Monday, August 22, 2022

The Transfiguration

 Previous weeks = Peter's confession and Peter's rebuke

Today:  Mark 9:2-13
           Luke 9:28-36
           Matt. 17:1-8

(1)  Why these three?  (inner circle)
Jesus could have gone alone...  so,,, obviously He wanted THEM to see/hear  2 Pet. 1:16-18 - not a dream.

(2)  Why climb the mountain (Mt. Tabor - 2, 000 ft., Mt. Hermon - 9,000'.  Probably climbed Mt. Hermon - was the closest to where they were.
      #1.  Privacy - away from the crowds
Add?  #2.  "Atmosphere?  setting? 
On one hand, Jesus was Omnipresent - Daniel in lion's den, Shadrach, Meschah, Abednigo in furnace, Samson in temple of Dagon
However - met with Moses on Mt. Sinai    Elijah on Mt. Carmel

(3)  Why Moses and Elijah = thought to represent the "Law and Prophets" - no definite answer.  Matt. 5:17

(4)  How did the disciples KNOW Moses and Elijah
Note:  Moses been dead 1400 years.
Elijah been dead 900 years. 
They still looked pretty good!!  Compare to Our Hope!

(5)  Is this event linked to former verses?
Mark 9:1 - Matt. 16:28, Luke 9:27

The disciples got a glimpse of glory!  (similar to Moses on Mt. Sinai)
But ... this is not new glory, additional glory, earned glory.
Rather.... this = Jesus' eternal and natural state!!
He left his natural state when he came to earth and put on flesh.  What they saw here was his normal, natural state.

So, on one hand are a lot of questions about this event....
However, is lots we can know ... be sure of!!!

I.  The Cloud contains the Presence of God  (the cloud is NOT God)
On one hand, He is hidden by the cloud!
However, His glory bleeds through!!

The Shekinah - pillar of cloud, fire - Ex. 13:21
                 flooding the tabernacle - Ex. 40:34-35 - visible glory of God showing His approval
                 flooding the Temple - 1 Kings 8:10-11
                 departing the temple - Ezekiel 10 & 11 - glory of God left them.

II.  The Voice is that of God the Father!
AND ... He's speaking TO the disciples!! - they heard it audibly!

III.  His Message is clear and simple
(A) "this is my Son" = affirming Christ's unique, special, divine, ministry, message, path!!
(B)  "hear Him!"  - (which = hear and obey!) - unless you obey, you didn't hear!!
Deut. 6:4-9 - the "Shema' = hear with head AND hands!
Compare:  James 1:22-25

IV.  God's Presence inspires Fear - Matt. 17:6
On one hand, a Christian has no fear of condemnation!
However, He = all Powerful Righteous God!! - Heb. 12:28-29

(Non-Biblical comparison = the lion in C.S. Lewis' "Lion, Witch, and the Wardrobe")

VGod's Plan is often confusing.
On one hand, it's  obvious that Jesus = God's man, with God's power and God's approval.
However, suffereing Messiah??  condemned?  crucified??

POINT:  God's plan(s) often baffle us!!  because of limited knowledge, understanding, insight..)
In everyday life, God's plan sometimes doesn't make sense to us.
Therefore, FAITH = trusting Him WHEN we're baffled!!!

But, in spite of the confusion...
VI.   We share the disciples' HOPE!  (are really not that much different!)
On one hand, we now see the need for suffering and the cross.
However, still hoping for His glorious Kingdom!! and Him to make things right.
Example:  1 Thes. 4:16-17 - clouds of glory

AND, VII.  WE will share in Jesus' glory 1 John 3:2

AND, VIII.  We can BEGIN the transformation ... NOW!
Rom. 12:2 - be transformed, change mind, renew thinking
2 Cor. 3:18 - we are being transformed slowly

So..... John 11:40

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