Mark 10:32-34 - on route to Jerusalem for Passover (approximately 90 miles by the eastern route)
This = annual trip But is Jesus' last trip to Jerusalem/Passover
(we are 8-10 days from the cross!)
"Jesus leading the way" - followed by.....
(1) the 12
(2) other followers, disciples, women
(3) other pilgrims going to Jerusalem - many knew of Jesus!!
(estimated number of pilgrims in Jerusalem at Passover varies from 100,000 to 1 million.
Josephus says "250,000 lambs are slain at the temple - one per family
"disciples astonished" - crowd "afraid"
(1) they were aware of hte opposition there (and their power!)
(2) they were aware of Jesus continual emphasis on suffering and death
(3) they were astonished at His resolve in light of all this!!
Note: Mark 10:32 - "again!! - not the first time He told them.
What did the disciples think of this???
Maybe..... expected literal, physical opposition... but.... death and resurrection???? - they never expected Jesus to die. They were convinced He was the Messiah, and expected Him to establish His kingdom on this trip.
BUT ... they didn't understand!!!
.... they didn't ask!! - Luke 18:34
had NO idea Messiah would be killed!!
to them "Resurrection" was the general resurrection!!
Now, Mark 10:35-40
Why ask for that at this time???
(1) they expected Jesus to establish kingdom soon!!! at Jerusalem??
ie: earthly kingdom, a reviving of Davidic Kingdom!!
(2) Kingdoms have rulers! heads of state!
(3) clearly the 12 were in line for this!! - Matt. 19:28
(4) James and John - part of the "inner circle of 3"
(Peter might be suited for Secretary of War!!)
(5) Because they apparently forgot last week's lesson on Servant Leadership. Mark 9:33-35
AND ... (6) because mama told them to!!! Matt. 20:20-21
"the cup" - = the drink set before Christ (suffering, persecution, death), which He was destined to drink
"the baptism" - immersion into His trials, suffering
Question: did James and John drink? baptized?
James = first of the 12 martyred - Acts 12:1-3
John - long life (lived somewhere around 90 years) but suffered much persecution. Was exiled on Patmos.
Reaction of the other 10 = Mark 10:41-45 - "Servant Leadership" lesson
Others were "indignant" - because James and John asked?
or - because the asked ahead of the others?
Mostly this = simple passage. But illustrates truths for us.....
#1. double-mindedness plagues all of us! - (ie: Christians)
have a foot in the Kingdom, foot in the world. Care about the Kingdom, live in the world!! (generally talking about the philosophy of the world - not the stuff)
So, on one hand requires balance (citizens of both worlds!
However, we don't have to work at being worldly!
By Contrast - discipleship requires effort and discipline!! - continual renewal!
(2) We all start our Christian walk immature
example: the disciples sometimes = self-centered, insensitive, worldly, etc. They weren't that way after the Resurrection.
On one hand, we all start as babies/ newborns in Christ.
However, proper raising gives a good head start. Example: parents raising
BUT (3) we don't have to remain immature
example: Post-resurrection disciples!! Were a changed group!! - Heb. 5:11-14 (constant use)
Eph. 4:14-15 - Maturity leads to stability!!
(4) You should always seek more Knowledge, understanding, etc.
BUT ... don't forget what you already know!
example: = servant leadership lesson - just a few days before this!!
IF you go with your heart, feelings.... you'll often be outside His will!!
(5) be careful what you pray for.... you might get it!
examples: James and John
(6) You don't need to see the whole journey to commit to the journey!
example: James & John, and the others!
"we walk by faith, not by sight!"
So........... commit to the long haul
then ..... live it day by day!
(7) disciples always do better when they work together
Post-resurrection church ... No jockeying for position by the Apostles!!! willing to Serve and cooperate!!
Unity and harmony is not easy but = goal!!
(Jesus said, "blessed are the peace-MAKERS - for they shall be called the Sons of God" - Matt. 5:9
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