Sunday, July 30, 2023

"Be Greatly Annoying" - Acts 4

Recap of last week - Acts Chapter 3

Peter and John entering the temple at 3 in the afternoon, saw beggar who'd been lame from birth. 
Told the man "silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give to you:  int he name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene - walk!"  Man was healed.  He began to shout and jump and attracted a huge crowd. 
Peter and John began to preach the gospel to them, called the Jews, including the leadership, to repent of their wickedness.  Did not mince their words.

Acts 3:13-16 - sermon caused quite a commotion.

Acts 4:1-2 - approached by the political and religious giants.
            A)  the priests - set up in Old Testament with Aaron and sons.  Were to speak to God on behalf of the people. Were to confess the sins of the people and offer sacrifices to God for them.  Were supposed to be holy in character.
Once a year the high priest was to go into the holy of holies where the ark of the covenant was and into the presence of God to intercede for the people.

          B)  The Captain of the temple guard.  Basically, the chief of police for the temple.  Composed of Levites.  May have been his men who were guarding the tomb of Christ when He was raised from the dead.  (could also have been a Roman guard) but no doubt that this captain knew about the resurrection account of the soldiers who were on guard.

        C)  The Sadducees - one of the two elite groups that made up the Sanhedrin, the Jewish ruling council.
Held that only the first 5 books of the Pentateuch were divinely inspired.  Didn't hold to the rest of the Old Testament as authoritative.  Did not believe in resurrection, the existence of angels, an afterlife.  Basically denied anything supernatural.  We see them clashing with Jesus over and over along with the Pharisees.

We have record in Acts 15 that some of the Pharisees did become Christians, but have no record of any of the Sadducees coming to faith in the Bible.
Bitter hatred between them and the Pharisees.  Controlled the 70 member Sanhedrin at the time.
However, leaders of  both parties came against Christ and his disciples.

According to John MacArthur, Sadducees "tended to be wealthy, aristocratic members of the priestly tribe."  "The Pharisees were legalists"  Sadducees were liberals."  "Pharisees were separatists;  Sadducees were compromisers and political opportunists", yet they united to oppose Christ.

These people, Acts 4:2, were "greatly annoyed".  Some versions = grieved, disturbed, distressed.

Why were they so annoyed? 
Acts 4:2 = 3 reasons:  

#1)  Peter and John were teaching the people.Sadducees were the gate keepers:  Peter and John  had not been to their schools or their seminaries.   Peter and John not aristocrats and intellectuals such as themselves.
Were fishermen from Galilee.  Fairly young, uneducated men.  And were teaching the people in their temple.

#2)  They were teaching in Jesus name.  The Messiah.  Who they had killed and who they were rejecting.

#3)  They were teaching the resurrection of the dead.  The same Messiah whose resurrection they were covering up.
These nobodies, by the world's standards, were starting to shake up their grip on the people.  It was really starting to shake their tower of authority.
And, because of this, they were Greatly Annoying!!!!

Acts 4:3-4  Because of them being greatly annoying, they were arrested.  Spent the night in jail.  But even so, many who heard their message were saved.  (5000 men - just counting the men) 
Sadducees had good reason to fear.  According to historians, the number of their followers was less than 5000. 
These new converts didn't just walk an aisle or raise a hand or fill out a card, but genuinely came to faith in Christ.  The Sadducees had reason to panic.   They seemed more interested in their own positions, rather than serving the God they supposedly followed.

Acts 4:5-7 - elite gather to pass judgment on Peter and John.  This 71 member group known as the Sanhedrin, (the Jewish national ruling body and supreme court) - included Annas, former high priest and Caiphas, the current high priest.
All the Sanhedrin made up of very powerful men.  Sat in a circle with the accused (Peter and John) in the center and  the accused would state their case.
Ruling council asked the question,  "by what power or by what name do you do this?"  (who do you think you are?)
Peter and John were there right before Jesus ascended into heaven and he told them "all authority in heaven and on earth has been given unto me... therefore go!! - Matt. 28:18
Who cares what these men think or what they can do to them.  These men have seen the resurrected King!!  They were told by Jesus himself - Luke 12:11-12 - ".... Holy Spirit will teach you ... what you ought to say."  - Jesus keeps His promises.

