Last time = Mark 9:33-35 - Servant Leadership (descending into greatness)
So... this = illustrated here? Mark 9:36-37
In other words, don't cater to those in power ---- rather serve those in need! (example: child)
by serving His sheep, we serve God
So - to welcome them = welcome Me and My Father - Matt. 25:40
Question: "little ones" mean only children?
Answer = lending aid to needy and helpless is found throughout Scripture to all ages!!
Example: Good Samaritan - Luke 10:36-37 - lend aid where needed
Now --- Mark 9:38-41
Did John change the subject? OR is this continuation of the lesson?
In other words, "we saw.... and didn't welcome him! Were we wrong?"
Jesus' response = if he's not against us, he's for us.
So are 2 issues here:
(1) who are we to serve
(2) who to Include (as one of us)
Scripture says ... we should help the needy!!
BUT ... not all who appear needy should be helped!!! - 2 Thess. 3:6, 10 - Use your head.
Be shrewd as snakes but harmless as doves.
Scripture says ... we should welcome all who serve Christ.
BUT ... not everyone who claims to serve should be welcomed! Matt. 7:21-23
2 John 10 & 11 - need t be discerning
This calls for WISDOM and DISCERNMENT!! - Matt. 10:16
Now .. a more difficult section - Mark 9:42-48
(Question: Why the omission of vs. 44, 46?)
Answer = in Most manuscripts they are included, but NOT in the oldest/best manuscripts! Either way it doesn't change the passage!!
Meaning? Point of this section?
(1) unnecessary offenses (offending the least ones) will be judged, will be punished
Therefore, (2) deal with your sins!!!! Because sin matters!! Matt. 12:36 - judgment for every careless word spoken. We need to be very careful in our behavior.
Question: Is this the judgment of the lost? Jesus talking to the disciples!!
Answer: this verse from Isaiah - Isa. 66:22-24 ("rebelled")
Vs. 49? Maybe = "where everyone ... salted with fire"?
Mark 9:50 = "salty again" = compare Matt. 5:13
Mark 9:50 therefor "have salt..." and "be at peace..." (from Vs. 33 & 34)- be a Christian, live as a Christian
This started with "arguing about who is the greatest"
On one hand, a lot of difficulties in this passage
However, don't let the difficulties detract you from the obvious!!
The following things are abundantly clear:
#1. The greatest is to be the servant of all
#2. to welcome the least of His children is to welcome Him.
on one hand, in this text, instance = kids
However, this principle clearly applies ot all ages!!
#3. Unnecessary offenses will be judged.
as sinful, as destructive, as volitional
#4. therfore ... deal with your sins
radically, decisively, immediately
#5. Judgment is certain, hell is real
On one hand, mercy and forgiveness is available in Christ
However, to reject Him is to reap eternal death
#6. Christians are called to be salty (different mindset, different attitude, different lifestyle, different world view, living according to God's direction)
Positional righteousness (comes with salvation) vs Practical righteousness (everyday life - what I practice, live out)
On one hand, salvation = by grace
However, WORKS (lifestyle) is emphasized here!!
Living the Christian life is not always easy.
We have the Holy Spirit, the Word, etc.
However, we are all seriously flawed!!
Therefore need = (1) received free gift of forgiveness, eternal life
AND (2) work at keeping the Faith!!
We are called to BOTH!!
Closing: 2 Pet. 1:3, 5-8
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