Monday, December 27, 2021

God's Visitations

 At Christmas we:  (1)  celebrate His Coming  (Incarnation - came in humility as a human baby)
                             (2)  Anticipate His Return  (2nd coming) - He will come in power and glory
But in the 'tween time ....??  ie:  the time between his first coming and his 2nd coming.
                            (3)  We hope for His Visitation(s)

Definition:  On one hand He is always with us - as a people group and as an individual
However, we sometimes have a special sense of His Immediate Presence!  (an experience, sensation, or evidence.)
Hence the song:  "O Come, O Come Emmanuel"

Broken into 2 categories:

I)  Corporate Visitations - moves among a people group
Examples from Scripture:   the Exodus, the time of Christ, Pentecost
Non-Scriptural examples = the Great Awakenings - 1730s and 1790s.  (1740 - 1742 church membership in New England doubled!!  in 2 years!!!

II)  Personal Visitations = reveals Himself to individuals.
example:  (nearly) al conversion experiences begin here - personal wooing, personal drawing

Question #1 - In what form do visitations come?  look like?
Scripture = visions, dreams, angelic visitations - examples:  Christmas story, Mary, Joseph, shepherds, magi
                  miracles; God manifests His presence in miracles - thru the Exodus, Elijah, Moses, etc.
But ... these are rare, unusual ... never the norm!!

The  most common = Presence and movement of the Holy Spirit working in a life.
John 14:15-18, 25-26, 16:12-14
example (again) - the Great Awakenings.  These were not a result of dreams, visions, angels, miracles!!!
Comparison:  Elijah's Visitation .. wind, earthquak3, fire - not in these.  But in a "still small voice" - 1 Kings 19

So.... Question #2... When will He visit?
:  when HE deems it wise, best... according to His wisdom, His timing, purpose, etc.  - We have NO control.  He is in TOTAL control!!
On one hand expect an initial Visitation (call to salvation) - Rev. 3:20, 22:17
However, beyond that??? expect Him to do what's BEST!!!

Question #3 - Should I seek a Visitation? (pursue, etc)
Answer:  Yes... BUT... He's Lord, you are not.  Must be willing to accept the absence of His presence.
On one hand, scripture says "seek Him  (develop personal relationship)
However, you should be willing to accept His Will in this!!! 
Examples:  Job, Jesus on the cross, the Laments - Psm. 13:1-2
He may want you to be in the darkness for a period of time.   (Christian maturing theory)

Question #4... What if He doesn't Visit Me?  (beyond initial call)
Answer:  "Keep Walking!"  - Isa. 50:10
Job 13:15 - "though He slay me.... yet will I trust Him"
words to Peter - John 2 - "you ...... Follow me!!!"

Caution!! Beware of  "Visitation Envy"
Don't Covet a Visitation.
Don't Fabricate a Visitation.
However, don't be too easily (readily) satisfied!!!

Question #5   Will I Know if He's Visited Me?
On one hand, He's capable of making Himself known!
However, He doesn't always choose to!!! - Heb. 13:2  "unawares"

I suspect... He visits more often than we realize... But ... He doesn't do it in the form we expect!!
Example:  Incarnation, Messiah!!

Summary Point:  Heb. 13:5 = about $$ only?  or broader principle
Example:  Paul's thorn - "my grace is sufficient unto thee"

Additional notes:

I)  A visitation is not always a pleasant thing!!! 
Could be confrontation, chastisement, discipline, challenge, correction

II)  ever received a Visitation through the ministry of another??
IF SO..... THEN ... you (likewise) may be the medium of God's Visitation - (to another) - 1 Pet. 4:10

So... concerning a Personal (or Corporate) Visitation?

(1)  pray - stay in touch (this = a relationship)
(2) seek - a Visitation!!  create an inviting environment!!
(3)  be open ... to receiving a Visitation ... OR ... NOT!!
(4)  be sure (confident) that He IS WITH you!!! - regardless
(5)  Be Available - to be a tool, instrument of Visitation
(6)  Above all - Keep Walking!!!

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

The Incarnation; The Coming of Christ

 All the celebrations around the world came about because of Christ's birth.

John 1:1 and John 1:14 

At Christmas we celebrate His coming AS a man .... TO Earth.
Matt. 1:22-23 - this title "Immanuel" - God Incarnate
On one hand, is a great mystery - 1 Tim. 3:16
However, just because it is beyond comprehension does not mean it's beyond truth!!!

So... what did He come to Accomplish?  (what purpose?)

