Lead up - 2 Tim. 2:22-26 - to young pastor, but also to all of us
2 Tim. 2:22 - "flee AND pursue" - flee bad stuff, pursue good stuff - ie: run FROM and run TOWARD righteousness. = basic idea of Repentance! ..... (put off/ put on)
2 Tim. 2:23 - "Have nothing to do with.... foolish, ignorant controversies" example: coffee shop gathering. Argue NOT to learn, clarify, gain, but to show my smarts!! (and your foolishness)
Prov. 20:3 - "keep aloof from strife"
2 Tim. 2:24 - be kind (to everyone)! enduring evil - doesn't mean accepting, ignoring it, BUT not "melting away in its presence. Correcting but with gentleness.
The purpose of Christian debate us never to win arguments, it is to win souls!!
2 Tim. 2:25 - on one hand, "correcting"
however - "gently" IN HOPE that they may....
(1) come to their senses
(2) repent
(3) escape
In other words, 2 Tim. 2:22-26 equals a description of how you are to act, live, AND how to deal with non-believers.
Now to chapter 3 beginning with ...BUT
in other words, "pursue this, act like this... BUT... don't expect too much.... because... 2 Tim. 3:1-4
lovers of self, money, etc.
Judges 21:25 - no civil authority
no moral authority!
Entitlement = you are ungrateful, heartless, no affection for family
unholy = don't know God, without self-control - follow your heart, not brain
2 Tim. 3:5-12 with Heb. 11:32-39- these are Christian people but are not growing in Christian behavior
"Rescue" not always = deliver from suffering!! (how you suffer = testimony of your faith) Christians should be solid and stable.
2 Tim. 3:12-17 - because stand contrary t the world
In this text, find 3 clear, explicit charges to
IF Vs. 16 & Vs. 17 = true... THEN also = charges to US!!!
#1) 2 Tim. 3:1 - "Understand this" (mark down, know, remember)
On one hand always been so,
However, it's going to get worse!
Point = don't be alarmed! surprised! unsettled!
(A) Be concerned
(B) Do what can to combat it but....
(C) Recognize it's going to happen!
#2. 2 Tim. 3:5 = "Avoid such people" (have nothing to do with, stay away from ) - these people are heretics, can never be corrected
WHO???? False teachers and foolish followers.
doesn't mean no contact (fellow workers, neighbors, people in need)
means don't fellowship, listen to, "cozy up to"
These are more than people who've missed the truth. These are people who've manipulated truth.
mistaken person vx heretic. It matters who you hang with!!!
Prov. 13:20 , 14:7, 2 Cor. 6:14, i Cor. 15:33, Titus 3:10-11
#3) 2 Tim. 3:14 - "continue in what you have learned" - taught by Paul, had good Christian mother, grandmother
IF (like Timothy) you're well taught, grounded in scriptural truth
THEN don't go chasing after new, exciting things!!!
(IF NEW, probably NOT TRUE!!) Eph. 4:14
NOTE: "continue in" means.....
(1) remain faithful t scripture
(2) continue moving forward (learning, growing) - 2 Tim. 2:15
Closing Scripture: Rom. 16:17-20
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