Tuesday, December 13, 2022

The Greatest Commandment

 last 2 weeks = people questioning Jesus to discredit Him
   ie:  Sadducees, Pharisees, Herodians

Now = an individual = "a teacher of the Law" - expert in the Law
         (a lawyer .... and The Law = law of Moses)
NOTEHe seems ... impressed with Jesus' answers
                             .... sincere in his inquiry

Mark 12:28   613 commands (248 thou shalts and 365 thou shalt nots)
Was a common debate  "which = greater?  weightier?  most important?

Jesus' answer - Mark 12:29-31
1st. half of the answer = from The Shema - (Deut. 6)
Shema = basic statement of faith for Jews
              is recited morning and evening - (and beginning of Synagogue)

Breakdown - (1)  The Lord is One - there is only one God and it is YHWH
                     (2)  The Lord ... OUR God is One - ie:  the only true God - the God of Israel!!  (to distinguish from all other people groups)
                     (3)  You are to love the Lord... with ALL your .. heart - soul - mind - strength.  

Meaning???  your Whole being!!! (Hebrews "with your utmost)
                    heart - affections/emotions/feelings
                    mind = intelligence/ reasoning powers
                    strength - ability/ might/ power/ ACTIONS!!

Deut. 6:4-9   - (1)  impress these on your children
                       (2)  talk about them ... when lie down and rise up!
                       (3)  tie them on your arms and forehead
                       (4)  Write them on your door frames

So... (1)  Recited (at least) twice a day (lie down/ rise up)
        (2)  tied on as Phylacteries 
        (3) written on door posts as Mezuzahs   

The point being  (1)  a constant awareness of God.  (His Word, Laws, Presence/ Promises)
                         (2)  Visual and Verbal expressions of Faith in God. 
                                   which = a witness, testimony of your Faith in YHWH

2nd. half of Jesus' answer - Lev. 19:18
Plus very important addition from Matt. 22:37-40   
In other words, (1)  the Most Important Command = love the Lord your God
                        (2) the 2nd. Most Important Command - love your neighbor as yourself
                And  (3)  all the laws and other writings HANG on THESE 2!!
(If do the first 2, will do all the rest.)

Illustration:  Door (2 hinges (#1 and #2) / list on the door - other 611) moral laws
Hence we have 611 commentaries (explanations) of HOW TO FULFILL #1 and #2!!! (examples)

Back to Mark 12:32-33 - are not minimizing ceremonial laws .. But - recognizing these are symbolic expressions of Faith ... And are Secondary to true faith!!

Old Testament examples:  1 Sam. 15:22-23
                                        Hosea 6:6
                                        Isa. 29:13
                                        Matt. 15:8

1 more verse to examine - Mark 12:34

Jesus .... (1) Recognizes the man's wisdom (in seeing the true meaning of sacrifices and the true expressions of faith)
              (2)  Commends his current faith postion - "not far from Kingdom" = close to!!
     And  (3) thus (temporarily) silences His critics


(1)  We are to love the Lord with our WHOLE being
ie:  internally and externally... as we express love for God we develop love for God!!

"Acting out behavior of love prompt corresponding feelings of love.  Going through the motions fosters feelings.  (from a rabbi on a Jewish website)

(2)  We are to love our neighbor  AS OURSELVES!! 
common denominator here = LOVE!!!  (Greek - Agape)  The same way God loves.
Luke's account (different occasion) = a 2nd. question ... Luke 10:29  Good Samaritan Story - Luke 10:36-37

(3)  These are COMMANDS from God  (Not suggestions/ not options/ not multiple choice

(4)  These are the MOST IMPORTANT commands of God
      to violate ANY moral law ==> loosening the hinges ==> the door begins to hang ASKEW!!

(5)  Recognizing this is Wisdom - Mark 12:34  "Jesus saw he answered wisely...."  (to not recognize this is foolishness)

(6)  Practicing this is GREATER WISDOM!!  Matt. 7:24
Godly wisdom ==> practice (application) of wisdom.
Application of that wisdom ==> practical outcome!!  (results)

(7)  "not far from the Kingdom....." is still NOT IN the Kingdom!!  - example:  rich young ruler.
      (still outside.  Being close does not count.)

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

The Error of the Sadducees

 Last week = confrontation with Pharisees and Herodians

NOW = confrontation with Sadducees - Mark 12:18

Pharisees were right wing, conservative, nationalistic, Law of Moses keepers
Opposed Jesus for religious reasons - interpretation of the Law

Herodians were liberal, left wing, Jews who were in bed with Rome
Opposed Jesus for political reasons (feared dis-favor with Rome_

Sadducees were in between!  Claim YHWH - Claim Judaism - But ... seek success in this life!! - all about here and now. 
Example:  Pragmatists - ie:  if it works for me, then = true (truth)
Had a foot in each camp!!  (liberal and conservative)
Not much mention of Sadducees in scripture but were very influential.

Sadducees = small group - wealthy, urban, upper class, educated, sophisticated, successful, ... AND they intended to stay that way!!!

Were fewer in number, and Not popular with the people.  But, were very influential!! 
Example = were Keepers of the Temple  (multi-billion dollar operation)
Were the movers and shakers in the Sanhedrin (ruling body) 
Were influential with Rome - the emperor, governors

Sadducees opposed Jesus because .. (1)  He's a country bumpkin - poor, uneducated, Galilean
Example:  Josephus' words concerning the Sadducees - "The Sadducees are, even among themselves, rather boorish in their behavior and, in their intercourse with their peers, are as rude as aliens."

(2)  He's popular with the people - (and they are not!)

(3)  He's perceived as a threat - to their comfortable and prosperous life-style - because he might upset Rome!!!  "don't rock the boat"

(Pharisees, Herodians, Sadducees all  oppose Jesus!  Rome = indifferent to Him!!)  It's His own people who are opposed to Him.

What the Sadducees believed (and didn't believe)
Believed - (1)  theTorah - 1st. 5 books of the Bible - written by Moses  (believed they were the only authority)
therefore, (2)  YHWH - the 1 true God
(3)  should keep the Law to receive blessings in this life!!

Didn't believe - (1)  oral tradition (unwritten laws)
                       (2)  other 34 books of the Old Testament
                       (3) in Angels!?!
                       (4)  in afterlife!?!  no heaven, no hell.  This life only!
Therefore, (5)  in judgment ... in punishment or rewards  (ie:  in an afterlife)
(6)  the Resurrection ..... this is not about Jesus' resurrection.  (no one was even thinking of that!)
                                      = the general resurrection of believers.

Definition:  general Resurrection = God raising to life the Physical body and re-uniting it with the spirit/soul

John 5:25-29
John 6:39-40
John 11:23-24
(also found in Isaiah, Daniel, Romans, 1 Cor., 1 Thess., Revelation..)

So.....hoping to show Jesus as an ignorant and unlearned hillbilly ... Sadducees present rhetorical situation!

Mark 12:19-23  (from Deut. 25:5-6 - designed to protect widow and guarantee continuance of family lineage and inheritance)

Jesus' reply - Mark 12:24-27 with Luke 20:34-38

Emphasis on Mark 12:24 - "ye do err because Don't Know!!!!  God's Word, God's Power.....
Major insult to the Sadducees.

I)  You don't Know God's Word (the scriptures)
On one hand then knew the text well  (ie:  head knowledge)
However, Faith is more than intellectual grasp of Scripture.

Faith includes... (1) proper interpretation (of scriptures)
                         (2)  a resulting confidence (in God)

Compare to use of "Know" in Gen. 4:1 - "Adam Knew Eve....."
Point is more than head knowledge.  = personal intimacy!

(in other words, you know His words ... but do you Know Him?) 
hence, Bible Time verse - Phil. 3:10 - "That I might know Him.."

II)  You don't Know God's Power - ie:  His ability to do things BEYOND your comprehension and imagination!!

in context ... much of next life = like this life (personhood, interaction, seeing, hearing, speaking, touching, feelings,)
However, much will be different!  (evil, sin, sickness, death AND marriage as we know it.  

Objection!!   Body is here but person alive There??  And eventually body is raised?  renewed?  re-united to spirit/soul???

Answer:  is beyond out comprehension, but not beyond God's power!!!
Scripture examples:  1 Thess.4:13-17
                                1 Cor. 15:51-52
                                1 John 3:2

Jesus' final words - Mark 12:27 = "You are BADLY MISTAKEN!"

Some Observations/Applications

(1)  We can easily repeat the Sadducees error...
ie:  NOT knowing God's Word or God's Power

On one hand, we can't know it all  (He = infinite)
However, we can know enough to trust  - Deut. 29:29

(2)  Your logic (understanding) is a poor argument against God's knowledge.

