Mark 10:13-16 - was customary in Jewish tradition for esteemed elders to lay on hands and pray a blessing for kids.
Question: Why did disciples rebuke parents? probably protecting Jesus - was being swamped by people.
(too much ministry - too little time - for kids!!) = assumption. Don't know for sure.
But... Jesus said (1) "let them come"
AND (2) "the Kingdom belongs to such as these!"
Meaning: doesn't mean innocence!
Examples: (1) work the church nursery!!
and (2) salvation is not due to innocence!!! - ex thief on the cross; apostle Paul before his conversion
Probably = (1) receptive (open)
(2) dependent - naturally without giving a thought
(3) trusting - to believe in the New Testament sense = TRUST!! - John 3:16
Clearly (1) Jesus loves the children
(2) He praises their child-like trust
and (3) He declares that Adults must come the same way - Matt. 18;3 (different instance, similar message)
Adults must trust and rely on Jesus Christ.
Contrast the kids with another seeker - Mark 10:17-22 - (Matt. adds "young man" Luke says "ruler"_
hence - Rich Young Ruler
He = young adult, wealthy, influential, with some authority
But ... with no assurance of salvation!!
Rich Young Ruler seems (1) sincere
(2) humble - "ran to /fell down"
(3) believing - Jesus has the answer
Jesus' first answer - 6 commands of the 2nd. tablet - all for man to man
Rich Young Ruler - "I've kept those"
Jesus' 2nd. answer - not a rebuke!
"looked at him, loved him" - pleased with him!?
(note: we cannot see the RYR's heart, mind - but Jesus did!!) - is apparently sincere.
might paraphrase Jesus' answer as ... "you're doing good! NOW forsake all and follow me!!
On one hand, this is not everyone's call ("sell goods and follow me")
However, it is everyone's call to Christ - total surrender to Christ. Is not a one time thing@
Rich Young Ruler's response - Mark 10:22 - Because ... he really did want Eternal life and assurance of that life!!
But... not at that price!!
So...... Mark 10:23-27
Disciples were amazed!!?? Don't riches and position show God's favor???
So......"who then CAN be saved??"
Answer: = NOBODY!! IF it depends on own works, goodness, righteousness, etc.
BUT ... all things are possible with God!!!! - Rom. 3:20-24, Eph. 2:8-9
Point: God built a bridge - BUT you can't Buy a ticket (pay the price with works, etc.) to cross it!! BUT . you can come freely ... depending on and trusting in Christ!!! (John 3:16)
So.... example: Peter..... Mark 10:28 - We've left all!! (in contrast to Rich Young Ruler)
Jesus' response - Mark 10:29-31 (paraphrase) "Yes you have. And I Promise you....
#1. More than you've given up ... IN THIS LIFE!!
On one hand, this is difficult to grasp
However = follow me and be blessed in THIS LIFE .. Abundantly!
(in the end, who had the most blessings in THIS LIFE? Peter or the Rich Young Ruler?
BUT also:
#2. Persecutions!! = a blessing!! - Matt. 5:11-12
a blessing AND a promise!! - 2 Tim. 3:12
#3. Eternal Life - an inheritance in God's Kingdom!
But ... for NOW - (vs. 31)
Many who appear to be a the front of the line will really end up at the end of the line! Example: Rich Young Ruler.
And many who appear to be a t the end of the line will end up at the front!!! Example: children, believers
So.... some observations/ lessons from this......
#1. We should bring the children to Jesus
Can't MAKE them accept, but can point them to Christ!!
Example: Salvation stats: (according to Gallup study) 19 of every 20 people who come to Christ do so Before age 25
Hence: Sunday School, Bible Time, Day Camp, AND in home influence!!
On one hand, be cautious with their decisions (profession)
However, we must not DENY them!!!
#2. Any who receive Christ must come as little children! ie: trusting in and dependent on
(this does not mean it's A way, or the Best way.... = the ONLY Way!! John 14:6
#3. Be careful lest your "blessings" become a curse!
Wealth is not evil, or bad, but can have evil influence Example: King Solomon!
And the evil influence MAY NOT appear evil at all!!! Example: Rich Young Ruler = "good boy!!"
Warning Passage: Rev. 3:15-17 (to church at Laodecia)
#4. Sincerity is NOT Salvation
Rich Young Ruler - sincerely cared for God, God's laws, Eternal Life, etc.
BUT - still went away SAD! and lost. - Matt. 7:21
Closing Scripture: John 10:10
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