Sunday, November 6, 2022

Monday Before Crucifixion Friday

 Mark 11:12-26 - (long passage, all intertwined)

I.  The Fig Tree = 1 of 2 destructive miracles  (other = pigs in chapter 5)

? "not the season for figs"?? = was Jesus petulant?  ill-tempered?
Are many explanations BUT ... Don't Miss the Point!!

ie:  a claim of without fruit!!!    Promise without Product!!
Jews chosen to bring people to God, but were excluding them!

Therefore, this = an acted out parable!  other examples:  Ezekiel adn the dirt cities; Hosea - marry prostitute, separate, reconcile

All directed at Israel!!  the temple, their attitude, etc.  God's intent, purpose = DRAW MEN!!
Compare:  Luke 13:6-9

II.  The Cleansing = once?  twice?  John's account???


Purpose of the Law, the Temple, chosen Israel = DRAW, NOT exclude!

Distinction here... (1)  welcome all men
                           (2)  Include all who repent and turn  (accept)!! 

Question:  Did Jesus sin here??  Poll taken shows large percentage of people believe He did.
But, this = (1) Righteous anger  (contrast our tendency)
                (2)  showing His authority over the temple

III.  Prayer Promises - Mark 11:22-24 ??

? taken literally  on one hand, "1st. sense is usually best sense".
However, in practice????  examples:  Paul's thorn  (2nd. Cor.)
                                                         Paul's friend (2 Tim. 4:19-20)

Mis-use = "the power ot obtain = in my ability to believe"  vs. "the power and the decision = in God's hands", not my ability to believe

IV.  Prayer Stipulations - Mark 11:25 ???
So,... if I don't forgive, I can't have answered prayer(s)???

What's CLEAR is.... (1)  Prayer matters  (Makes a Difference)
                                (2)  Faith matters  (Makes a Difference)
                                (3)  Forgiveness matters  (Makes an Difference)


(1)  We are called to be fruitful
as a people group (Christianity)
as a denomination
as a church  
as an individual
example:  Parable of the Talents - (charge = didn't use, produce)

(2)  Your faith, religion on one hand must be personal
However, your faith, religion is NOT for you alone!!
You = part the the plan to "Connect People to God"

John 12:32 = double meaning = (1)  the cross   (2)  testimony (verbal and lifestyle)

(3)  Jesus is both Lion and Lamb
On one hand, gentle, mild, long-suffering, forgiving, sacrificial!
On the other hand, HeWill execute Judgment on sin(s)!!
ie:  Both corporately (Israel, USA?)
    and Individually  - we will be judged, not talking about salvation

(4)  Jesus is LORD
ie:  He has all authority!!  examples:  fig trees, temples, disease, death....
and Hi will (at the proper time) use that authority!!
(and, you want to be in good standing when He does!)

(5)  "Worldly Success" is not necessarily evidence of Divine Favor. - example:  the temple

Don't misinterpret your success as being a sign of pleasing God.

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