(3)  True faith is not knowing all about God.... true faith is knowing enough about Him to trust Him in things we don't understand.  Deut. 29:29

(4)  Your view of the next life will influence your behavior in this life.

(5)  Beware a vain, prideful, smug attitude.  It prevents acquisition of knowledge! - Prov. 16:18

(6)  Don't ever under-estimate the power of God!!
This was the error of the Sadducees!

Monday, November 28, 2022

Giving Caesar His Due

Mark 12:13 - approximately Tuesday, 2-3 days before the cross.  Jerusalem is bustling with hundreds of thousands of people at this time.

Pharisees (came into being after the exile, a couple hundred years ago) = a religious sect/conservative politically and theologically, right wing nationalist, strict "LAW" (Law of Moses) Keepers"  They opposed Jesus for religious reasons - ie:  His view of LAW, His authoritative claims, His popularity with the people.

Herodians = supporters of Herod family - liberal, left wing, on one hand, Jewish, however in bed with Rome, were mostly a political faction.  They opposed Jesus for political reasons.  Fear that their good standing with Rome would be jeopardized by Jesus' teachings and Jesus' followers - Rome didn't tolerate rebellion - they feared Jesus might lead or cause one.

These two factions were at odds with one another, nevertheless, joined forces against Jesus!!  Both feared what Jesus might do.

NIV - "catch Him" = trap, ensnare, a hunting term

Mark 12:14-15 - "is it lawful?"  (according to Moses)
This = Poll Tax - annual tax on every adult male.  Amount = 1 denarius;  average day's wage for working man

It's a TRAP?  If Jesus answers "yes" = admitting to Caesar's right to rule and tax and loses favor with the people who don't think Caesar has that right.
If Jesus answers "no" = opens himself to a charge of rebelling against Rome and fueling an insurrection!!

In other words, Jesus = in trouble either way He answers!!!

Mark 12:15-16 - He knew they were not seeking truth, God's Will.  Example:  the coin:

Denarius (Coin) Portraying Emperor Elagabalus            

Side 1 - has silhouette of Tiberius with abbreviated inscription "Tiberius Caesar son of the Divine Augustus
Side 2 - Tiberius on throne - Pontiff Maxim"  (which means Highest Priest)
The coin flaunts both his right to rule (politically) AND his right to religious rule.
To add salt to the would ... the tax and to be paid with This coin!!!  Not Jewish coinage.  (so you can understand the Jews' objection!!!)

But Note:
Someone among these had this coin on his person ...in the temple area!  Point = they may object but (practically) they had already submitted to it!

Jesus' Answer = Mark 12:17 - "render.."
People's response = "amazed" - Not because He had outsmarted them..... but because He gave a proper, practical answer ... He showed true wisdom!!!

Look further at His answer  (in a political context)
Rom. 13:1-7
1 Pet. 2:13-17

Simply put (1)  obey the authorities when you can (without violating God's law/will)
                   (2)  obey regardless of your personal preference/opinion

This does not mean absolute obedience, submission - example = Jesus & Apostles expect us to know that!!!
Acts 4:18-20   God is supreme.  Authorities are not!

This doesn't mean don't object, seek to correct ... means don't Rebel unnecessarily!!

Jesus - "go extra mile"  "turn other cheek"
Paul - "as much as it is possible .... live in peace"

Our model = Jesus - on one hand, made no active resistance to such things (paid poll tax, temple tax, etc)
However, He didn't blindly submit to these authorities.

But ... this is not all the answer  (ie:  render unto Caesar)
Other half of the answer = "render unto God that which is God's"
ie:  praise, honor, thanks, loyalty, obedience, service!!

This = the more important part of His answer!
This = the part the Pharisees and Herodians needed most!!


(1)  giving proper due is expected of Christians - Rom. 13:7-8

(2)  You can give political due (respect) without being disloyal to God.
on one hand "cannot serve 2 masters"
However, can render respect to earthly authority.  (Jesus paid poll tax, temple tax, etc)

(3)  Obedience to authorities is a Kingdom Issue!  1 Pet. 2:13

(4)  Hypocrisy is living a lie (pretending to be what you're not).  trying to appear more righteous than you are.    Maintains an air of goodness, Godliness.

(5)  the remedy for hypocrisy is confession and repentance
            Confess ... admit to 'self and to God  (example:  AA step 1)
            Repent = turn around, walk the other way

(6)  But.... if you're not open to truth, you won't (generally) find it!
Pharisees and Herodians NOT moved by Jesus' answer!!  - the truth didn't affect them.

Therefore, (7)  those open to truth will (generally) recognize the wisdom of God!
                   common people = "Amazed!!"

John 8:31-32 - "set you free" But ... only if you respond to it!!!

Monday, November 21, 2022

Rubber Band Sunday

 "Thanks to God" is referenced more than 150 times in Scripture - (hundreds of places)
Add - "Praise Him for what He's done" = many hundreds of  times. 
Point: few subjects are more emphasized in Scripture!!

Question:  why so often referenced? 
3 reasons:

#1.  God deserves our thanks! - (giving Him His rightful due)

#2.  Giving Thanks benefits us!!  - doesn't benefit Him at all.  He is complete.  (Nothing we can say or do can add to Him.)
         A)  as individuals - every study shows being thankful leads to better attitude, outlook, relationships, response to difficulties ... having psychological + physical benefits.   Is true without exception.  Actually have a command to "give thanks"!

         B)  as a group - marriage, family, community, nation....
WHAT IF:  news outlets devoted 25% of screen time to good news?!"
Because, thanksgiving is both Beneficial and Contagious!

#3.  We tend to take our blessings for granted.  (why is repeated over and over in scripture)
Therefore we overlook them, get caught up in negative outlooks

So... what should we do?  (especially as Christians)
#1.  Count your blessings = be consciously aware and specifically thankful.
   (an occasional specific review would do us all good)

#2.  Be thankful  (Attitude)

#3.  Give thanks - (action!)  for every 1 reference to "be thankful" there are 50 references to "give thanks!!"
Short summary verse:  1 Thess. 5:18 - in all circumstances, not necessarily for all circumstances.

So, Rubber Band =
           (1)  reminder to give thanks for blessings
AND  (2)  reminder to BE a Blesser!! - actively, consciously
                       Phil. 2:3-5 - Jesus' attitude to be a blessing
                       Matt. 10:8
                       2 Cor. 1:3-4 - (context = comfort/ broader sense = He has blessed us SO we might bless others!

Definition:  "to Bless" in scripture...
        (1)  to pray God's favor upon (Jesus blesses children)
        (2)  to speak well of (praise) - "bless the Lord, O my soul"
        (3)  to cause to prosper

Now looking at these individually:

I.)  To Pray God's favor upon someone.
by  (A)  praying for them
by (B) praying for them IN THEIR PRESENCE!  - shows concern!!
(how often these opportunities are missed)

II)  To Speak well of someone - Greek word = in English - Eulogy
Question?  Does a eulogy benefit the deceased??
Then why not do it while they = alive and aware??

Can't brag on everyone you meet, but often an honest compliment is in order!

The Power of the spoken Word....
Prov. 12:18, 15:4, 16:24, 18:21
by contrast:  Matt. 12:36
hence ... Eph. 4:29

III)  Basic needs of all people
  to be loved  (which = they are lovable)
  to be valued (which - they are valuable)
  to be recognized as significant  (which = they Matter)

Anything that communicates the above = a Blessing
(anything that communicates the opposite of the above = Curse!!  

All that is necessary to Bless another is to....
(1)  Decide -  intentionality - more likely to hit what you aim at!

(2)  Look for Opportunity - consciously - on purpose!
(how often this is missed and later regretted)

(3)  Act = example:  a gathering = "gonna attempt to bless ____ people"
on one hand, is easier for some (their gift)
However, is the responsibility of all  Prov. 3:27, Heb. 10:23-24

All people desire blessing - even those who appear to reject it!!

One more thing.... Acts 20:35 = more than blessed to give ..
Point -- one of the best ways to Receive a blessing ... is to Give a blessing!!

So.... Rubber bands are to remind us (this week) to
          (1)  be aware of, give thanks for your blessings
 to...   (2)  be a blessing - make it a point to bless those around you!

Final verse:  John 1:16
     (1)  give thanks for your blessings
     (2)  pass the blessings on to others!!!

Monday, November 14, 2022

Jesus' Authority - Tuesday AM of Passion Week

 Mark 11:27-28 - Jesus' last trip to Jerusalem for Passover

What "things"?  (1)  cleansing the Gentile court
                        (2)  teaching the people (not a trained rabbi!) - in the temple courts of the Gentiles
                        (3)  challenging the established authorities!  OPENLY!!!