Acts 4:8-12 - message brought by the same Peter who cowered in fear outside the trial of Jesus NOW filled with the Holy Spirit with himself on trial knowing very well how powerful and evil the Sanhedrin is.  He BRINGS IT!!  Explaining to the elites through the Old Testament, Psm. 118, to be the mediator between the people for, that God has sent his Messiah, His very Son and they rejected Him, handed him over to be crucified!  No other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.


#1.  Intellect will not save you
These men all had a knowledge of God.  All, at least, paid lip service to the God of Israel, but clearly missed the point. 
Jesus said of this group "... people honor me with their lips, but ... hearts are far from me." Matt. 15:8
James 2:19 - "... even the demons believe --- and shudder."
Not enough to just be able to rattle off some facts.  Need to submit very life to the Lord Jesus Christ!!
Gal. 2:20 - can this be said of you.

Acts 4:13

#2.  God calls us to be bold!
We live in a world of pansies.  Somewhere along the way pelple started getting the idea that the goal of the Christian life s not to offend anybody.  Someone forgot to tell Peter that!!!  Someone forgot to tell Paul that!  Someone forgot to tell Jesus that!!  Rom. 12:18 - true.  But no hemhawing around the truth of God's word. 
Peter - before the Sanhedrin - and says, "there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved!"

#3.  Christian courage comes from time with God
Acts 4:13 - got this boldness because he had been with Jesus.  Hard to be bold for Jesus when you don't spend time with Him.  Just try to do God's work without spending time in prayer and in the scripture.  You will be miserable. 
When are spending time with God and serving God, He instills in us a boldness in doing His work at just the right time.  "Ordinary/uneducated" by the world's standard, but they'd spent 3 years being trained by the creator of all things an now they are filled with his Holy Spirit.  God still uses his people ad He still shows up when we serve Him.

Acts 4:14-22
#4.  Don't harden your heart.
These leaders KNEW of the resurrection, SAW the miracle of this man being healed, SAW the extraordinary courage of Peter and John, yet their response was still rebellion!! Don't fight God.  You will lose!!!

#5.  Don't stop. 
Acts 4:18-20.  They just could NOT stop.  Regardless of the consequences.  The disciples counted it worthy to suffer persecution for Jesus.
Whatever you are struggling with - sin - lost friend - wayward child - don't fit in at school - don't want to be just like everyone else.  Don't stop.  Never grow tired of doing good!"   Gal. 6:9

We need to step up and be bold in opportunities God gives us.  Stop fighting God.  Surrender to what He's calling you to.  Whatever it is that God is calling you to do today, do it!!


Sunday, July 23, 2023

Acts Chapter 3

 Acts 3:1-26  - not sure how many days after Pentecost this took place.

Apostles did many miracles ... Question:  Why this one recorded?
Ans.  - Probably because of the stir it created!!  (Chap. 4 - next week)
Crippled man = not just faking it. 
Glorify = make His glory known.  Same way the moon glorifies the sun.  Moon has no glory of it's own but reflects the glory of the sun even though the sun is not visible.

Today ... Will examine/illustrate 3 areas of Christian Life>

I)  Miracles:  definition:  an event that is un-common, un-usual, INEXPLICABLE (unexplainable) apart from God's intervention.    Generally unnatural.

            The purpose?  1 primary purpose = show God's approval (affirmation) of a message or messenger
Examples:  Moses, Elijah, Jesus, Apostles
Rom. 1:4 - the Resurrection.    Therefore, a miracle = both a sign and a wonder.

            The Prevalence?  = NOT the usual, normal, common ... but = ON occasion, AS GOD DICTATES!!
Examples:  Moses, Elijah, Jesus, Apostles

            The passing?? - We see fewer miracles AS the church age progresses.
Why?  Because the Gospel message was sufficiently confirmed??  (Whatever the reason, it = GOD'S CALL!!!  Not ours!!)

