these - by the time it reached them, was warm and dirty
Christ's condemnation - well understood by the Laodiceans.

A church should be:  A)  Purifying, refreshing, cleansing
             as well as    B)  Building up, and edifying

Refreshing Church should be:

1)  Filled with love and grace, forgiveness - John 13:34-35

2)  Has deep appreciation for God's Word and is seeking to apply it to every area of life
      James 1:22

3)  With discernment.  Are a lot of things flying around that really have no place in a Christian church -
     example:  Acts 17:11
     Christ praised the church at Ephesus - hated false teachers
True discernment refreshes the believer.

4)  Builds and grows and encourages strong families.  Obedient children.  Strong families help make a strong church.

5)  Able to endure some hardship and trials.  Church that doesn't flinch in the face of difficulty.

Purifying and Edifying Church should be:

1)  Gracious, kind, hospitable to outsiders.

2)  Reaches and impacts the community.  Acts 2:42-47

3)  Has a heart for reaching children and youth.  Matt. 19:14 -- "let the little children come..."

4)  Send out and support missionaries.  Raise them up and send them out. 

Monday, April 17, 2023

After the Resurrection

Mark 16:9-16

With Matthew ... "Great Commission" "Go and make disciples...."

and Luke ... Road to Emmaus, appearance in upper room ..
Luke 24:45 - referring to Old Testament prophecies concerning Him
then... charge to spread the Gospel - Luke 24:46-47
          and promise of Holy Spirit  Luke 24:48-49
Then, the Ascension

John = longest account!!  Chap. 20 and 21
Jesus appears in upper room, "breathes on them" (promise of Holy Spirit)
Then, "Lord's Breakfast"
Summations:  John 20:30-31, 21:24-25
Add:  Acts 1:1-3 - began to do, continued to do through the apostles after His Ascension
         Acts 1:8 - witnesses = martyrs
         Acts 1:9-11 - Ascension
And 1 Cor. 15:3-8

Now back to Mark 16:17-20!!

Signs = 1) exorcisms (which Apostles had done)
            2) speaking in tongues  (never mentioned until Pentecost!)
            3)  handling serpents  - on one hand Paul's experience with viper (Acts 28)
                                                 however, never mentioned elsewhere at all!!
            4)  drinking poison ... Never mentioned!
            5)  healing sick - Apostles did to some degree for awhile

On one hand such miracles HAVE occurred (on occasion)
However, nowhere else are they promised to ALL believers
(Christians are generally NOT exempt from natural laws!)

So??  what about this text?!?  Are 3 theories (options)
#1.  The text stands as written
#2.  The end of Mark's gospel - lost and (so) Re-Written by early Christian scribes (church)
#3.  Mark intentionally ended his story abruptly... but scribes felt need to add to it!
(note:  endnote, footnote in most Bible translations)

Dilemma - On one hand, the majority of manuscripts include vs. 9-20
                However, the oldest, best manuscripts end at Vs. 8
AND early church Fathers say V. 9-20 were added to the original!
(actually, are 4 different endings - we have copes of all 4)

At Issue here = The Reliability of Scripture
IF we order our "faith and practice" according to God's Word, we need to know it = accurate, relable, dependable!!

So... on one hand the Bible = clear 'God's Word' is Inspired
2 Tim. 3:15-17   2 Pet. 1:20-21
So question = what (exactly) constitutes Scripture?
(which parts of the New Testament = Inspired?)

The orthodox stance:  "All scripture is inspired and accurate and (therefore) authoritative in it's ORIGINAL FORM - known as "autograph Copies"

Problem = we don't ave autograph copies!  (that we know of)
BUT ... lets look at what we DO have!!

Textual Criticism = the attempt to determine the original wording of documents whose original is not available.

Bible ancient manuscripts (hand written)
New Testament (Greek) - are more than 5800 (catalogued) manuscripts
Plus Latin, Coptic, Syriac, Armenian, etc.  
(totally 10's of thousands!)

On one hand, a fragment counts as a manuscript
However, average size for New Testament manuscript = 450 pages!!!

So... 2.5 million pages of New Testament - (ancient, hand written manuscripts)
plus ... Old Testament = more than 66,000 manuscripts and scrolls
STACKED = NT - 1 mile high
                    w/OT - 2.5 miles high
Compare average classical author - 4' high

Plus ... quotations of the Bible by early church fathers ... these more than 1 million manuscripts and pieces of manuscripts to compare with one another.

Question?  Objection!  What about Variations within text?