So..... "by what authority?  who gave You authority?"

Definition:  authority = delegated right to decide, give orders, take charge
= official permission to act - granted by Higher authority

In other words, they are saying "by what right do you do this?  who gave You control?  Put You in charge .... OVER us?!?!    (who do you think you are????)

Jesus answer - Mark 11:29-30 - ie "who gave John (John the Baptist) authority to preach, teach, baptize, criticize, and direct people?"
(incidentally ... these same men challenged John's authority also!! - John 1:19-26)

Their Response - Mark 11:31-32 - "can't say!" - bacause....??

So..... Mark 11:33 - (however, they did know)

Note difference between John and Jesus - John = great preacher, great following BUT "did no miracle" (John 10:41)

However, Jesus worked how many?  Miracles?  - no way to tell
Witness by how many people??? Scores

So.......... John 10:37-38 - even if don't believe me, believe the miracles

Contrast these leaders (a)  with common folk - example:  John 9:28-33 - believed Jesus was from God
                                  (b)  with some fellow leaders - example John 3:1-2

We might give these leaders benefit of doubt.....
But ... Jesus didn't!!  Mark 12:1-22 - He knew their hearts - that they knew and wouldn't admit it.
(Parable with allegorical elements) 

(1)  owner of the Vineyard = God/Father
(2)  the Vineyard = Israel, the nation
(3)  the tenants - Leadership of Israel
(4)  the servants of the owner - prophets
(5)  the Son - Jesus (Christ)
(6)  the "others" who received the Vineyard = Christians, Church

The meaning?  message? = pretty clear!!

Question:  Did the leaders understand this? - Mark 12:12

NOW they want not just to discredit Him.  They want to Kill Him - John 11:49-50, 53

So enraged, they want Lazarus eliminated also!!! - John 12:9-11 - He was a living testimony to Jesus' power and authority.

Now = extreme hostility!!!

Some lessons and applications for us:

1)  Refusing to answer a valid question does not excuse you from responsibility!
Example = leadership  "we don't know"?
Paul's comment on that?  Rom. 1:21 - didn't stay neutral, but became more and more calloused.

2)  don't let your education, social status, position, success, popularity, or pride get in the way of your common sense!!  Example =  leadership Not Recognizing Jesus!!   If He's God, He's God!!  Rom. 1:22

3)  If you determine not to believe ... nothing will convince you!  (against your will)
Example:  Abraham to the rich man (in hell) - Luke 16:27-31   Bowl judgments - Rev. 16:10-11
(don't wait 'til your heart is hard!!!)

4)  If you follow Christ, you will experience persecution (from a world that doesn't want His Moral Laws!)
Example:  Lazarus!! What did he do?  and yet they want to kill him!  2 Tim. 3:12 - promise that we will be persecuted for living Godly life in Christ Jesus.

5)  Jesus Is Lord!! ..... with ALL Authority!!
fully demonstrated in the Resurrection!! - Matt. 28:18

6)  Therefore ... you should accept Him, follow Him, Serve Him!!

Sunday, November 6, 2022

Monday Before Crucifixion Friday

 Mark 11:12-26 - (long passage, all intertwined)

I.  The Fig Tree = 1 of 2 destructive miracles  (other = pigs in chapter 5)

? "not the season for figs"?? = was Jesus petulant?  ill-tempered?
Are many explanations BUT ... Don't Miss the Point!!

ie:  a claim of without fruit!!!    Promise without Product!!
Jews chosen to bring people to God, but were excluding them!

Therefore, this = an acted out parable!  other examples:  Ezekiel adn the dirt cities; Hosea - marry prostitute, separate, reconcile

All directed at Israel!!  the temple, their attitude, etc.  God's intent, purpose = DRAW MEN!!
Compare:  Luke 13:6-9

II.  The Cleansing = once?  twice?  John's account???


Purpose of the Law, the Temple, chosen Israel = DRAW, NOT exclude!

Distinction here... (1)  welcome all men
                           (2)  Include all who repent and turn  (accept)!! 

Question:  Did Jesus sin here??  Poll taken shows large percentage of people believe He did.
But, this = (1) Righteous anger  (contrast our tendency)
                (2)  showing His authority over the temple

III.  Prayer Promises - Mark 11:22-24 ??

? taken literally  on one hand, "1st. sense is usually best sense".
However, in practice????  examples:  Paul's thorn  (2nd. Cor.)
                                                         Paul's friend (2 Tim. 4:19-20)

Mis-use = "the power ot obtain = in my ability to believe"  vs. "the power and the decision = in God's hands", not my ability to believe

IV.  Prayer Stipulations - Mark 11:25 ???
So,... if I don't forgive, I can't have answered prayer(s)???

What's CLEAR is.... (1)  Prayer matters  (Makes a Difference)
                                (2)  Faith matters  (Makes a Difference)
                                (3)  Forgiveness matters  (Makes an Difference)


(1)  We are called to be fruitful
as a people group (Christianity)
as a denomination
as a church  
as an individual
example:  Parable of the Talents - (charge = didn't use, produce)

(2)  Your faith, religion on one hand must be personal
However, your faith, religion is NOT for you alone!!
You = part the the plan to "Connect People to God"

John 12:32 = double meaning = (1)  the cross   (2)  testimony (verbal and lifestyle)

(3)  Jesus is both Lion and Lamb
On one hand, gentle, mild, long-suffering, forgiving, sacrificial!
On the other hand, HeWill execute Judgment on sin(s)!!
ie:  Both corporately (Israel, USA?)
    and Individually  - we will be judged, not talking about salvation

(4)  Jesus is LORD
ie:  He has all authority!!  examples:  fig trees, temples, disease, death....
and Hi will (at the proper time) use that authority!!
(and, you want to be in good standing when He does!)

(5)  "Worldly Success" is not necessarily evidence of Divine Favor. - example:  the temple

Don't misinterpret your success as being a sign of pleasing God.

Sunday, October 30, 2022

The Triumphant Entry (Palm Sunday)

 (6 days before the cross)  

Mark 11:1-10 -  (hundreds of thousands of people came to Passover.)
                       - approaching Jerusalem - vs. 9 - common greeting
                                                            - vs. 10 - recognition as the possible or probable Messiah
(cloaks on the road common for kingly procession)

Matt. 21:4-5 - from Zechariah

Luke 19:35-40 = fulfilled AD 70

John mentions palm branches ... hence Palm Sunday

I)  The Entry marks a change in Jesus' ministry
The END of avoiding crowds, protecting His secrecy
The Beginning of (1) open confrontation with opponents
                and....(2)  open declaration of His ministry  (which culminates in the cross)

II)  The Passover celebrates the Jews' release from bondage  (in Egypt) - roughly 1500 years before this time
Therefore, Messianic Fervor ... in hopes of....
     (1)  the Messiah coming
     (2)  their release form bondage .... to Rome!!
     (3)  re-establishment of the Davidic Kingdom

And ... Who better to fulfill that role than Jesus of Nazareth.  worked untold # of miracles, no one ever spoke or taught like Him.

III)  The Donkey identifies and portrays the King
identifies who He is, AND portrays what He's like.
Zech. 9:9-10 - donkey is not an animal of War, but of peace

Compare to 2nd. Coming!!  Rev. 19:11-16 - whole different set up when He returns

IV)  The Entry was not ALL joyous!  Luke 19:41-44 - literally fulfilled about 40 years later.

Why weep?  Ezek. 33:11   1 Tim. 2:4

V)  The Entry was anticlimactic - Mark 11:11 - "looked and left"


1)  sometimes God's methods are beyond our understanding - (understatement!!)
Isa. 55:8-9,  So..... John 12:16

Faith is not understanding all things about Christ ....
Faith is understanding enough about Christ to Trust Him in all things!!
Ex =:  Hab. 3:16-18   ex. = Job - Deut. 29:29

2)  The disciples got it wrong!!  (about the Kingdom)
That doesn't mean Jesus was wrong!!

Point = Christina leaders will often mis-understand, mis-interpret and therefore mis-teach (apply) God's Word,

But... their mistakes and failures should Not shake your faith in Christ!!  (your faith is in Him; not man's interpretation of Him)
= doctrinal errors, = moral failures

3)  Rejection of Jesus as Lord and Christ has definite and serious consequences.
Example:  Israel as nation / AD 70/ dispersion 1900 years!!

example:  individually - John 8:23-24

Note:  He is a s much King Now as will be then!!
But now = you have option (and opportunity) to bow the knee!!
Then it will be too late!

