"Thanks to God" is referenced more than 150 times in Scripture - (hundreds of places)
Add - "Praise Him for what He's done" = many hundreds of times.
Point: few subjects are more emphasized in Scripture!!
Question: why so often referenced?
3 reasons:
#1. God deserves our thanks! - (giving Him His rightful due)
#2. Giving Thanks benefits us!! - doesn't benefit Him at all. He is complete. (Nothing we can say or do can add to Him.)
A) as individuals - every study shows being thankful leads to better attitude, outlook, relationships, response to difficulties ... having psychological + physical benefits. Is true without exception. Actually have a command to "give thanks"!
B) as a group - marriage, family, community, nation....
WHAT IF: news outlets devoted 25% of screen time to good news?!"
Because, thanksgiving is both Beneficial and Contagious!
#3. We tend to take our blessings for granted. (why is repeated over and over in scripture)
Therefore we overlook them, get caught up in negative outlooks
So... what should we do? (especially as Christians)
#1. Count your blessings = be consciously aware and specifically thankful.
(an occasional specific review would do us all good)
#2. Be thankful (Attitude)
#3. Give thanks - (action!) for every 1 reference to "be thankful" there are 50 references to "give thanks!!"
Short summary verse: 1 Thess. 5:18 - in all circumstances, not necessarily for all circumstances.
So, Rubber Band =
(1) reminder to give thanks for blessings
AND (2) reminder to BE a Blesser!! - actively, consciously
Phil. 2:3-5 - Jesus' attitude to be a blessing
Matt. 10:8
2 Cor. 1:3-4 - (context = comfort/ broader sense = He has blessed us SO we might bless others!
Definition: "to Bless" in scripture...
(1) to pray God's favor upon (Jesus blesses children)
(2) to speak well of (praise) - "bless the Lord, O my soul"
(3) to cause to prosper
Now looking at these individually:
I.) To Pray God's favor upon someone.
by (A) praying for them
by (B) praying for them IN THEIR PRESENCE! - shows concern!!
(how often these opportunities are missed)
II) To Speak well of someone - Greek word = in English - Eulogy
Question? Does a eulogy benefit the deceased??
Then why not do it while they = alive and aware??
Can't brag on everyone you meet, but often an honest compliment is in order!
The Power of the spoken Word....
Prov. 12:18, 15:4, 16:24, 18:21
by contrast: Matt. 12:36
hence ... Eph. 4:29
III) Basic needs of all people
to be loved (which = they are lovable)
to be valued (which - they are valuable)
to be recognized as significant (which = they Matter)
Anything that communicates the above = a Blessing
(anything that communicates the opposite of the above = Curse!!
All that is necessary to Bless another is to....
(1) Decide - intentionality - more likely to hit what you aim at!
(2) Look for Opportunity - consciously - on purpose!
(how often this is missed and later regretted)
(3) Act = example: a gathering = "gonna attempt to bless ____ people"
on one hand, is easier for some (their gift)
However, is the responsibility of all Prov. 3:27, Heb. 10:23-24
All people desire blessing - even those who appear to reject it!!
One more thing.... Acts 20:35 = more than blessed to give ..
Point -- one of the best ways to Receive a blessing ... is to Give a blessing!!
So.... Rubber bands are to remind us (this week) to
(1) be aware of, give thanks for your blessings
to... (2) be a blessing - make it a point to bless those around you!
Final verse: John 1:16
(1) give thanks for your blessings
(2) pass the blessings on to others!!!
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