Sunday, October 30, 2022

The Triumphant Entry (Palm Sunday)

 (6 days before the cross)  

Mark 11:1-10 -  (hundreds of thousands of people came to Passover.)
                       - approaching Jerusalem - vs. 9 - common greeting
                                                            - vs. 10 - recognition as the possible or probable Messiah
(cloaks on the road common for kingly procession)

Matt. 21:4-5 - from Zechariah

Luke 19:35-40 = fulfilled AD 70

John mentions palm branches ... hence Palm Sunday

I)  The Entry marks a change in Jesus' ministry
The END of avoiding crowds, protecting His secrecy
The Beginning of (1) open confrontation with opponents
                and....(2)  open declaration of His ministry  (which culminates in the cross)

II)  The Passover celebrates the Jews' release from bondage  (in Egypt) - roughly 1500 years before this time
Therefore, Messianic Fervor ... in hopes of....
     (1)  the Messiah coming
     (2)  their release form bondage .... to Rome!!
     (3)  re-establishment of the Davidic Kingdom

And ... Who better to fulfill that role than Jesus of Nazareth.  worked untold # of miracles, no one ever spoke or taught like Him.

III)  The Donkey identifies and portrays the King
identifies who He is, AND portrays what He's like.
Zech. 9:9-10 - donkey is not an animal of War, but of peace

Compare to 2nd. Coming!!  Rev. 19:11-16 - whole different set up when He returns

IV)  The Entry was not ALL joyous!  Luke 19:41-44 - literally fulfilled about 40 years later.

Why weep?  Ezek. 33:11   1 Tim. 2:4

V)  The Entry was anticlimactic - Mark 11:11 - "looked and left"


1)  sometimes God's methods are beyond our understanding - (understatement!!)
Isa. 55:8-9,  So..... John 12:16

Faith is not understanding all things about Christ ....
Faith is understanding enough about Christ to Trust Him in all things!!
Ex =:  Hab. 3:16-18   ex. = Job - Deut. 29:29

2)  The disciples got it wrong!!  (about the Kingdom)
That doesn't mean Jesus was wrong!!

Point = Christina leaders will often mis-understand, mis-interpret and therefore mis-teach (apply) God's Word,

But... their mistakes and failures should Not shake your faith in Christ!!  (your faith is in Him; not man's interpretation of Him)
= doctrinal errors, = moral failures

3)  Rejection of Jesus as Lord and Christ has definite and serious consequences.
Example:  Israel as nation / AD 70/ dispersion 1900 years!!

example:  individually - John 8:23-24

Note:  He is a s much King Now as will be then!!
But now = you have option (and opportunity) to bow the knee!!
Then it will be too late!

The next 4 chapters of Mark = The Passion Week - much teaching, preaching, instructing, confrontation But not every thing that happened is recorded.  What IS recorded is for a distinct prupose!!

all 4 gospels = same goal/purpose;  summarized by John ... John 20:30-31

Application = that you might know Christ, trust Christ, follow Christ.

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