The next 4 chapters of Mark = The Passion Week - much teaching, preaching, instructing, confrontation But not every thing that happened is recorded.  What IS recorded is for a distinct prupose!!

all 4 gospels = same goal/purpose;  summarized by John ... John 20:30-31

Application = that you might know Christ, trust Christ, follow Christ.

Monday, October 24, 2022

The Ballad of Blind Bart (Bartimaeus)

 Takes place on the road to Jerusalem for annual Passover feast - crowds of pilgrims - coming from the northern part of Judea.
We are 8-10 days from the cross.
Jesus passes through Jericho - 21 road miles yet to Jerusalem and a 3500 ft. climb!

Mark 10:46-52  (with Matt. 20 and Luke 18)
Cry "Son of David" = recognition of Jesus as Messiah

Note:  this - last healing miracle recorded (except the servant's ear).  Is the only healing in Mark with a personal name!!
Tradition = Bartimaeus became a major figure in the early church, was well-known

The Story (event) = simple, straight-forward - no difficult teaching, hard sayings, instruction to followers....

Question:  Wouldn't it be great if this were a model for physical healing today???  (ie:  ask in faith and be healed!)

BUT ... it doesn't generally work that way!!   (is God's choice)

However ... healing miracles typically are more than just evidence of Jesus' power, authority...

Also = a model for our Spiritual healing!!

I)  The Healing of Salvation ie:  on 2 levels - salvation
    #1.  the healing of reconciliation (salvation - example:  the Bridge)

II)  the Healing of Sanctification - continual, lifelong
     #2.  The ongoing healing process ... of becoming what He saved us to be. (Sanctification)

So.... look at the story;  what we can learn about
(A)  Bart's physical healing
and (B)  Our spiritual healing

Bart 1st:

(1)  Bart was blind
(2)  He knew it
(3)  He knew no one could fix it  (ie:  no human)
(4)  (assume) he'd heard many stories about Jesus (and His healings)
(5)  suddenly, unexpectedly he became aware of Jesus' presence!!
(6)  likely.... he feared Jesus would pass him by.
(7)  So he cried out  (in desperation) unashamedly
(8)  Some tried to stifle his cries  (why?  not bother Jesus?  spoil mood of festivities?)
(9)  but he persisted - cried out louder!! he's determined
(10)  Jesus heard his cries
(11)  Jesus took the time to deal with him personally!  one on one
(12)  Bart confessed his condition and requested a healing
(13) he was healed!  instantly, completely
(14) he praised God
(15) he followed Jesus - Luke 18:43

IF tradition is correct ... he became a faithful, long-term follower and influencer for Christ!!

NOW following that same list .... are there things here to learn about our spiritual healing?

ie:  (1)  the healing event of Salvation
     (2)  the healing Process of Sanctification

#1.  We all have need of healing
in Both A) Salvation
            B)  Sanctification - Rom. 3:23 - is not just before salvation!  We still sin and come short of the glory of God.

#2.  We don't always realize it  (or admit it!!  Rev. 3:17
Contrast Bart - He knew he had a need, was deficient.  

#3.  If we do realize it, we often think WE can fix it!
Contrast Bart - he knew he couldn't fix it.  On one hand, self-help = good stuff...
but..... Spiritual problems require a spiritual solution!!

So.... what are you going to do IF you know your need and suddenly become aware of His Presence??  (Visitation?)

Choices = (1)  Remain Silent - out of fear, embarrassment, guilt, pride, love for your sins!!!
      or       (2)  Cry Out - confess your need, request your healing

AND ... what if Family, friends, etc. dis-suade you??
Answer:  Cry louder and longer!!
Example:  the persistent widow - Luke 28:8
Isa. 62:6-7

Note:  Jesus always hears your cry and gives personal time!!

Do... Blind Bart ws heard and healed!!

And here we deviate!!

Because, on one hand, Rom. 10:13  (Salvation!)
But, on the other hand, pride, anger, selfishness, bitterness, jealousy, lust, greed, laziness, indifference - NOT IMMEDIATELY Healed!!

But ... all spiritual healing starts here!!
ie:  when we Recognize our sin
                    Cry out to God
                    Confess and Request!!

So, on one hand, things are very different from Bart's experience!
However, there are remarkable parallels!!

2 more things to note:
I)  Mark 10:52 - "your faith has healed you"
(important distinction)  Bart wasn't healed by faith!!
He was healed BY Jesus because of his faith!! 
Faith was the tool, the instrument.
Faith = head, heart, hands 

II)  "he followed Jesus along the road"
Bart was healed of Blindness ... but NOT of all the things that plague the human life.
(within 10 days he likely Watched Jesus crucified!)
If tradition = trusted, he followed, faithful and long!

Which (after all) is the measure of Faith  (Christianity)
Not whether you are healed
But whether you'll follow .... healed or Not!!

Monday, October 17, 2022

On the Road to Jerusalem

 Mark 10:32-34 - on route to Jerusalem for Passover  (approximately 90 miles by the eastern route)
This = annual trip But is Jesus' last trip to Jerusalem/Passover
(we are 8-10 days from the cross!)

"Jesus leading the way" - followed by.....
(1)  the 12
(2)  other followers, disciples, women
(3)  other pilgrims going to Jerusalem - many knew of Jesus!!
(estimated number of pilgrims in Jerusalem at Passover varies from 100,000 to 1 million. 
Josephus says "250,000 lambs are slain at the temple - one per family

"disciples astonished" - crowd "afraid"
(1)  they were aware of hte opposition there (and their power!)
(2)  they were aware of Jesus continual emphasis on suffering and death
(3)  they were astonished at His resolve in light of all this!!

Note:  Mark 10:32 - "again!!  - not the first time He told them.
What did the disciples think of this???
Maybe..... expected literal, physical opposition...  but.... death and resurrection???? - they never expected Jesus to die.  They were convinced He was the Messiah, and expected Him to establish His kingdom on this trip.

BUT ... they didn't understand!!!
         .... they didn't ask!! - Luke 18:34
had NO idea Messiah would be killed!!
to them "Resurrection" was the general resurrection!!

Now, Mark 10:35-40
Why ask for that at this time???

(1)  they expected Jesus to establish kingdom soon!!!  at Jerusalem??
ie:  earthly kingdom, a reviving of Davidic Kingdom!!

(2)  Kingdoms have rulers!  heads of state!

(3)  clearly the 12 were in line for this!! - Matt. 19:28

(4)  James and John - part of the "inner circle of 3"
(Peter might be suited for Secretary of War!!)

(5)  Because they apparently forgot last week's lesson on Servant Leadership.  Mark 9:33-35

AND ... (6) because mama told them to!!! Matt. 20:20-21
"the cup" - = the drink set before Christ (suffering, persecution, death), which He was destined to drink
"the baptism" - immersion into His trials, suffering

Question:  did James and John drink?  baptized? 
James = first of the 12 martyred - Acts 12:1-3
John - long life (lived somewhere around 90 years) but suffered much persecution.  Was exiled on Patmos.

Reaction of the other 10 = Mark 10:41-45 - "Servant Leadership" lesson
Others were "indignant" - because James and John asked? 
                                 or - because the asked ahead of the others?

Mostly this = simple passage.  But illustrates truths for us.....

#1.  double-mindedness plagues all of us! - (ie:  Christians)
have a foot in the Kingdom, foot in the world.  Care about the Kingdom, live in the world!!  (generally talking about the philosophy of the world - not the stuff)

So, on one hand requires balance  (citizens of both worlds!
However, we don't have to work at being worldly!
By Contrast - discipleship requires effort and discipline!! - continual renewal!

(2)   We all start our Christian walk immature
example:  the disciples sometimes = self-centered, insensitive, worldly, etc.  They weren't that way after the Resurrection.
On one hand, we all start as babies/ newborns in Christ.
However, proper raising gives a good head start.  Example: parents raising

BUT (3)  we don't have to remain immature
example: Post-resurrection disciples!!   Were a changed group!! - Heb. 5:11-14 (constant use)
Eph. 4:14-15 - Maturity leads to stability!!

(4)  You should always seek more Knowledge, understanding, etc.
... don't forget what you already know!

example:  = servant leadership lesson - just a few days before this!!
IF you go with your heart, feelings.... you'll often be outside His will!! 

(5)  be careful what you pray for.... you might get it!
examples:  James and John

(6)  You don't need to see the whole journey to commit to the journey!
example:  James & John, and the others!
"we walk by faith, not by sight!"
So........... commit to the long haul
then ..... live it day by day!

(7)  disciples always do better when they work together
Post-resurrection church ... No jockeying for position by the Apostles!!!  willing to Serve and cooperate!!