Some say "fewer miracles because there's less faith"
BUT, (1)  John the Baptist - John 10:40-41 - Jesus said was not a man born of woman greater than John the Baptist, yet he never worked a miracle.
and   (2)  every age has faithful and unfaithful followers!

Question:  How effective are miracles in converting people to Christ??
Answer:  On one hand, CAN be very effective!!
              However, not all who see/experience miracles turn to God!!  (example:  majority of the Sanhedrin!  They affirm the miracle but don't turn!)  Miracles are signs to seekers!

Extreme example:  Rev. 16:10-11

Point = Application for today:  WHEN God reveals 'SELF/Glory to you... (by whatever means ... miracle, sense of Presence, Holy Spirit's conviction, etc.) THEN you  must decide, choose ...

Either  1)  Recognize/admit & allow 'self to be drawn to Him...
or       2)  Resist, refuse, pull back from God
example:  "casts out demons by power of Satan!"
Bible presents 2 paths only!!!  No neutral ground!!!
And..... choices don't end with salvation!!

II)  The Role of Faith in healing
God heals ... often through a person ... and faith has a part. 
BUT whose faith?  the healer?  or the healed?  example:  Peter and John, or the cripple?

On one hand, answer not always clear - examples:  Lazarus - dead?  have faith?  Legion - possessed  (have faith?)
But what we DO KNOW is: 
see "your faith has made you whole, healed you"
Also see Acts 14:8-10 (did Peter and John see his faith?)
Contrast Mark 6:4-6

So.... faith matters!!
BUT  #2.  Faith Alone (no matter how pure) does not guarantee healing.  (faith doesn't heal.... GOD heals!)
Hence:  Epaphroditus (Phil. 2) "ill and almost died"
            Trophimus (2 Tim. 4) "left sick ant Miletus"

Point/Application:  (1)  You don't always get what you pray for - (no matter how pure your faith)
                    BUT (2)  sometimes you do!!  (even with a faulty faith!!)

Faith does NOT make miracles a certainty, BUT Faith does make miracles a possibility!!

So... (1)  believe and pray - James 5:16 b
  But (2)  accept GOD'S answer/will - 2 Cor. 12:7-9

Another thing ... we read Chapter 3 and focus (naturally) on the Miracle, but Peter and John focus on the person, work, Resurrection of Christ...

ie:  III.  The Miracle of Salvation
Acts 3:19 a "... wiped out"
in essence saying ... "what God has done physically for this cripple ... He can/will do for you... a Spiritual Cripple!!  (primary meaning of ... 1 Pet. 2:24.  healed spiritually.  May get healed physically.

Note  Acts 3:17 - "done in ignorance..."
BUT ... NOW no longer ignorant!  NOW must make an INFORMED Decision!!
ie:  move toward Christ .... or pull back from Christ!!!

Question:  What IF cripple said "not interested"??? 

Question:  Was he healed when Peter spoke the words?
OR, when he tried to get up?? 


(1)  Is OK to want miracles,, but don't Wait for one!!
whenever God makes Himself known ... Accept, Respond...

(2)  Is OK to pray for healing ... but determine to serve Him regardless!!

(3)  Although miracles and/or healing is sometimes His will... Salvation is Always His will (AND, you are no longer ignorant!!)

And, (as salvation is always His will), so is Sanctification!!  ie:  Spiritual progress, growth toward Spiritual maturity!

Therefore, pray for and accept (receive) any miracle God has for you (great or small)
BUT ... don't wait for a miracle ... to do what you now is the RIGHT THING!

Monday, July 10, 2023


Continuation in Acts. 
Acts 2:37 = when people heard Peter's sermon they were "cut to the heart...", and on that day 3000 souls received the Word, etc.

Acts 2:42 - gives insight into the heart of the early church. 
Four things the early church did:

1)  They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching.
DEVOTED!!!  = totally and completely committed to Christ.  Intense in their faith this was the way it showed up and worked out in their lives.
At this time, apostles were with them.  Apostles were:  teaching the Old Testament, showing how it points to Christ, and teaching what Christ taught them.  Were witnesses to the risen Christ.  They spoke prophetically as the Holy Spirit carried them along.

