Monday, October 14, 2024

Start Winning the Battle in Your Mind

 We all struggle with discouragement, anger, depression, fear, frustration, etc,  Many are completely destroyed.  The major battles start in the mind.

Today:  Paul to the Philippians, from prison.

Phil. 4:4  - Major theme = REJOICE!
Phil. 2:18 - you also be glad and rejoice with me.
Phil. 3:1 - ..... rejoice in the Lord
1 Thess. 5:16 - Rejoice always - regardless of circumstances - be glad in, celebrate, delight in God's grace

Antonym of rejoice:  be annoyed, aggravated, irritated, gripe

Why rejoice?  We have reason to rejoice!!  It sets our heart and mind right.

Phil. 4:5 - reasonableness, gentleness - speaking to two women. 
quote from Preach the Word - "A rejoicing spirit is a gentle spirit and a gentle spirit is a healing balm to the church and the world!"

The Lord is at hand, near.  God is with His people.  - Isa. 57:15 - Rest in that!

Phil. 4:6 - Do not be anxious - don't worry about it 
              Paul writes from prison - Phil. 4:9 - model what you've seen in me.  He had dealt with hunger, poverty, ostracism, infiltrators, and heretics.
Matt. 6:25, 31, 34 - states 3 times 'do not be anxious'.  It steals from God's gift and plan for today.

We worry about so much that will never happen.
Matt. 6:27 - who can add a cubit to height by worrying
Luke 12:25 - who can add single hour to life

Now I'm worried about my worrying.  What do I do??

Pray with a thankful heart.  God knows what is going on around you.
Sounds simple and it works.

Pray without ceasing = 1 Thess. 5:17-18
Song:  "oh, what peace we often forfeit, oh what needless pain we bear"

Phil. 4:7 - Peace of God - prayer works.  John 14:27 - Jesus gives peace far beyond what anything else cn give.

Phil. 4:8 - Fill your mind with and think of good things. 
Think on true things instead of lies.
              honorable things instead of dishonorable, unethical, unprincipled things
              just things instead of unjust, unreasonable, wrong
              pure things instead of filthy, contaminated things
              lovely things instead of ugly, grotesque
              commendable instead of reprehensible

Media, blog, TV, podcast social media - What we consume matters.

Psm. 101:3 - peaceful mind - or tumultuous, anxious, angry

Rejoice --- don't complain
Set self to not worry --- don't be consumed with it
Pray without ceasing ---- instead of prayerless
Fill your mind with good and not evil.

Ask self - What do you add and what do you subtract?

Closing Scripture:  Eph. 4:25-32

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