Unity and harmony is not easy but = goal!!
(Jesus said, "blessed are the peace-MAKERS - for they shall be called the Sons of God" - Matt. 5:9

Monday, October 10, 2022

Let the Children Come

Mark 10:13-16 - was customary in Jewish tradition for esteemed elders to lay on hands and pray a blessing for kids.

Question:  Why did disciples rebuke parents?  probably protecting Jesus - was being swamped by people.
(too much ministry - too little time - for kids!!) = assumption.  Don't know for sure.

But... Jesus said  (1)  "let them come"
         AND         (2)  "the Kingdom belongs to such as these!"
Meaning:  doesn't mean innocence!
      Examples:  (1)  work the church nursery!!
          and        (2)  salvation is not due to innocence!!!  - ex  thief on the cross; apostle Paul before his conversion

Probably = (1) receptive (open)                
                  (2)  dependent - naturally without giving a thought
                  (3)  trusting - to believe in the New Testament sense = TRUST!! - John 3:16

Clearly  (1)  Jesus loves the children
             (2)  He praises their child-like trust
  and     (3)  He declares that Adults must come the same way - Matt. 18;3  (different instance, similar message)
Adults must trust and rely on Jesus Christ.

Contrast the kids with another seeker - Mark 10:17-22 - (Matt. adds "young man"  Luke says "ruler"_
hence - Rich Young Ruler

He = young adult, wealthy, influential, with some authority
But ... with no assurance of salvation!!

Rich Young Ruler seems  (1) sincere
                                       (2) humble - "ran to /fell down"
                                       (3)  believing - Jesus has the answer

Jesus' first answer - 6 commands of the 2nd. tablet - all for man to man
Rich Young Ruler - "I've kept those"
Jesus' 2nd. answer - not a rebuke!
"looked at him, loved him" - pleased with him!?
(note:  we cannot see the RYR's heart, mind - but Jesus did!!) - is apparently sincere.

might paraphrase Jesus' answer as ... "you're doing good!  NOW forsake all and follow me!!
On one hand, this is not everyone's call  ("sell goods and follow me")
However, it is everyone's call to Christ - total surrender to Christ.  Is not a one time thing@

Rich Young Ruler's response - Mark 10:22 - Because ... he really did want Eternal life and assurance of that life!!
But... not at that price!!
So...... Mark 10:23-27

Disciples were amazed!!??  Don't riches and position show God's favor???
So......"who then CAN be saved??"

Answer: = NOBODY!!  IF it depends on own works, goodness, righteousness, etc.
BUT ... all things are possible with God!!!!  - Rom. 3:20-24,  Eph. 2:8-9

Point:  God built a bridge - BUT you can't Buy a ticket (pay the price with works, etc.) to cross it!!  BUT . you can come freely ... depending on and trusting in Christ!!!    (John 3:16)

So.... example:  Peter..... Mark 10:28 - We've left all!!  (in contrast to Rich Young Ruler)

Jesus' response - Mark 10:29-31  (paraphrase) "Yes you have.  And I Promise you....
#1.  More than you've given up ... IN THIS LIFE!! 
      On one hand, this is difficult to grasp
      However = follow me and be blessed in THIS LIFE .. Abundantly!
(in the end, who had the most blessings in THIS LIFE?  Peter or the Rich Young Ruler?

BUT also
#2.  Persecutions!! = a blessing!!  - Matt. 5:11-12
      a blessing AND a promise!! - 2 Tim. 3:12

#3.   Eternal Life - an inheritance in God's Kingdom!

But ... for NOW - (vs. 31)
          Many who appear to be a the front of the line will really end up at the end of the line!  Example:  Rich Young Ruler.
           And many who appear to be a t the end of the line will end up at the front!!!  Example:  children, believers

So.... some observations/ lessons from this......

#1.  We should bring the children to Jesus
Can't MAKE them accept, but can point them to Christ!!
Example:  Salvation stats:  (according to Gallup study)  19 of every 20 people who come to Christ do so Before age 25
Hence:  Sunday School, Bible Time, Day Camp, AND in home influence!!

On one hand, be cautious with their decisions (profession)
However, we must not DENY them!!!

#2.  Any who receive Christ must come as little children!  ie:  trusting in and dependent on
(this does not mean it's A way, or the Best way.... = the ONLY Way!!  John 14:6

#3.  Be careful lest your "blessings" become a curse!
Wealth is not evil, or bad, but can have evil influence   Example:  King Solomon!
And the evil influence MAY NOT appear evil at all!!! Example:  Rich Young Ruler = "good boy!!"

Warning Passage:  Rev. 3:15-17  (to church at Laodecia)

#4.  Sincerity is NOT Salvation
Rich Young Ruler - sincerely cared for God, God's laws, Eternal Life, etc.
BUT - still went away SAD!  and lost. - Matt. 7:21

Closing Scripture:  John 10:10

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

The Christian and Divorce

 Mark 10:1-2 - his custom = taught them.  Jesus' primary ministry = teaching.
terms:  test - looking to trip Him up, not looking for info
           lawful - according to law of Moses given by God
Compare:  Matt. 19:3 from Deut. 24:1 - "some indecency/uncleanness" - Question:  what constitutes indecency?

Meaning:  according to school of Shammai (a major rabbi) - "morally indecent" - (usually sexual)
                according to school of Hillel (great rabbi) - "anything unsatisfactory!"  - ie:  burned toast - you're outta here!

This question debated 1500 years before Christ and 2,000 years since!

Our Study - not the American view, contemporary view, majority view.
                 = God's View, Biblical view

Jesus' Response - Mark 10:3-9
(1)  Moses permitted because he knew man would do this
(2)  Moses commanded a written legal paper freeing the woman of any marital entanglements

Example:  tradition of the elders = "written on durable material with ink that will not fade"

NOTE:  God's Provision does not mean God's Approval!   He permitted it but did not approve of it.
Mark 10:10-12 - "by Jewish traditional law a woman could NOT divorce her husband (only he could divorce)
here Jesus is elevating women to equal marital status - Jesus was constantly raising women up.

The "exception clause" - Matt. 19:8-9 - "porneia"
"marital unfaithfulness" prob. = "porneia" - Any forbidden sexual behavior" - sinful, unclean, etc.

Complicated further by 1 Cor. 7:12-13, 15

So... Adultery?  Porneia?  Abandonment?  ... ABUSE?? 
and what constitutes Porneia?  Abandon?  Abuse??

Subject raises MANY questions 
BUT ... don't let complexity overshadow simplicity

Some simplicity observed....:

#1.  God's plan for marriage - clear ....
    Leave - Cleave- Become - Remain

#2.  No Marriage is Perfect!  made up of 2 seriously flawed people
      Every Marriage is difficult!  therefore, takes work, sacrifice, self discipline

This does NOT mean a marriage can't be Good, Great!!
Just means not all the time!!

#3.  3 ways to help avoid divorce...
      (1)  never marry - (which may NOT be God's plan for you!)
      (2)  work at your marriage - ie.  work at  (A)  being the mate you should be
                                                                    (B)  meeting your mate's needs
Takes 2 therefore,  victim of Divorce?

      (3)  (young people) Prepare for Marriage long before you enter Marriage!!
             (A)  Work at becoming the person God wants you to be
             (B)  don't date people who aren't doing the same!!
            (C)  Use your head!!  don't let hormones rule!!    (hard to do ... but ... Gen. 4:6-7

#4.  Recognize that divorce is always due to sin
(without sin there'd be no divorce!)

#5.  Own up to your part
    ignoring guilt is not healthy!!

#6.  Start from where you are today
Single?  separated?  divorced?  rocky marriage?  good marriage?
All these situations should illicit SAME response.....

ie:  (A)  I'm a sinner
but  (B)  I could do better! 
so   (C)  I will do better!
at marriage preparation.  at marriage I'm in


(1)  All divorce is painful - even when necessary and the right thing to do.

(2)  God hates divorce (Mal. 2:15-16) why?  because it = tearing down what He's (attempting) to build up!!

BUT  (3)  God does not hate Divorcees!!  Even if was your fault, doing ... still is not unpardonable sin!!

Never divorced???  - "but for the grace of God there go I..."
(not divorced because your spouse still puts up with you!!)

Monday, September 26, 2022

Wisdom and Discernment

 Last time = Mark 9:33-35 - Servant Leadership (descending into greatness)

So... this = illustrated here?  Mark 9:36-37
In other words, don't cater to those in power ---- rather serve those in need!  (example:  child)
by serving His sheep, we serve God

So - to welcome them = welcome Me and My Father - Matt. 25:40

Question:  "little ones" mean only children?
Answer = lending aid to needy and helpless is found throughout Scripture to all ages!!
Example:  Good Samaritan - Luke 10:36-37 - lend aid where needed 

Now --- Mark 9:38-41
Did John change the subject?  OR is this continuation of the lesson?
In other words, "we saw.... and didn't welcome him!  Were we wrong?"
Jesus' response = if he's not against us, he's for us.