2 Pet. 1:16-21 - We have their teachings in the New Testament. 
New Testament - written by Apostles and their close associates.
Paul became a Christian and an Apostle later - 2 Pet. 3:15-16

One of the strongest arguments that we have for the truth of the scripture = Apostles willing to lay down life for it.
According to Scripture and early church writings, all except John died gruesome deaths, yet would not recant their faith.
Apostles took their ministry and their writings seriously and so did the early church.  Devoted themselves to it.  Took it to heart!  Lived it!!!

Is easy to get discourage about state of Christianity when look around America.  We should be praying for awakening in this country.  Pray for God to WAKE US UP!!  However, church is growing in China, in Russia, in Latin America, in Asia.  Is growing in Sub-Saharan Africa.  Growing in Iran, in Afghanistan.  

Aren't many fence riding Christians in these countries.  It's dangerous to follow Jesus.  They have to be ALL IN.  Devoted to the Word of God. 
How about us?  are you devoted to the Word in your own personal life?  How about in your family?  Is it evident in your public life?

2)  They devoted themselves to the Fellowship 

This means more that just visiting.  It literally means encourage each other, push each other, hold each other accountable, sharpen each other.
1 Cor. 12, Eph. 4:16, Col. 3:14-16, Rom. 12:3-13 - All talk about us as  members of the body of Christ.
We are to use our gifts to serve each other, care about the spiritual well being of each other. 
When one of us is out of step, it hurts the whole.
Heb. 3:12-13
James 3:15-16 - Not only look after each other's spiritual needs, but physical also when possible. 
Our faith should flow out of our fingertips.

Acts 2:44-45 = acts of genuine Christian compassion and generosity. 
A)  No civil government coercion or compulsion to make you give.  Money not given to the Romans.  Was laid at the Apostles' feet, or given by individuals to other individuals.
B)  People still owned personal possessions, still met in "their homes" and many other Christians still owned homes. - Acts 12:12, 17:5, 18:7, 20:20, 21:8, 21:16, Rom. 16:5, 1 Cor. 16:19, Col. 4:15, Phil. 2, 2 John 10.
In Acts 5:4 - Peter told Ananias and Sapphira they had no obligation to sell their property and give away the money. 
Point being:  be generous ith your time, gifts, and possessions with each other.

3)  They were devoted to Breaking Bread
Probably = Lord's Supper and larger meals of fellowship amongst believers.  Acts 2:46 tells us they were eating together in their homes with glad and generous hearts.  You really get to know people when you have them in your home.

4)  They were devoted to prayer  

Simple concept to grasp.  Tough discipline to live consistently.    James 5:16.  1 Thess. 5:17
We know these things with our heads, but do we really believe with our hearts?
When was last time you spent 30 minutes pleading for your friends, or the lost, or the church, or your family?

Examples:  David Brainerd.  As young man was kicked out of Yale because he became too zealous for the school.  Made a comment about the impious staff and they kicked him out!
Became a missionary to the Indians, on time went into the woods, got on his knees in the snow and pleaded for them of 12 hours.  Died in late 20s of TB. 
              Charles Spurgeon said "I'd rather teach one man to pray that 10 men to preach".
A mark of effective Christians throughout history is a fervent and consistent prayer life. 
              John Wesley got up every morning at 4:00AM to meet with God in prayer.
Are you devoted to prayer?  Prayer is absolutely essential.

Acts 2:46-47 - Normal outflowing of the heart devoted to God is that praise for Him flows out of it.  

The end of Chapter 2 says that the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved. 
Here was the start of the Christian church.  No buildings yet, no books or podcasts or conferences, BUT they devoted themselves to God.
They were devoted to His word, to one another, to prayer and God added to their number daily those who were being saved. 
How about you?  Are you devoted?  Really, are you devoted???

