last 2 weeks = people questioning Jesus to discredit Him
ie: Sadducees, Pharisees, Herodians
Now = an individual = "a teacher of the Law" - expert in the Law
(a lawyer .... and The Law = law of Moses)
NOTE: He seems ... impressed with Jesus' answers
.... sincere in his inquiry
Mark 12:28 613 commands (248 thou shalts and 365 thou shalt nots)
Was a common debate "which = greater? weightier? most important?
Jesus' answer - Mark 12:29-31
1st. half of the answer = from The Shema - (Deut. 6)
Shema = basic statement of faith for Jews
is recited morning and evening - (and beginning of Synagogue)
Breakdown - (1) The Lord is One - there is only one God and it is YHWH
(2) The Lord ... OUR God is One - ie: the only true God - the God of Israel!! (to distinguish from all other people groups)
(3) You are to love the Lord... with ALL your .. heart - soul - mind - strength.
Meaning??? your Whole being!!! (Hebrews "with your utmost)
heart - affections/emotions/feelings
mind = intelligence/ reasoning powers
strength - ability/ might/ power/ ACTIONS!!
Deut. 6:4-9 - (1) impress these on your children
(2) talk about them ... when lie down and rise up!
(3) tie them on your arms and forehead
(4) Write them on your door frames
So... (1) Recited (at least) twice a day (lie down/ rise up)
(2) tied on as Phylacteries
(3) written on door posts as Mezuzahs
The point being (1) a constant awareness of God. (His Word, Laws, Presence/ Promises)
(2) Visual and Verbal expressions of Faith in God.
which = a witness, testimony of your Faith in YHWH
2nd. half of Jesus' answer - Lev. 19:18
Plus very important addition from Matt. 22:37-40
In other words, (1) the Most Important Command = love the Lord your God
(2) the 2nd. Most Important Command - love your neighbor as yourself
And (3) all the laws and other writings HANG on THESE 2!!
(If do the first 2, will do all the rest.)
Illustration: Door (2 hinges (#1 and #2) / list on the door - other 611) moral laws
Hence we have 611 commentaries (explanations) of HOW TO FULFILL #1 and #2!!! (examples)
Back to Mark 12:32-33 - are not minimizing ceremonial laws .. But - recognizing these are symbolic expressions of Faith ... And are Secondary to true faith!!
Old Testament examples: 1 Sam. 15:22-23
Hosea 6:6
Isa. 29:13
Matt. 15:8
1 more verse to examine - Mark 12:34
Jesus .... (1) Recognizes the man's wisdom (in seeing the true meaning of sacrifices and the true expressions of faith)
(2) Commends his current faith postion - "not far from Kingdom" = close to!!
And (3) thus (temporarily) silences His critics
(1) We are to love the Lord with our WHOLE being
ie: internally and externally... as we express love for God we develop love for God!!
"Acting out behavior of love prompt corresponding feelings of love. Going through the motions fosters feelings. (from a rabbi on a Jewish website)
(2) We are to love our neighbor AS OURSELVES!!
common denominator here = LOVE!!! (Greek - Agape) The same way God loves.
Luke's account (different occasion) = a 2nd. question ... Luke 10:29 Good Samaritan Story - Luke 10:36-37
(3) These are COMMANDS from God (Not suggestions/ not options/ not multiple choice
(4) These are the MOST IMPORTANT commands of God.
to violate ANY moral law ==> loosening the hinges ==> the door begins to hang ASKEW!!
(5) Recognizing this is Wisdom - Mark 12:34 "Jesus saw he answered wisely...." (to not recognize this is foolishness)
(6) Practicing this is GREATER WISDOM!! Matt. 7:24
Godly wisdom ==> practice (application) of wisdom.
Application of that wisdom ==> practical outcome!! (results)
(7) "not far from the Kingdom....." is still NOT IN the Kingdom!! - example: rich young ruler.
(still outside. Being close does not count.)
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