So are 2 issues here:
(1)  who are we to serve
(2) who to Include  (as one of us)

Scripture says ... we should help the needy!!
BUT ... not all who appear needy should be helped!!! - 2 Thess. 3:6, 10 - Use your head.
Be shrewd as snakes but harmless as doves.

Scripture says ... we should welcome all who serve Christ. 
BUT ... not everyone who claims to serve should be welcomed! Matt. 7:21-23
2 John 10 & 11 - need t be discerning

This calls for WISDOM  and DISCERNMENT!! - Matt. 10:16

Now .. a more difficult section - Mark 9:42-48

(Question:  Why the omission of vs. 44, 46?)
Answer = in Most manuscripts they are included, but NOT in the oldest/best manuscripts!  Either way it doesn't change the passage!!

Meaning?  Point of this section?

(1)  unnecessary offenses (offending the least ones) will be judged, will be punished

Therefore, (2)  deal with your sins!!!!   Because sin matters!!  Matt. 12:36 - judgment for every careless word spoken.  We need to be very careful in our behavior.

Question:  Is this the judgment of the lostJesus talking to the disciples!! 
Answer:  this verse from Isaiah - Isa. 66:22-24  ("rebelled")

Vs. 49?   Maybe = "where everyone ... salted with fire"?
Mark 9:50 = "salty again" = compare Matt. 5:13
Mark 9:50 therefor "have salt..." and "be at peace..." (from Vs. 33 & 34)-  be a Christian, live as a Christian
This started with "arguing about who is the greatest"

On one hand, a lot of difficulties in this passage
However, don't let the difficulties detract you from the obvious!!

The following things are abundantly clear:

#1.  The greatest is to be the servant of all

#2.  to welcome the least of His children is to welcome Him.
on one hand, in this text, instance = kids
However, this principle clearly applies ot all ages!!

#3.  Unnecessary offenses will be judged.
as sinful, as destructive, as volitional 

#4.  therfore ... deal with your sins
radically, decisively, immediately

#5.  Judgment is certain, hell is real
On one hand, mercy and forgiveness is available in Christ
However, to reject Him is to reap eternal death

#6.  Christians are called to be salty (different mindset, different attitude, different lifestyle, different world view, living according to God's direction)
Positional righteousness (comes with salvation) vs Practical righteousness (everyday life - what I practice, live out)

On one hand, salvation = by grace
However, WORKS (lifestyle) is emphasized here!!

Living the Christian life is not always easy. 
We have the Holy Spirit, the Word, etc.
However, we are all seriously flawed!!

Therefore need = (1)  received free gift of forgiveness, eternal life
AND  (2)  work at keeping the Faith!!  

We are called to BOTH!!

Closing:  2 Pet. 1:3, 5-8

Monday, September 12, 2022

Descending Into Greatness

 Final Days.  (takes place after disciples could not cast out the demon)

Jesus avoiding the crowds to prepare the disciples  - Mark 9:30-32
(teaching them, preparing them for His death and resurrection)

but --- the disciples' concern = Mark 9:33-34
Quote:  "the yearning to be great dwells in every human heart"
Hence = example:  book entitled "The Search for Significance" - about people longing for recognition and significance.
Is prideful, wrong thing, but very human.

Jesus' response - Mark 9:35 - first must be last - serve, not be served
Compare:  Mark 10:42-45
                 Matt. 23:11-12
                 Luke 22:24-27
   (upside down kingdom)

This is Servant Leadership
ie:  attempting to influence people, guide people, direct people, inspire people --- by means of Serving!!
(not true in the military or corporate life.  But is in voluntary positions.)

Question:  Isn't that a self-contradicting term??  (Serve?  Lead?)
Answer:  by worldly definition/views/standards .... Yes!

BUT .. by Biblical definition the 2 words are not only complimentary but essential to one another!!

In the church - you are not a good leader in you are not a good servant!!!

Example:  Word Chart:

How many times in the New Testament is each word used in reference to a person, title, position or role in the church?
(excluding references to Jesus and to references to the Old Testament offices)

Pastor - 1
Shepherd - 2
Preacher - 3
Deacon - 4
Minister - 6
Bishop/Overseer -7
Teacher - 7
Elder - 22
Servant - 48

(these #s will vary by translation but this serves to show the emphasis in Servant-Leadership)

Thus - the sermon title - "Descending into Greatness" - about servant leadership written by Bill Hybels

Our example of descending into greatness?
Jesus Christ .... at foot washing - John 13:12-17 (this is not a command to do foot washing in the church, but to serve in the church)
                    ..... on the cross - Rom. 5:8

eventually the disciples GOT this!!!  - 1 Pet. 5:1-4

OBSERVATIONS:   (as Christians & followers of Christ)

(1)  We serve Christ first.  But we typically accomplish this by serving others.  - John 21:15-17 - Jesus to Peter - Greek "agape" (God's love)  Peter to Jesus - Greek "phileo" (friendly love) - twice like this.   3rd. time - Jesus to Peter - "phileo" (do you truly like me Peter?)
We can do all the attendance, worship, praise things, but you show love by taking care of people.

(2)  to serve others on His behalf IS to serve Him!!   Matt. 25:34-40 - 'whatever you did for others, you did for me.'

(3)  to this we are called (servant leadership) - Phil. 2:5-8 - servant attitude

(4)  for this we are gifted - 1 Pet. 4:10
this not only for 'out front' leaders; all = called to be Salt and light (Matt. 5); to influence; to direct; to Make a Difference.

(5)  You may be recognized and applauded for your service.  OR .. you may NOT!! 
example:  Mother Teresa before she was discovered

(6)  Either way God's promise is:
            Your service will Make a Difference
            Your service will be Rewarded
May (here?  there?  BOTH!!)

(7)  You are not His servant if He is not your LORD!!  - Matt. 7:21-23

Application:  This is God's design.  You are called, gifted, etc. for service!!!

Monday, September 5, 2022

The Christian Work Ethic

 Labor Day:  established to recognize and honor the working class.
(became a Federal holiday in 1894 under Grover Cleveland)

Today??? mostly = a 3 day weekend at summer's end!!

So will Revisit!!
On one hand, OBC = hard working people
However, is a need for a Biblical view of work!!  (Biblical work ethic)
Is a great need for information on work ethic in the US today, and especially a Biblical work ethic!

(1)  Work is Labor = effort to accomplish 
doesn't necessarily mean hard, physical labor.
Is more than work resulting in backaches and blisters.  Example:  teacher, office worker, etc.
Also is more than a Paid career - example:  mom, Sunday School teacher

(2)  a "work ethic" is a MORAL view of labor.
ie:  the rights and wrongs of work!!

(3)  A Christian work Ehtic is a moral view of labor BASED ON SCRIPTURE.
You can have a strong work ethic and not be a Biblical work ethic.  ie:  "a work hard ehtic"

Question:  how much has the Bible to say about this?

Answer:  "work" and "works" = 461 times
              "labor" = 67 times
Add  toil, task, job, calling, effort, etc. = ?????  

POINT:  this study merits a whole Volume!  Because a big portion of our life is works and God has a lot to say about it!


#1. God is a Working God - not an idle ruler
Gen. 1:1 - - 1st. verb in scripture = "created"
Gen. 2:2-3
Psm. 19:1 - 'work of His hands'
John 5:16-17 - 'Father always working'

#2.  He created us in His (working) image
Gen. 2:15 - this before the fall (sin)
Gen. 3:17-19 - after the fall
work not a curse, but because of the curse, we NOW work with backaches, blisters, briars!!

This view is presented throughout the Old Testament!
example:  Ex. 20:8-10 - "6 days you shall labor"!! (is expected of you!!)        is a Sabbath rest on 7th. day
example:  Wisdom literature:  Prov. 10:4-5 - 'wise son, disgraceful son', 10:26 - 'irritating sluggard', 12:11 - 'get rich quick' schemes, 18:9 - 'no better than a vandal'
example:  the Prov. 31 woman!

This view is reflected in Christ's teachings - Matt. 25:26 - parable of the talents

Therefore, was the view of the early church - 2 Thess. 3:6-13 - from Christ
This naturally assumes the ability to work!!  Don't expect the elderly, infirmed people, disabled people, etc. to work

Many other ethical issues related to a Christian work ethic! 
dependability - responsibility
productivity - giving your employer an honest day's work for your pay
justice/fairness - giving your employee an honest wage for a day's work

issues of wealth - building wealth, sharing wealth, laying up wealth  (here and in heaven)

properly handling gifts, talents, opportunities, resources
              management of the above

Also, efforts and labors in areas like:
 marriage, family, child raising, church, community, Kingdom work


(1)  to provide for 'self and family = your responsibility!