 Variations within the text  (New Testament)

(1)  Spelling changes - which change with the times, people, etc.  Account for 75% of variants

(2)  Changes that can't be (easily) translated - (to other languages) but do NOT change the meaning of the text.  Account for another 20% of variants.
Examples:  "cool!" "smoking hot", "what's happening?  goin' down?  Que Pasa?"  "you the man"

(3)  (actual) textual variants
example:  Mark 16:9-20 - John 7:53 - 8:11
These are obvious variants!! But none of them challenge any primary, orthodox doctrines!!  (account for another 4%)

Example:  Lord's Prayer
(4)  Textual variants that ARE meaningful.
these = 1% and (again) don't challenge any cardinal doctrines.  example:  1 John 5:7-8

Point = IF you have a good English translation .. THEN you can be confident you have THE Words of Christ and the Apostles!!
(don't let issues like this shake your confidence!!!)
For your study = (1)  Dan Wallace - Dallas Theological Seminary
(2)  Josh McDowell = "evidence that demands a verdict",
(3) == textual criticism

So, apply 'textual criticism' to Mark's passage ... Questions??
Whether you accept this passage or not... does it affect your faith, belief?  lifestyle? practice??

Answer = only if you intend to test, prove, challenge God by ... casting out demons, speaking in tongues, handling snakes, drinking poison, healing the sick. 
ie:  testing God in these whether called and gifted to do so... or not!!

Aside from these (above) instances, (tests, challenges) this text should NOT affect your Christina walk (in any way)!!

Applications for today??U

#1.  Don't tempt the Lord your God 
from Matt. 4:5-7  (from Deut. 6:16)
ie:  don't put Him to the test to see if He'll live up to His promises ... AS YOU INTERPRET them!!
example:  "Lord will protect me" - therefore stand in the road?
OR publicly handle snakes, drink Draino, etc.

Signs, wonders, miracles DO occur.
But they are not the NORM!!

#2.  Note... as a Christian.... You are not called to practice BLIND FAITH!!

"faith" = confidence with Good Reason!!
One one hand, may come to Christ with only evidence = drawing of the Holy Spirit.
BUT ... coming as a baby does not mean you should remain a baby!!!

Heb. 6:1 

Eph. 4:14-15
#3Your faith is strongest when it = Informed Faith!!
Some think "questioning scripture leads to loss of faith!!
However, questioning scripture will more than likely lead to greater confidence, greater faith BECAUSE NOW I'VE QUESTIONED, EXAMINED, AND FOUND THE WORD RELIABLE AND TRUE!!!

So.... (A)  don't be afraid to question, examine God's Word  (it'll stand the scrutiny)
But...(B)  recognize differences in honest inquiry vs. seeking excuses to reject, refuse, rebel  (attitude and intent matter!!)

#4.  Your faith and practice should NOT be based on (built on) select and obscure texts  (like this one!)
Example:  1 Cor. 15:29 - "baptize for the dead"

Remember this...
#5  Whether in Bible Study or daily practice... your obligation (as a follower) is to DISCOVER and Respond to His TRUTH... Not YOUR PREFERENCE!!  You don't have that option!!!

Closing Scripture:  2 Tim. 2:15


Sunday, April 9, 2023


 Introduction to Resurrection Celebration!

Matthew's account:  Matt. 28:1-8

Luke:  angel - "why do you seek the living among the dead?  He is not here!"

Later that evening (Sunday) -- John says "disciples were together with doors locked for fear of the Jews...")  Jesus appears to the disciples!!  Luke 24:36-48

Jesus continued to show himself for 40 days/ then ascends to heaven.  (Acts 1:9)

10 days later (Pentecost) Holy Spirit comes, Peter preaches to the crowd.... includes - Acts 2:32

On one hand, work of redemption "finished" on the cross
However, how could we be sure of that without the Resurrection?

One more thing:  Resurrection is more than Jesus' victory over death.  It = proof of Our victory over death!!
1 Cor. 15:20

The disciples really hoped that this was the guy who was going to deliver them, restore Israel, etc.  Then He died.  Besides that, Jesus was a loving friend to them. 

1st. Reactions (of the disciples?) - Before Sunday = devastated!!! - Luke 24:21
Then, Sunday morning ... additional grief - "body gone"
Angel to the women left them stunned!!  Shocked!!
Disciples = same!! - Mark - "trembling and bewildered)

Then Sunday evening Jesus appears (behind locked doors!!) 
Now = they are Elated!!
But also ... Confused!!
(1)  dead people don't rise  (this was not resuscitation/ they know that!!  Lazarus had a miracle worker to raise him, But dead miracle workers don't do miracles!!!

(2)  dead people don't rise..... glorified!!
Friday evening = dead and disfigured
Sunday evening = better than ever!!!  (same! yet different!!)

Then = question of why!!  Why not just stay Alive???
(forgo trauma, torture, grief, pain, confusion)

Answer:  becomes clear to the disciples over the next 40 days.

So.... some simple truths the disciples came to recognize that Apply to us today!!

#1)  The Resurrection PROVED Jesus had the FULL APPROVAL of God - Rom. 1:4
Point = all Jesus said and did had (has) FULL BACKING of GOD

Which leads to
#2)  Resurrection Proved Jesus has ALL authority over ALL things ALL the time!!!  (even over own death)
On one hand did many miracles
However, Raising himself up in glorified state???  - Matt. 28:18

#3)  The Resurrection convinced the disciples that Messiah's main mission was to deliver mankind from sin's consequences  (not Gentile oppression)
Matt. 1:21  
Disciples came to understand that Jesus' death was necessary for our forgiveness, our reconciliation!!

