Sunday, August 18, 2024

The Unhindered Incarceration

Paul is in prison but God's Word goes on and is not hindered.

We are coming from Acts - Paul's 3rd. missionary journey, testified before governors and kings, the Sanhedrin, and has ended up being brought to Rome.  

God did a lot of work during the trip to Rome.  

Acts 28:11-12 - finally set sail for Rome after 3 months layover.  Stopped at Syracuse and stayed three days.  Paul planted a church during those three days.   

Acts 28:13-15 - stayed at next stop for 7 days.  Brothers came from surrounding areas to see Paul.  Gave Paul courage.  Paul was encouraged.  

Why?  saw some effects of his ministry?  saw some fruit from his ministry? 
Probably just because he was revived to be in the presence of other believers.

Being around other believers is or should be an encouragement to us, refreshing.

Point #1:  Thank God for good fellowship.  Christian life is not meant to be lived alone.  We need one another, we are refreshed by one another, we encourage one another.

Acts 28:16 - Paul allowed to stay by himself chained to a Roman guard.  Possibly had 4 different guards every day.   You can imagine what these guys heard from Paul and what he did.

What happened to these guards?   Phil. 1:12-14 Has become clear and evident to these guards that Paul was in prison because of Christ.   Circumstances actually worked out for good.  Worked through speaking to the guards, but also encouraged the believers to speak out boldly for Christ.
When you are around someone with courage, it gives you more courage.

Point #2:  God doesn't stop working in "bad" circumstances 
God uses these bad circumstances to direct and correct
God does great things in bad times.
Examples:  through Paul's persecution in Jerusalem - before this, gospel message was staying pretty localized.  Then persecution came and suddenly gospel was spread out throughout entire area.
                 Rom. 12:12 - rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.  "help me to see what You are trying to show me in this situation."

Now Paul's custom was to go to the Jews first.  They were supposed to be waiting for the Messiah.  Had knowledge of the Old Testament, Jesus' ministry was mostly to the Jewish people.  
Paul says in Rom. 1:16 - not ashamed of the gospel .....Jew first and also to the Greeks.
Paul had a heart for those closest to him.  He was a Jew's Jew - Jewish to the core.  Had a great love and compassion for the Jewish people.

Acts 28:17-24 - mixed response but lots of rejection! - from his Jewish brethren.

Point #3:  Never give up on your family
Gal. 6:9 - let us not grow weary
1 Cor. 15:58 - be a witness to those closest to us.  Easy to become discouraged and give up.  God has called us to be a light, a witness to those closest to us.  It's hard to do.  But, do not grow weary of doing good, especially in witnessing to and ministering to your family.

God does bless our work, and is pleased with our work.

Acts 28:25-28 -Prophet Isaiah said Holy Spirit wrote....  

All views of Christian Eschatologies - believe that there is a time coming in the future where there will be a great revival among the Jewish people. 
Rom. 11:25-26 - partial hardening of Jewish people will come until time of Gentiles is fulfilled. 
However, for all - only ONE way to God and that is through Jesus Christ.

Acts 28:30-31
Paul perhaps supported by local believers, kept on with all boldness and without hindrance "unhindered"

He had very fruitful prison ministry. 
 - wrote Ephesians, Phillipians, Colossians, & Philemon

Encouraged and mentored several companions:

Timothy - (Phil. 1, Col. 1:1)
Luke - Acts 28:18
Epaphras - "Fellow servant", "faithful minister", brought the gospel to the Colossians, tradition says was martyred
Onesimus - ex-slave of Philemon, became a Christian - Phil. 1, Col. 4:7-9, Eph. 6:21-22
Philemon - became Christian - pastor in Ephesus after Timothy, filled in for Titus and Timothy
Mark, Aristarchus - Phil. 24 - Mark = former deserter - became helpful, fellow worker, called for
Aristarchus - travel companion - according to tradition - bishop in Syria and martyred by Nero

Phil. 4:21-22 - great ministry in Caesar's household
Paul preached the gospel unhindered, faithful and bold.

Who would have thought!!
Not the end of Paul yet.  Seemingly had a 4th. journey.  clues in the epistles and extra history.  visited old territory, plus
Clement of Rome AD 95 = said he went to the "farthest limits of the west"
Possibly went to Spain - Rom. 15:24, 28
Some even say, went to the British Isles

2nd arrest and traditionally executed by Nero.

Acts ends but the movement continues.

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