(2)  to provide beyond your family - examples:  Deut. 24:19, acts 20:35
(those who are not so blessed)

(3)  to honor your God - 1 Thess. 4:11-12 - to earn the respect of people.
  (work well because He expects you to.)

(4)  to do His work - (ie:  to work FOR Him)
example:  Judges 13:12 - Samson's work as a Nazarite

(5)  to partner with Him in His work - Col. 1:29 - worked hard with God's energy in him.

(6)  for personal satisfaction
... NOTE HERE!!!   Lev. 16:29-31  "deny self!!"
Example:  day of atonement

(7)  to make a difference in your home, church, community, society

(8)  to make an ETERNAL difference

NoteIn a fallen world ... labor will always be toil!
requires effort and self discipline

And  your hard work will not win you salvation!!
Eph. 2:8-9 p by grace through faith - not by works.  ie:  by accepting Christ

Promises:  if you adopt and practice a Biblical work ethic, God will reward - if not here, then in heaven.

Closing Scripture:   1 Cor. 15:58

Monday, August 29, 2022

Walking with Imperfect Faith

Scene:  coming down off the Mt. of Transfiguration

Mark 9:14-29  (with Matt. 17-21 and Luke 9:37-43) - probably epilepsy more than that = demon spirit

Going to examine & learn .... from:

I.  The disciples' failure   
      Why could they not cast out the demon?  in light of Mark 3:14-15, 6:12-13

2 answers given....  Mark 9:29
(1)  "this kind"  (genas) = a more powerful demon!  (apparently not every demon has equal power)

(2)  "only by prayer (and fasting)"  point = if have great faith you'll do a lot of prayer!!  Will be in communication with God.  That is prayer!
Matt. 17:19-20

by contrast ... disciples likely were guilty of...
(3)  self-confidence - due to former successes

(4)  spiritual laxity  (laziness!) - hence the need for spiritual DISCIPLINES!!
examples:  meditation, prayer, fasting, self examination, confession, Bible Study, etc.  - if don't discipline self, won't get it done.

Lession for us?  Beware of the Same!!!

II.  The effect their failure had on others.
(1)  the father .... NOW doubts even Jesus' ability!! - because the disciples fail.

(2)  the crowd ... the same??

(3)  Scribes - a reason to challenge, accuse, taunt - are slandering Christ and disciples over failure
Compare:  David and Nathan - 2 Sam. 12:13-14 - was a long-term sin.

(4)  Disciples themselves ?  confidence in their ability is shaken?

(5)  Christ Himself? = disappointed, frustrated.  Which indicates .. they could (should) have done better!!
They DID have the authority and power to do this.  Unable because of their laxity!!

Lesson Here?  On one hand, you'll never have perfect faith  (in this life)
BUT that is no excuse for laxity, laziness, indifference!!
Your faith walk affects other people's faith!!
    "   successes affect other people's faith!!
    "   failures affect other people's faith!!

III.  The Father's Confession   Mark 9:24
which = every honest Christian's cry!!  - we all have imperfect faith!!

Which, on one hand, can't be helped!!  (Rom. 3:23)  Heb. 11:1
(hard to be fully confident in things we haven't seen!!)
BUT ... Heb. 11:2, 6 - Yes, walk by faith... however, still walk!! even when faith is lacking or weak.

IV.  The importance of faith (in the Christian walk) - Matt. 17:19-20
On one hand, leaves me confused - (and doubting my faith)
However, leaves NO doubt as to the Importance of faith!  2 Cor. 5:6-7 - we are here.  We live by faith, not by sight.

V.  The Mountain top experience vs. the Valley floor experience!
Example:  Rafael's painting "The Transfiguration" 

On one hand, was commissioned to paint "transfiguration"
However, he saw the 2 events connected!!

Mountain top = glory, God's presence manifest, place of sight and certainty and worship and fellowship.
Valley = sin, sickness, doubt, confusion, fear, uncertainty, jealousy, anger, division, demons, death

Mountain top = good times with God, we occasionally visit 
Valley = where we live
God calls us to work, not stay on the mountain.

Mountain top = where we gain encouragement, enlightenment, inspiration, confidence
Valley - where you USE that stuff!

Mountain top = where we worship
Valley - where we WORK!! do ministry

Mountain top IS a Reality!!
BUT in is NOT a daily reality!! - is a once in a while reality.

Mountain top = where we acquire faith and confidence.
Valley = where that faith is TESTED and DEVELOPED

Example:  New Year's Eve party vs. New Year's Eve deathbed experience.
At which do you learn? grow? develop? become?
This is God's design, should not despise that!

Mountaintop (experience) Awaits us  (heaven)
meanwhile, we live, walk, minister, serve, and grow ..... in the Valley!!

This is God's plan.  God's design!!    Don't despise it.  don't WASTE it!!!

God will use the hard times to develop Christ-like character.


Monday, August 22, 2022

The Transfiguration

 Previous weeks = Peter's confession and Peter's rebuke

Today:  Mark 9:2-13
           Luke 9:28-36
           Matt. 17:1-8

(1)  Why these three?  (inner circle)
Jesus could have gone alone...  so,,, obviously He wanted THEM to see/hear  2 Pet. 1:16-18 - not a dream.

(2)  Why climb the mountain (Mt. Tabor - 2, 000 ft., Mt. Hermon - 9,000'.  Probably climbed Mt. Hermon - was the closest to where they were.
      #1.  Privacy - away from the crowds
Add?  #2.  "Atmosphere?  setting? 
On one hand, Jesus was Omnipresent - Daniel in lion's den, Shadrach, Meschah, Abednigo in furnace, Samson in temple of Dagon
However - met with Moses on Mt. Sinai    Elijah on Mt. Carmel

(3)  Why Moses and Elijah = thought to represent the "Law and Prophets" - no definite answer.  Matt. 5:17

(4)  How did the disciples KNOW Moses and Elijah
Note:  Moses been dead 1400 years.
Elijah been dead 900 years. 
They still looked pretty good!!  Compare to Our Hope!

(5)  Is this event linked to former verses?
Mark 9:1 - Matt. 16:28, Luke 9:27

The disciples got a glimpse of glory!  (similar to Moses on Mt. Sinai)
But ... this is not new glory, additional glory, earned glory.
Rather.... this = Jesus' eternal and natural state!!
He left his natural state when he came to earth and put on flesh.  What they saw here was his normal, natural state.

So, on one hand are a lot of questions about this event....
However, is lots we can know ... be sure of!!!

I.  The Cloud contains the Presence of God  (the cloud is NOT God)
On one hand, He is hidden by the cloud!
However, His glory bleeds through!!

The Shekinah - pillar of cloud, fire - Ex. 13:21
                 flooding the tabernacle - Ex. 40:34-35 - visible glory of God showing His approval
                 flooding the Temple - 1 Kings 8:10-11
                 departing the temple - Ezekiel 10 & 11 - glory of God left them.

II.  The Voice is that of God the Father!
AND ... He's speaking TO the disciples!! - they heard it audibly!

III.  His Message is clear and simple
(A) "this is my Son" = affirming Christ's unique, special, divine, ministry, message, path!!
(B)  "hear Him!"  - (which = hear and obey!) - unless you obey, you didn't hear!!
Deut. 6:4-9 - the "Shema' = hear with head AND hands!
Compare:  James 1:22-25

IV.  God's Presence inspires Fear - Matt. 17:6
On one hand, a Christian has no fear of condemnation!
However, He = all Powerful Righteous God!! - Heb. 12:28-29

(Non-Biblical comparison = the lion in C.S. Lewis' "Lion, Witch, and the Wardrobe")

VGod's Plan is often confusing.
On one hand, it's  obvious that Jesus = God's man, with God's power and God's approval.
However, suffereing Messiah??  condemned?  crucified??

POINT:  God's plan(s) often baffle us!!  because of limited knowledge, understanding, insight..)
In everyday life, God's plan sometimes doesn't make sense to us.
Therefore, FAITH = trusting Him WHEN we're baffled!!!

But, in spite of the confusion...
VI.   We share the disciples' HOPE!  (are really not that much different!)
On one hand, we now see the need for suffering and the cross.
However, still hoping for His glorious Kingdom!! and Him to make things right.
Example:  1 Thes. 4:16-17 - clouds of glory

AND, VII.  WE will share in Jesus' glory 1 John 3:2

AND, VIII.  We can BEGIN the transformation ... NOW!
Rom. 12:2 - be transformed, change mind, renew thinking
2 Cor. 3:18 - we are being transformed slowly

So..... John 11:40

Sunday, August 14, 2022

Peter's Rebuke

Last week = Peter's Confession

Today = Peter's rebuke!