These three truths lead us to some very practical and applicable truths for our life today:

#1).  In Christ you can be fully forgiven for your sins. 
Sin = conscious, willful violation of God's Law.  (which amounts to Rebellion!)

BUT in Christ there is full forgiveness full reconciliation

#2)  In Christ you can find assistance for everyday life.
ie:  He has ALL authority, AND He = with you!!
Rom. 8:31, 38-39
This doesn't mean you can control life, or that life will go smoothly, or life's situations will always make sense.
Sometimes life doesn't make sense at all!!!   Rom. 8:28
It does mean that God is with you in all situations!!!

#3)  In Christ you can have total confidence in your future
Because ... His authority is more than here and now.   It = forever!!
AND... He promises to make all right (compensate)  - Rom. 8:18  2 Cor. 4:17

Which leads to
#4)  Therefore, In Christ you need not fear death
(A)  He is greater than death
(B)  He overcame death for us also!!
1 Cor. 15:20   John 11:23-26

(contrast:  fear of dying (act) vs. fear of death (state)

Which leads to a Summary statement  (challenge)
#5)  You CAN and SHOULD trust Jesus!!
not just for salvation .... but for and in all things! -  doesn't mean you'll always understand.
He has proven Himself trustworthy, caring, all powerful... so why Not entrust yourself to Him?   2 Tim. 1:12

I've used a Key phrase ... "In Christ .... you can....."

"In Christ" means you've accepted Him, He's Received you!! 
(doesn't mean you are sinless.... means you are in Right Relationship with Him.

"In Christ.... you can...." = you can choose!  therefore, you CAN have Him in your life.
BUT you'll have to decide.
         You'll have to act on that decision!!!  It's your choice!!

World offers you many faith options, many 'paths' to eternal life.

Examples:  atheism, agnosticism, polytheism
((polytheism = find the god that suits you and go with it!!)

Liberal Christianity - "I'm OK, you're OK"

Good works theology includes...
Salvation by service, sincerity, subtraction (I won't do these things), salvation by comparison, ritual, heritage

In contrast Jesus says 1 WAY!!  John 14:6
(that sounds narrow minded?   Actually Bible offers 3 ways to get to heaven:

#1.  Be Perfect - never violate ANY of God's laws for whole life

#2.  Pay your own way - build own bridge.
Problem = 1 Pet. 1:18-19 - (can you match that?)

#3.  Accept the payment already made for you!!  (ie:  Christ's death shown to be valid through the Resurrection!!)

Wherever you are in your spiritual pilgrimage ... the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ = GOOD NEWS!  In this you can find ... forgiveness, assistance, confidence

ie:  IF you are willing to TRUST (this) Christ...
     which = accept Him  (substitutionary sacrifice, Active Presence)
                  follow Him (as disciple, student)
                  serve Him  (as Lord and Master)
                  promote Him

How are you doing with all that???

Sunday, April 2, 2023

Lord's Supper Service


The Elements - Bread = His body broken for us - symbol - broken for you individually, personally

                     - Wine = His blood poured out for us -   "   - poured out for you individually, personally

The Origin = Passover meal at the Last Supper - night the Passover was celebrated.  This was the night that God reestablished the covenant with Israel as His chosen people.
Matt. 26:26-28
AS the Hews celebrate, commemorate their covenant relationship with God through the Passover meal ... So Christians celebrate/commemorate our Covenant with the Lord through the Lord's Supper

The Lord's Supper = celebrated, practiced in some similar fashion by Christians through out the history of the church And through out the world today!!

Primary Text - 1 Cor. 11:23-26 = "do this"

(1)  In Remembrance of ... what He did - Substitutionary Sacrifice
                                     why He did it - John 3:16 - out of love for His people
                                     who He did it for   1 Tim. 1:15 - all sinners - individual sinners

(2)  to proclaim..... belief in Him - is a silent testimony
                             faith in Him

(3)  together - on one hand, very personal observation
                     however, traditionally and universally celebrated as a church!!  As a church family!!
Eph. 4:3-6

Who should partake?  Answer:  believers!! 

What if feel unworthy?  1 Cor. 11:27  Talking about in an unworthy manner (approach, attitude)

What if uncomfortable?  ... then just pass it by!!

Now:  The Lord's Supper Service

Song:  "Nothing But the Blood"

Scriptures:  Rom. 3:10-12, 20-24, Rom. 4:7-8, 5:1-2, Rom. 8:31, 38-39, 2 Cor. 5:21

Song:  "O Sacred Head Now Wounded"
Matt. 26:26

Scriptures:  Eph. 1:3-8, 13-14, 2:4-9, 2:19, 3:20-21, 1 Pet. 1:18-19 

Song:  "Tis finished, the Messiah Dies"
Matt. 26:27-28

Song:  "Wonderful, Merciful Savior"

Num. 6:24-26

Closing Song:  "Go Now In Peace"