2 Timothy is a personal letter from Paul to Timothy. Paul ends his letter to Timothy with a salutation with bits of news, updates, personal observations and personal requests. This is typically how Paul closes most of his letters. All of the information in the salutation was interesting to Timothy, but is it interesting or important to us today? There is not a lot of doctrinal instruction here. It includes a lot of examples and illustration of doctrinal truths... it is important to us!
So if 2 Timothy 3:16-17 is TRUE... "All scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work." then there is value in these closing words for us.
People mentioned by Paul in the salutation
Demas (vs10) "fellow worker", but loved the world. Paul calls him a partner in the ministry, but he left Paul. Not sure if he just left Paul or left the faith. Col. 4:14, Philemon 24
Crescens (vs10) Don't know anything about him. Only mentioned here.
Titus (vs10) Book of Titus...Paul sent Titus to Dalmatia
Luke (vs 11) A doctor/ beloved physician. (Col 4:14 KJV)
Mark (vs 11) wrote the book of Mark and transcribed Peter's letters. aka John Mark. Mark went with Barnabas and Paul on their 1st missionary journey and then left. Acts 13:13 Paul was angry with him. When Paul and Barnabas were planning the 2nd missionary journey Barnabas wanted Mark to go, but Paul said no. This caused Paul and Silas to go in one direction and Barnabas and Mark to go in another direction. Acts 15: 36-40 But during Paul's 1st imprisonment Col. 4:10 Paul and Mark were reconciled.
Tychicus (vs12) "beloved brother and faithful minister and fellow servant in the Lord." (Col 4:7, Eph. 6:21) He accompanied Paul on his last visit to Jerusalem. He carried Paul's letters (written while in prison in Rome) to Colossae and Ephesus.
Alexander (vs 14) Not sure who he is because it is a common name. He was a coppersmith. "the Lord will repay him according to his deeds." the Lord will sort it out, but beware of him.
Priscilla & Aquilla (vs 19) Fellow tent makers, Paul first met them in Corinth. They accompanied Paul to Ephesus Acts 18. They established/hosted house churches (I Cor. 16:19) They were faithful workers. They went Rome (Rom. 16:3-4) and risked their lives for Paul. They are now back in Ephesus.
Onesiphorus (vs 19) 2 Tim. 1;16-18 all that we know about him
Erastus (vs 20) Rom. 16:23 He was "the city treasurer" at Corinth. 1929 excavation at Corinth they found paving stones (7 letters- originally bronze filled dated 150 AD) Erastus laid this pavement at his own expense. This is a historical reference that he did exist.
Trophimus (vs 20) Trusted assistant, was with Paul when he was carried off from gentile chaos to Jerusalem Acts 20:4 He was the cause of Paul's arrest in Jerusalem Acts 21:27-29 He caused the mess that put Paul in Prison.
Eubulus, Pudens, Linus and Claudia (vs 21) Unknown to us, but obviously known to them.
Col 4:10
Rom. 16: 3-4
2 Tim. 1: 16-18
Rom. 16: 23
Acts 21:27-29
1. People need people (Timothy "come to me") Paul can function without Timothy (Phil. 4:11-13) He desires his presence and assistance. He doesn't need him, he WANTS Timothy with him. Jesus at Gethsemane (Mt 26: 36-40) Jesus didn't need the disciples in the garden, He wanted them, He wanted their presence, He wanted their support.
Application....When people are in a rough patch ... DONT STAY AWAY! Don't avoid them, don't pull away. Be there for people. They want your presence. Don't avoid them because you don't know what to say. There is so much that you can do for people who are struggling.
2. People will let you down Demas abandoned Paul, at Gethsemane the disciples fell asleep
A. People are flawed Rom. 3:23
B. Sometimes your expectations are too high. We put people on a pedestal. People fall short.
3.You will let people down (not all 1 sided) Because you are not perfect. To never apologize is to say "I am never wrong".
A. It's easier to overlook/forgive offenses when we see our own faults. (Mt. 7:3-5 speck/plank)
B. The sooner you own up to this the sooner you can change for good. If you don't admit that you are broken, you cannot be fixed.
4.People can change "bring Mark...useful to me"
Some people start off poorly and end well...( Mark and Paul).
Some people start off well and end poorly (Demas)
Some people start of well and end well (Luke, Timothy, Aquilla and Priscilla)
Some people will oppose you from start to finish (Alexander)
A. You just never know...who is going to end up better, get it right... or worse... never find it.
B. So never give up (never step back Paul and John Mark) You keep praying , you never give up
Note: 2 people changed John Mark and PAUL ( forgave /reconciled) Paul first said NO JOHN MARK! Paul changed his mind
5. People are God's most precious creation
Imago Dei John 3:16 Doctrinal truths are important to people, but people are the most important to God. People were created in God's image. What's left when the world 'burns up'? Nothing else remains, but people.
2 greatest commandments: Love God and love people. All the laws hang on our relationship with God and our relationship with people.
6. The Lord will NOT change
Mal. 3:6 "For I the Lord do not change"
Heb. 13:8 " Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and today, and forever"
People will change, but not God
2 Tim. 4:17-18 I was rescued...I will always be rescued
2 Tim. 1:12 If you are a believer He will deliver you into His kingdom
If 2 Tim. 3:16-17 are true then God ALWAYS has something to say to us (reveal to us) even in the most OBSCURE passages.
I hope He has spoken to you this morning, IF SO what is your response? Do you respond to Him? Is He calling you to your next step?
God is in the people business, Paul was in the people business, we are in the people business