Mark 8:27-30, 31-38 - 'began to teach them, must be rejected, must be killed.  Vs. 34 - must deny self, take up..., follow me!

Parallel accounts in Matthew, Mark, Luke
Matt. 16:21-27


(1)  This is Peter's account (Mark is writing Peter's story, memoirs)
Peter hasn't hidden his failures!! - admission of sin and failure has to come before forgiveness can happen.

(2)  Peter is NOT Satan
this could be ... "you're acting like Satan!"  or "you're influenced by Satan"
OR, Jesus looking beyond Peter to who's behind him!
Compare:  Isaiah 14, Ezekiel 28 - Satan standing behind the thrones of kings

(3)  "Suffer, die, rise" specific to all 3 accounts!
Because = are central to the gospel!!  1 Cor. 15:3-4 - can't take any one of these out.

(4)  (contrary to Peter's THEN view...) the Messiah suffering and dying does NOT obscure God's glory!
rather Manifests it!!!

World = "cross is man's foolishness"
Christian = "cross is God's glory!"
(will be evident to ALL at His return!)

(5)  Peter's rebuke that he received from Christ was NOT because he QUESTIONED Jesus, but because he CHALLENGED Him!!!
"why Lord?  I don't understand" vs. "NOT SO!!" = questioning God in humility and honesty is never a problem.


(1)  You can be devoted to Christ and still be far off base (in your thinking)  (ie:  concerning His will)
2 Cor. 4:5-7 "jars of clay" - because we are human and fallible.
Being confident that you are right does not mean you ARE right!!

(2)  Failure needn't be fatal
this wasn't Peter's last blunder!  example:  the denial!
BUT - he'll get up and go on!  Contrasted with Judas Iscariot, (who committed suicide)
We're all going to mess up, we're all jars of clay!!

(3)  Faith doesn't always understand God's message (method) but FAITH always accepts God's message (methods)
Example:  world = "not good reasoning!  Blind Faith!!
Christian = it is enlightened Faith!!
On one hand, we don't have all the answers.
However, we have enough answers to TRUST Him with the mysteries.

(4)  Jesus' challenge is NOT just "will you die for Him?"
                                 rather = "will you LIVE for Him?? = that's the real issue.
Hence... (1)  "deny 'self' - Christ on throne, self at foot
             (2)  "daily'!!  Luke 9:23

(5)  It may cost you a lot to follow Christ .. but you'll be amply rewarded!!
Matt. 16:27
Rom. 8:18

Closing Scripture:  1 Cor. 15:58

Monday, August 8, 2022

Peter's Confession

Mark 8:27-30 - pivotal point in book of Mark.  

The setting:  Caesarea Philipi - 30 miles north of Sea of Galilee, 120 miles north of Jerusalem

Is a major spring, primary source of the Jordan River.  Huge cave there, spring originally flowed from the mouth of the cave from a deep abyss.  (earthquakes have diverted the flow)

Because of the spring = place of Pagan Worship - early was to "Pan" - Greek god of forests
Pan - 1/2 man, 1/2 goat

The cave = Portal to the Underworld - Gateway to Hades!!
Story is told that they would offer sacrifices by casting into the spring.  if offering disappeared, it meant was accepted.  if floated out, not accepted..(tradition says that children were also offered)

Became the place of temples and worship 

temple of Herod, then Augustus, later = Philip to Tiberius

Matt. 16:13-18 - use of 'gates of hell' = coincidental???

In the text:

The People's View of Jesus - good man, great man, miracle worker, messenger from God, a prophet (a Revisiting Prophet!)  They were expecting a man anointed by God to free them from their enemies.  

Peter's View - (and the other disciples)
On one hand, He is Messiah (according to Jewish expectation)
However, He is More than Messiah!!  - "Son of Living God.."
Point = a recognition of His Deity!! - to what extent??  Don't know.
But ... more than an anointed man!!

Jesus' Response - not a denial of Peter's statement .. but =
(1)  affirmation of Peter's confession
On one hand, "Peter... you got that right!"
However, NOT by own reasoning!  "revealed by the Father"

(2)  statement of Peter's transformation - "Simon into Peter" (the rock)
in other words, "Peter, you are blessed .. but this = just beginning!!"

(3)  a declaration concerning His church
vs.  the world's (many) out callings.  word for church meant any called out gathering.

Question:  Was this conversation for only Peter?  the 12"
OR does it have application for us?  today?

#1.  Do you know what your neighbor says about Jesus?
on one hand, it doesn't matter (doesn't change the truth, facts)
However, this = your ministry field!   Begins with:  "where are you NOW?"

#2.  do you know where YOU stand concerning Jesus?
Have you  (A)  confronted the issue? - example:  Liar, Lunatic, Lord
               (B)  made a personal decision?  "MY Lord"
or            (C)  are you willing to leave it unaddressed?  (note:  your answer/response has eternal consequences!!)

#3.  IF you've recognized Jesus as Lord .. it's because God has revealed it to you.!!
Matt. 16:17, John 6:44-45 - listen and respond
        (A) IF He's called you .. He's chosen you!!
In exploring the mystery of election, DO NOT overlook the privilege of election!!

        (B)  IF He's called you... He will enlighten you.  1 Cor. 2:9-10
(reasonable prayer here = "Lord, if this be true then show me, help me see!"

#4.  IF You've recognized Jesus as Lord... you much still decide if you'll make Him YOUR Lord!
Example:  demons, Judas Iscariot

#5.  If you accept (receive) Him as your personal Lord, you will experience a new birth.
(beginning) - John 1:11-13 - child, heir, co-heir with Christ

#6.  IF you accept (receive) Him as your personal Lord, you will begin a personal transformation!
example:  Simon into Peter.

Contrast:  Positional Righteousness ... immediate
         vs.  Practical righteousness ... gradual change
Example:  Peter's Rebuke!!  nevertheless Phil. 1:6

#7. When you accept (Receive) Him as your personal Lord... you become part of HIS church
ie:  HIS called out group (versus the world's groups)

Which IS Universal - Christ's called out group
Which will be Triumphant! - over evil, gates of Hell

Big difference = then the disciples = don't tell!! - not yet His time!
                        now all = DO TELL!!!

So.... do you Know?  recognize who Jesus is??
         have you accepted?  received?  (bent your knee?)
         will you follow?  (grow, transform?)
         will you tell?

Closing Scripture:  Matt. 28:18-20

Monday, August 1, 2022

Feeding the 4000

Mark 8:1-4 - different from the feeding of the 5000.   On the east side of the sea of Galilee - Gentile territory, mostly Gentile crowd

Matt. 15:29-31 - many miracles - non-Jews praising the God of Israel.

This one different.  Feeding of the 5000 was mostly a Jewish crowd.

Mark 8:4-10 - disciples didn't ask Jesus to do the same miracle.  Now are back in Jewish territory.
Mark 8:11 - Pharisees' question Jesus.  Not to discover the truth but to "test" Him!!  (trip Him up)  

Compare:  Mark 1:12-13 - "tempt" - from same Greek word as "test".

Pharisees want a 'sign from heaven!"  This doesn't mean another miracle or bigger miracle!!  They want proof of the Source of His miracles!!

Note:  they don't deny the miracles ... only the Source - example:  Matt. 12:22-24

Jesus' Response = Mark 8:12-13 - "Exasperation:!!  Because - NO SIGN WILL SATISFY!! 
Example:  Luke 16:27-31
Problem is not that they Can't Believe... Problem = they WON'T BELIEVE!!

Jesus' Reply  "no sign but sign of Jonah" - Example:  Jesus' resurrection.
Matt.  16:1-4

Mark 8:13-21
Matt. 16:11-12
Yeast = seems insignificant!!
yet = mighty influence!!!

Lessons?  Life Application for us??

(1)  It's not just unbelievers who are slow to see/learn
were the disciples so slow?  Answer = they are human and have tendency to set own agenda for the Kingdom of God

(2)  Nevertheless,  You don't have to have all the answers to be a faithful follower!

(3)  And... There's a difference in being slow to grasp and being defiant.  (some don't want to see!!)

Past Revelation denial is Rebellion!! - ie:  once He makes it clear to you.
Light Received increases light.
Light rejected increases darkness.

(4)  A little false doctrine can have a huge effect   (similar to a little yeast)

(5)  (As a general rule)  Jesus doesn't stay where He's not welcomeHe may be welcome in your quiet time, your Bible Study, your prayer time, but is He welcome in your work time, recreation time, finances, etc.