He Came To

#1)  Reveal God - John 1:18  (word is exegete - to reveal)
To reveal ... God's Person/Character
                   God's will/ plan  (for us (people))

On one hand, more fully but NOT completely!!! - He is infinite.  We will never be infinite.
However, how much more we know of God .. when you add the gospels and the New Testament! - Christ came to reveal this stuff.  2 Pet. 1:19

#2)  To Redeem Man - ("buy back")
Justice demands payment
(hence the Old Testament Sacrificial System - ceremonially saved from sins)

#3)  to Reconcile Man
Redeem has legal aspects            Reconcile = relational aspect.  (personal relationship)
Rom.8:14-17 - " with Christ."
2 Cor. 5:18 - "...through Christ"  - example:  Bridge illustration

NOTE:  The price paid doesn't assure Redemption  (must accept!!)
              The bridge built doesn't assure Reconciliation  (must cross!!)

#4.  to teach us - how to live this life!!

#5.  To model for us - how to live this life!!

So..... WWJD (what would Jesus do)  based on what DID Jesus do?!   Not what you think Jesus would do.
The answer to both = found in Scripture!!!  Not in your mind, your heart!!  It is irrelevant what you think!!

Some of Jesus' human actions, expressions modeled for us":
     humility - "emptied 'self" - Phil. 2
     compassion/sympathy - example:  the 5000 - "sheep without a shepherd"
     forgiveness - ex.  woman caught in adultery - "neither do I condemn..."
                                on cross - "Father, forgive... they know not...."
     sense of duty/responsibility - John 5:17 - "Father works and I work...."
     sense of purpose!!  "came to seek and save"
     self - discipline, self sacrifice/ obedience...

Above exercised NOT ONLY in pleasant times.
But amidst ... grief/sorrow/pain/frustration (anger)/hunger/thirst/fatigue (also = human!)
So... Heb. 4:15 = our Mediator also our Model!!

#6.  To Enable us - John 14:15-18
(doesn't give TASK without Provision!)
On one hand, not enabled to perfection
However, enabled to ... live the Christian life ... to follow... to serve... to model... to Promote!

The above 6 = things He came to accomplish (achieve)

But... motivation?  ie:  why would God come, live, Die...?

Because... (1)  He Loves You - John 3:16
            on one hand "world" = us...
            however the Scripture is clear ... includes you as an individual person!!!

                (2)  (obviously)  He Values You   (agape)
                      (A)  made you in His image
                     (B) you are worth dying for!!!

               (3)  He sees potential in you ... He's willing to beckon you, save you, indwell you, work with you.... and spend eternity with you!!!

Short Summary:  John 10:10

Sunday, December 5, 2021

Parables of Jesus (continued)

 Last week = Parable of Soils  (soil is your heart, ou are responsible for the condition of the soil.)
Included Mark 4:10-12  along with Matthew 13

Point = Parables are designed to :  Reveal and Conceal Spiritual truths
Jesus wanted those who wanted to hear and see to see, and those who didn't, did not.

So now.... Mark 4:21-22
Is God's desire that all see and hear the spiritual truths.
However, He won't violate your free will.    If you are determined to not let God's truths in, He won't force you to hear.

So... Mark 4:23-24 The Warning (admonition)
IF you ahve Spiritual capacity to see, hear....
THEN .. you should (1) TAKE NOTE  (pay attention)
                      and    (2)  Consider carefully what's being taught and said..

Because:  Mark 4:24-25
(1)  the degree to which you apply yourself to these truths largely determines what you'll get out of them. 
Mark 4:14-15

(2)  if you don't use what you have, you cane expect to lose what you have! 
Illustration:  Matt. 25:26-29
(3)  Paul's last words to Timothy - 2 Tim. 2:15

2 Kingdom Parables

I)  Mark 4:26-29 - Kingdom is like... a field of seeds that grow and develop regardless of farmer's understanding!

This does not mean we spread the Word and let God do all the rest.  Example:  1 Cor. 3:5-9
So... (1)  We are to apply ourselves to the Word in our own heart  (ex.  Parable of the Soils)

AND  (2)  we are to (attempt to) nurture the seed in other's hearts as well!!

II)  Mark 4:30-32
On one hand, the Kingdom had (apparently) insignificant beginnings
However, the Kingdom has had incredible growth and impact.

We tend to choose Pre-Mill (things get worse and worse before Jesus returns)
                  or        Post-Mill  (things get better and better)

BUT  - Kingdom growth often includes BOTH ... at the SAME TIME
Example:  Roman Empire after the Resurrection! 
Question:  Did things get better and better??  Christina growth and influence
Or... things get worse?? - decadence and decay

ANSWER = Both.... at the same time!

Another example = Corinth.    Yet ... 1 Cor. 15:58

Final takeaway from all this??    Mark 4:33
"as much as they could understand"...

The disciples didn't understand everything He said, so you're not going to understand all He says
But .. the final issue is not one of understanding.  It's one of TRUST!!!

ie:  Will you TRUST Him ... even when you don't understand?  (it's called FAITH!!)
                as your SAVIOR?
                as your LORD  (Boss)?
                when you can see?
           and when you can't?