Mark 12:13 - approximately Tuesday, 2-3 days before the cross. Jerusalem is bustling with hundreds of thousands of people at this time.
Pharisees (came into being after the exile, a couple hundred years ago) = a religious sect/conservative politically and theologically, right wing nationalist, strict "LAW" (Law of Moses) Keepers" They opposed Jesus for religious reasons - ie: His view of LAW, His authoritative claims, His popularity with the people.
Herodians = supporters of Herod family - liberal, left wing, on one hand, Jewish, however in bed with Rome, were mostly a political faction. They opposed Jesus for political reasons. Fear that their good standing with Rome would be jeopardized by Jesus' teachings and Jesus' followers - Rome didn't tolerate rebellion - they feared Jesus might lead or cause one.
These two factions were at odds with one another, nevertheless, joined forces against Jesus!! Both feared what Jesus might do.
NIV - "catch Him" = trap, ensnare, a hunting term
Mark 12:14-15 - "is it lawful?" (according to Moses)
This = Poll Tax - annual tax on every adult male. Amount = 1 denarius; average day's wage for working man
It's a TRAP? If Jesus answers "yes" = admitting to Caesar's right to rule and tax and loses favor with the people who don't think Caesar has that right.
If Jesus answers "no" = opens himself to a charge of rebelling against Rome and fueling an insurrection!!
In other words, Jesus = in trouble either way He answers!!!
Mark 12:15-16 - He knew they were not seeking truth, God's Will. Example: the coin:
Side 1 - has silhouette of Tiberius with abbreviated inscription "Tiberius Caesar son of the Divine Augustus
Side 2 - Tiberius on throne - Pontiff Maxim" (which means Highest Priest)
The coin flaunts both his right to rule (politically) AND his right to religious rule.
To add salt to the would ... the tax and to be paid with This coin!!! Not Jewish coinage. (so you can understand the Jews' objection!!!)
But Note:
Someone among these had this coin on his person the temple area! Point = they may object but (practically) they had already submitted to it!
Jesus' Answer = Mark 12:17 - "render.."
People's response = "amazed" - Not because He had outsmarted them..... but because He gave a proper, practical answer ... He showed true wisdom!!!
Look further at His answer (in a political context)
Rom. 13:1-7
1 Pet. 2:13-17
Simply put: (1) obey the authorities when you can! (without violating God's law/will)
(2) obey regardless of your personal preference/opinion
This does not mean absolute obedience, submission - example = Jesus & Apostles expect us to know that!!!
Acts 4:18-20 God is supreme. Authorities are not!
This doesn't mean don't object, seek to correct ... means don't Rebel unnecessarily!!
Jesus - "go extra mile" "turn other cheek"
Paul - "as much as it is possible .... live in peace"
Our model = Jesus - on one hand, made no active resistance to such things (paid poll tax, temple tax, etc)
However, He didn't blindly submit to these authorities.
But ... this is not all the answer (ie: render unto Caesar)
Other half of the answer = "render unto God that which is God's"
ie: praise, honor, thanks, loyalty, obedience, service!!
This = the more important part of His answer!
This = the part the Pharisees and Herodians needed most!!
(1) giving proper due is expected of Christians - Rom. 13:7-8
(2) You can give political due (respect) without being disloyal to God.
on one hand "cannot serve 2 masters"
However, can render respect to earthly authority. (Jesus paid poll tax, temple tax, etc)
(3) Obedience to authorities is a Kingdom Issue! 1 Pet. 2:13
(4) Hypocrisy is living a lie (pretending to be what you're not). trying to appear more righteous than you are. Maintains an air of goodness, Godliness.
(5) the remedy for hypocrisy is confession and repentance.
Confess ... admit to 'self and to God (example: AA step 1)
Repent = turn around, walk the other way
(6) But.... if you're not open to truth, you won't (generally) find it!
Pharisees and Herodians NOT moved by Jesus' answer!! - the truth didn't affect them.
Therefore, (7) those open to truth will (generally) recognize the wisdom of God!
common people = "Amazed!!"
John 8:31-32 - "set you free" But ... only if you respond to it!!!
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