Friday, July 7, 2023

Fears of a Setting Sun

 Book by Benjamin Franklin - the Premise = The disillusionment of America's founding fathers

"Fears of the Founding Fathers" included:

#1. Partisanship/party loyalties TO an extreme/ for personal interest, at expense of the nation.
George Washington was the most disturbed by this.

#2.  The question of Federal or State control,  Federalists wanted strong federal government   Republicans - states rights, 
Example:  Alexander Hamilton believed the federal government formed by the constitution = too feeble to survive (hence - 13 separate governments instead of a United States.)

#3.  a lack of moral virtue - (or Civic virtue)
Examples:  John Adams .... life long fear!!! 

#4.  the slavery issue - though seldom publicly addressed by the founding fathers ... none the less was a grave concern!!

#5.  (less recognized)  Immigrants rights  example:  Alien and Sedition Act
       (1)  raised citizenship time from 5 years to 14 years  (1798)
       (2)  gave president authority to arrest, imprison, deport non-citizens (in Wartime)
       (3)  made it a Crime for ANY citizen "to print, utter, or publish any false, scandalous, malicious writing about the government"!!

NOTE I:  These fears were not totally unfounded!!  example:  Civil War!  Gettysburg Address - 1st 2 sentences.

NOTE II:  These issues all have contemporary parallels!

(1)  party loyalties?  democrat/republican    Red/Blue
seemingly ... without compromise, at the expense of unity!

(2)  state or federal control? 
immigration?  abortion?  legalization of drugs?  gay marriage?  gun control?  public schooling?

(3)  morals of American people!!

(4)  Race issues  (reparations)  abortion ( right to life)

(5)  immigration - who to let in?  out?  what rights do they have?  what government services for them?

POINT HERE:  Governments change!!  (structure, policy, theory, etc.)
BUT ... human nature does NOT change!!

So.... on one hand, we should do all we can to build, develop, establish a Godly government, public, nation...
However, will often find ourselves fighting same battles over and over  (with different names, titles, clothes, etc.)

What does this say to us a s Christian Americans?  What to do?  How to respond?

Some thoughts based on Scripture and Scriptural wisdom:

#1.  Recognize our nation as a blessing from God = Psm. 127:1

#2.  Recognize this as BOTH a National blessing AND as a PERSONAL blessing!!
ie:  We are blessed as a nation
      You are blessed as an American!

#3.  Recognize/Remember ... God is in Control!
Which ultimately means We're not
#4.  Also remember God has entrusted US with the OVERSIGHT of this nation!! 
Stewardship!!!! Gen. 1:28  Rom. 13:1-2, 3-7
#5.  don't despair when the nation appears to be going downhill!!  Concern is one thing.  Be concerned!  But despair says we don't trust God.
Example:  forefathers THEN and Us today!!
Because:  (1)  the situation may NOT be as bad as it appears
               (2)  nations do sometimes turn around!  (example:  Slavery)

#6.  Balance your pessimism and optimism!
We have (you have) (1)  limited knowledge - we don't know the future;  God does.
                       plus  (2)  God's grace
Job 12:1-2
On one hand, is legitimate (and necessary) to assess and criticize ..

#7.  Don't let your criticisms consume you!
Examples:  founding fathers & 1st. 20 years!  US and the news media today!

On one hand our government = seriously flawed and poorly run
However, we're not building walls to keep people IN!! - Phil. 4:8

#8.  Prioritize your citizenship - Phil. 3:20
On one hand, we have dual citizenship - here and in heaven
However:  which = greater?  more important?  Matt. 6:33

#9.  pray for our governmental leaders - 1 Tim. 2:1-4

#10.  Remember ... God's blessings are not always immediately evident!
Contrast the 1st. decades f our nation with today
(don't let obvious problems obscure the blessings!!)

God has blessed America..... Is blessing America.... Is blessing you (as an American) 
therefore, we should take time to recognize, thank, celebrate!!

Question:  have your committed yourself to this Blesser?
                Can you trust Him .... with your Nation?   with your Eternal State?

Can you balance criticisms and celebration?
in other words, "thanks for what we have/  help us make it better!

Closing Scripture:  Psm. 33:12, 20-22