Sunday, January 22, 2017

Study of 2nd. Timothy continued - Evangelism

2nd. Timothy = final instructions, last words from the Apostle Paul to Timothy, his son in the faith.

Last 2 weeks - dealt with Personal lifestyle and development because can't build the "peak" without the "foundation"

Today - Paul's words to Timothy concerning Evangelism.

The English work = take off from the Greek noun - translated the evangel - meaning the message, good news, gospel.  From the old English - Godspel - good tale, story
          Greek verb - to evangelize - (declare, proclaim) - the evangelist - the one who declares, shares, tell the tale

1. Paul was a herald of the good news (Evangelist).

2.  His words to Timothy = "do likewise"

3.  The New Testament is clear - we also should "do likewise"  (all Christians)

Before we look at Paul's words to Timothy (concerning Evangelism), let's look at evangelism generally:

1)  Definition of Evangelism is telling the story - Acts 8:34-35 - Example:  Phillip and the Enunuch
     ie:  bridge illustration, wordless book, Roman road, etc.

2)  All Christians are responsible to tell the story.  (Great Commission - Matt. 28:18-20)

BUT, 3)  There are many ways to tell the story!
      LIST - Methods of Personal Evangelism done intentionally
      1.  Preaching Evangelism
      2.  Confrontational Evangelism
           Example:  Billy Graham, D.L. Moody - these two = the most commonly known - most aggressive form of evangelism.
      3.  Teaching Evangelism - AWANA, Bible Time, Day Camp, etc.
      4.  Testimonial Evangelism - how you encountered God in a particular setting
      5.  Ministry Evangelism - helping people in some form with hopeful purpose of sharing the gospel - however, can't JUST do good deeds and helpful things.  Must be some form of verbal presentation of the gospel message.
      6.  Relational Evangelism - building friendships in order to share gospel  - 70% say friendship was instrumental in their coming to Christ
      7.  Family Evangelism - parents leading children to Christ
      8.  Lifestyle Evangelism -
      9.  Discipling Evangelism - not only after salvation but many times before      
     10.  Conversational Evangelism
     11.  Invitational Evangelism - inviting people to something where gospel is going to be presented
     12.  Tract/Literature Evangelism
     13.  Child Evangelism -  43% come to Christ before age 13,  56 % before age 18   77 % before age 21.  After 21 percentage drops way down.
     14.  Prayer Evangelism - prayer for person to be saved.  However, can't expect salvation without a presentation of the message.

Remember:  it's not our job to win people to Christ - that's God's job - Our job is to present the gospel message.

Paul's words to Timothy (concerning Evangelism)

#1.  2 Tim. 1:8 - Don't be ashamed - why the hesitancy??  Maybe because message is offensive?  exclusive?? - Jesus is the only way.  Simple?  (therefore "foolishness")  Spiritual opposition? 

Whatever the reason - it's there!!  1 Cor. 2:3 - Apostle Paul.    But, also - Rom. 1:16 - the means by which people find God. 
Note:  2 Tim. 1:6-8

#2.  2 Tim. 2:8-9 - Remember Jesus Christ raised from the dead 
         1)  Resurrection = central to the gospel - can't have gospel message without the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
          2)  We are not proclaiming a dead Savior, we are proclaiming a Living LORD!! - Rev. 1:17-18
Not serving the memory of a guy, but a risen LORD,

#3.  2 Tim. 4:3-5 - Do the work of an evangelist -
        Note:  a) it = WORK
                  b) why Timothy needs to do it = 2 Tim. 4:6-7
Point:  each generation is responsible to reach the next generation!!!


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