Friday, October 25, 2024

Obedience, Faithfulness, Provision

 God teaches us through stories.  Today - story of Abraham.

Gen. 12:1-3 - much has happened prior to this section of Scripture:  

                     The flood, tower of Babel,

Now God chooses and calls a man called Abram to leave his country, his family, to a place He tells him. 
                      Will make him a great nation, all families of the earth will be blessed.
                       Name will be great.

 God Blesses and works through Obedience 
Shows great faith, even when don't  have all the details.  Was a big ask.   Abram left everything.

 Sometimes God calls us to something that we aren't comfortable with, but we have to step out of our comfort zone in faith to obey.

 Went to Egypt because of famine - claimed Sarah his sister - 

Heb. 11:8-9 - Matt. 19:29 

God does this not only to Christians but to unbelievers as well.
In order to follow Christ, they have to leave a lot.

When God calls you to step out in faith, we can look at Abraham as an example.
Goes to Egypt due to famine, not totally honest with Egyptians about who Sarah was,
God brings plagues, uses plagues to bring them out.

Later on, due to famine, Joseph's family moved to Egypt, then were called out after 400 years - used plagues to get them out.  

Jesus went to Egypt as a baby to avoid Herod's decree to kill all the male children. - Hos. 11:1

God using all these things to show us that God is faithful.

Gen. 13 - 14 - separates with Lot, rescues him in battle, Melchizedek shows up.

Gen. 15:1-6, 12-21 - God makes covenant with Abram - and he believed God.  Was counted as righteousness.  Jer. 34:18-19 - how covenants worked in those days

God is faithful even when we're not.   Abram cannot mess this covenant up - both parts taken by God.

   a) - dishonesty about Sarah
   b)  - Sarah, Hagar, Ishmael
   c)  Gen. 17:15-21- Abraham laughs -
   d)  Sarah laughs later and God chastises - can't lie to God.  Just be honest.

Gen. 18:14 - Is anything too hard for the Lord  

Psm. 86:15 - get back in the game - 1 John 1:9 - God does keep His promises.

Chapter 21 - Isaac born, Abraham was 100 and Sarah 90.

Though Abraham was a great man of faith, and a hero in the Bible, he was still a man just like us and still messed up.  If God chooses to work with and through us, He has to work with broken and flawed people.

God provides for our greatest needs. 
Psm. 23:1 - The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.

Gen. 22:1-3 - God tested Abraham. - Was quick to obey. 

Gen. 22:8 - that's faith - said God would provide a lamb
Gen. 22:9 -  willingly lay life down in obedience to his father. 
Can see gospel message played out. - Mt. Moriah very close to where temple was built, and close to where Jesus was crucified.

Gen. 22:13-14 - God provided a substitute
         He still does this for us.  1 John 4:9-10, Rom. 5:8
         Accept it.
         Don't get numb to it.  

Greatest need any of us have is a Savior.  God placed in us the desire to know Him.

A. Give life to Jesus.  Don't give up or give in after you fail.
Examples:  Peter, David, Abraham

B.  Get Back in the fight.

Never going to find true love, true peace, without Christ.


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