Monday, July 29, 2024

Paul on Trial

Acts 21:27-28, 30
Paul returns to Jerusalem - results in riot in the temple court.  Accused of preaching against the Jewish people, against the Law, against the temple.

The Roman Commander (next door in barracks area) intervenes.  (Claudius Lysias - commander of the Roman garrison) Acts 21:31-26

Paul is permitted to address the mob;  gives his personal testimony.  They listen UNTIL ... Acts 22:21-23 - vs. 22 - heresy

Paul taken into the 'barracks' - next day on trial before the Sanhedrin (ruling council of the Jewish nation)
Paul refers to "hope in the resurrection' .. Council is divided and violent.  Acts 23:10

Paul rescued - Acts 23:11 - Lord's message to him.

Plot to kill Paul is thwarted/Paul rushed away to Caeserea to Governor "Felix".  Caeserea - primary port.  Center of Roman politics.

5 days later... Paul has hearing before Felix.  Jews complaint - Acts 24:22-23
Felix calls for personal interview!!  Acts 24:24-26  (Felix was known for taking bribes)

Felix = Convicted but Conflicted ... so... Acts 24:27

Felix is recalled to Rome because of his bribe taking, etc. - replaced by Festus  (Felix' brother-in-law)
Festus goes to Jerusalem and is met by ANGRY Jews!!  Acts 25:1-3

Back in Caesarea .. ANOTHER hearing before Festus!!!  Acts 25:9 - political

But Paul knows PLOT and SENTENCE .... so  Acts 25:11-12 - now has the right to a trial in Rome.

Enter Agrippa!! - Acts 25:13

Festus' dilemma!! - Acts 25:18-19   So... Acts 25:22  He totally doesn't understand what this is all about.

So... Another hearing!!  Acts 26:22-23 - Paul presents his testimony again along with gospel presentation.
       Festus' response - Acts 26:24
the Verdict!! Acts 26:30-32 - Not guilty.

That's the story...,  Are there any lessons?  Any Applications?

Note 1st:  Paul's primary defense is his PERSONAL Testimony!!  (shared before the Jews, Festus, Agrippa!)

Personal Testimony consists of 2 Simple Parts:

#1.  This I KNOW
#2.  This I Believe about what I know.

Example:  the Blind man - John 9:24-25, 32-33
On one hand, need to be able to share the gospel also  (bridge illustration)
However, Testimony is a powerful tool (IF your lifestyle lines up with your testimony)  If it doesn't, your testimony is of no value!!!

Responses to Paul's testimony were varied!!
    Jews - Angry
    Felix - Convicted
    Festus - Indifferent
    Agrippa - Curious
You can expect all these responses to your Personal Testimony.


#1)  People get angry when you question their standing with God. 
Example:  Paul and Jewish council.
Because saying "you're NOT in good standing with God, but I am!! - this is why Jews were so angry.

#2.)  Considering Christ creates inner conflict
Example:  Felix - Because following Christ means (1) giving up some things
                                                                           (2)  TAKING up some things.
This is true of the believer as well as non-believer.  (This is why is easier for kids)

#3.)  People often appear indifferent to the Gospel.
Example;  Festus - whether they ARE indifferent ... we can't know...
BUT this we CAN Know!!  Isa. 55:10-11

#4)  Curiosity does not necessarily mean a genuine interest
Example:  Agrippa - But again, we can't know - so treat it seriously!!  Continue to pray and minister.

And #5)  People can (and do) overcome these obstacles.
Example:  pre-converted Paul and his anger, hostility!!

Therefore:  share, pray, don't give up. You never know when your personal testimony is going to change someone.

FINALLY.....God is making the Gospel known THRU Paul's difficulties!!
(Audience of the Sanhedrin, Felix, Festus, Agrippa, prominent men of Caesarea, etc.)

Remember:  Acts 23:11 - now jump ahead to... Phil. 4:22 - heard Paul's testimony and turned to Christ.

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