Monday, July 11, 2022


 "Pursuing a Champagne Vision on a Root Beer Budget"

Origin of this = 1990 purchased 23 acres.  That's where this phase of OBC began.

NOW ... 32 years later... are kind of back where we started!!  Need to expand!

On one hand, budget is much bigger!  (dollar wise)

However, same question before us ... ie:  "is the next step reasonable for OBC?"  Considering our resources, and considering our field (population).

So..... Revisit PCV on a RBB!

I)  God's Vision is always champagne! 
He always sees more, expects more than we can.

ie:  His plans far greater than what we see as practical, reasonable, possible

Example = Great Commission - Matt. 28:18-20  -- "all nations"!

II)  God's Budget is generally (most of the time) Root Beer!
Great Commision again:  to whom does He entrust this task? 
Initially 12 under-qualified  common people!!  (rag tag bunch:  root beer)

Eventually ... you and I - an un-qualified People!  We're still root beer - seriously flawed people.

So.... how to make up the difference?  how to fulfill a Champagne Vision with only a Root Beer Budget??

Answer:  He fills in the gap .... with Himself!!
Matt. 28:20 b - "and surely I am with you...  (not in own power, own strength)

Note:  God's budget (generally) does not mean money

it = (1)  People
and (2)  People who will respond to Him in Faith!! And that's the catalyst that makes the difference.


Ex. 3:7-12 - "I have come down to rescue... therefore you (Moses) GO!!!  and I'll go with you!!
And together.... we'll get this done!!

Josh. 1:1-9 - "Joshua... GO with this untrained and ill-equipped army of desert wanderers... and TAKE this land of trained and well-equipped soldiers and fortified cities!  AND IF you go.... according to my directions... I'll go with you!!"

Judges 6:11-16 "Gideon ... GO!! Go in the strength you (DO) have!!"
Compare to feeding 5,000  "how many loaves do you have??"

Jer. 1:4-8 - "Jeremiah, Go and I'll go with you..."

Haggai 2:3-9 - "Be strong... and work... for I am with you!"
Compare to Phil. 2:12-13 - He's in you, He's with you

Which brings us back to Matt. 28:18-20

On one hand, we don't want to rush ahead - without God!
However, He can't go with us if we don't go!!

Sometimes (yes) we need to wait on God. 
But sometimes ... it might be God waiting on us!!

When we stepped out 32 years ago ... it was Big Step.
Questions:  Is this God's Vision?  or ours?
                 Is this reasonable?  or foolish?"
Can we build it?  afford it?  maintain it?  justify it?
Now we are back here again!

IF we step out .... IN the right direction (ie:  according to His plan) He'll go with us!

BUT according to Biblical model ... we'll need more than God!!
We'll need His people ... on board!  trusting, co-operating, and WORKING!

Sunday, July 3, 2022

Biblical Guidelines for an Aspiring Nation /Christian

If we address our nation ... will naturally go to Deutoronomy.

Setting:  Egypt (sent down)/ Exodus (came out)/ Law (received at Sinai)/Kadesh (12 spies sent in, turned back)/ wanderings (40 years in wilderness)/ 2nd. Generation & Deuteronomy = "Second Law"

When 13 newly independent colonies decided to form one nation .. what kind, what pattern .... where did they look? 
A primary source = (1) the Bible  (34% of Founding Fathers' quotes from there)
A primary book = Deuteronomy which = the forming of a New Nation  (ie:  Israel) under God's provision and direction!!  God blessed the nation.

Question:  Is the USA still aspiring?  (after 246 years)
Yes!! still hoping ot achieve, accomplish, develop, move forward!
(granted .... liberals vs conservatives differ on where to go and how to get there!!)

IF asked "how do we move forward/upward"'d get many different answers!!
But... Biblical advice comes from God's Word, God's Will.
Especially words to "aspiring Israel".
God's basic plan or will doesn't change with time.  Still relevant today.

Another note:  A __________ church is made of _________ people.  (can also apply to a _______ church, family, community, nation....)

POINT:  A nation as a whole can only be what its individual citizens are.
Therefore, this application si not to the nation as a whole, rather to You as an individual!!

So  (some) Biblical Guidelines for any Aspiring Nation. And, Biblical Guidelines for any Aspiring Christian.

(1)  Be Reasonable - Deut. 8:17-18
Is the success of the USA due to hard work?  Yankee ingenuity?  Natural resources?
OR  God's grace??
Answer = Combination!! 
On one hand, God provided all of those things
However, people took responsibility for the provisions

This = Stewardship - which (1) recognizes God's owenership
                                        (2)  recognizes the steward's responsibility to make good use of the blessings.  We don't own anything!! We are stewards!!

(2)  Be Careful - Deut. 8:11-14
"Remember" - used 16 times in Deut.  166 times in Scripture, because we FORGET!!
Prosperity tends to produce unhealthy pride - (look at me, what I'm doing!!  Vs.  Look at what God's doing)  It ought to lead to recognition of God.

(3)  Be Thankful - Deut. 8:10
This is more than attitude - Note:  "be thankful" (attitude) - vs. "give thanks" (action) - 50 to 1 in scripture.

Giving thanks = appropriate and healthy!!   Psm. 50:23  "..... honors me"

(4)  Be Wise  Deut. 30:11-16, 19
Biblical Wisdom leads to Successful living  (blessed of God)

Note #1. Wisdom is not only for the elderly!!
Note #2  Blessings come with the doing!! - John 13:17 -
Knowledge alone doesn't bring blessing.

(5)  Be Instructive - Deut. 4:9, 6:4-9
This = basic Salt and light thinking
And NOTE HERE"  it starts in the Home!!
If God's word is so important, ought to be spreading it!

(6)  Be Evangelical - Deut. 4:6-8
Point::  Israel was to be a testimony of God's goodness ... TO pagans ... in order to draw them!!
(they totally dropped the ball - became very exclusive).  They were to Connect People to God!

Additional New Testament Testimony which = Christ's sacrifice by which we may be Redeemed and Reconciled  (John 14:6)  (should be introducing people TO Christ!

(7)  Be Faithful - Deut. 8:6
Point:  be faithful to Observe!!  Which = practice / keep / Do!!  Matt. 7:24

Closing Scripture:  Deut. 30:19-20