Acts 28
Last week - God worked thru shipwreck at Malta.
Malta - small island 17 mi x 9 mi. 50mi. south of Sicily. 180 miles north of Libya. Descended from the Phoenicians descended from Canaanites. Roman and Greek gods, a temple they claimed built by a giant. Temple is still there. Very interesting history.
Acts 28:1-2 - native people showed unusual, extraordinary kindness.
Publius - chief man - brought all 276 people home with him for 3 days.
These people showed the shipwrecked people incredible hospitality. Interesting - they were not Christian people yet. God blesses that.
Today = 3 points.
Question #1: Are you known for your hospitality?
We used to be - Christians ought to be known for hospitality. Heb. 13:2 Do we treat strangers that way?
Examples: Abraham in Genesis 18 - God and two angels
Jesus sending out the 72 - shake dust off feet if not welcomed.
Even lost people can do good - Rom. 2:14-15 The law is written on their hearts - Romans 1, so without excuse.
We as Christians need to be more hospitable to people, not only to strangers, but each other.
Gal. 6:10 - lest us do good to everyone, especially house of God.
Question #2: Do you serve with humility? Are you willing to serve without recognition or praise for what you are doing?
How humble was Paul? Must be willing to serve wherever needed.
Example: Mark 9:34-35 - Jesus washing disciples' feet.
Acts 28:3 - here Paul is a servant with a humble heart. Picking up sticks for the fire.
viper latched on to Paul's hand.
Acts 28:3-6 - Paul unharmed by snake. Miraculous to confirm the message and the messenger.
Example: Mark 16:18, Luke 10:99
Elijah and the prophets of Baal - fire from heaven.
It became clear that God's hand was on Paul.
the Pagan interpretation of this = Pike - mother - goddess of divine justice. They believed that gods exacted vengeance, were surprised that Paul lived. So, viper was justice on land. Took Paul to be a god when he was unharmed by the snake.
Paul did not welcome them proclaiming him a god. Acts 14:11-17
Here's how we are proven to be Christians - Rom. 12:9-21
Acts 28:7-8 - Hospitality - (276 people in house)
Acts 28:8-10
Question: why all the miracles in Malta? Are less and less in Acts - been a couple years and 8 chapters back since any miracles recorded.
Answer: God blessing their hospitality? Maybe. BUT, this was an unreached area - the frontlines.
Many miracles even today through missionaries to unreached places.
God works thought people still - one way he does that is he gives us influence.
Question #3; Are you using your influence? With your children, grandchildren, community, school, work, ball games, etc.
God gives us influence for a reason.
God gives us talents and abilities - He expects return... and, He can just as easily take those things away.
How Paul used his influence:
He led Publius to the Lord.
Publius started the first church in Malta, was the 1st. Bishop in Malta, maybe was even the Bishop in Athens. Malta became the 1st. Christian nation.
The effects are still felt today. Are different than us, but a 2018 poll stated that 95.2% of the people claimed Christianity. That all started with Paul using his influence 2000 years ago.
How will you influence those people God has put in your life?
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