Paul to Timothy - remember the Word, you can trust it, it is powerful, it is effective, it will equip you for every good work.
THE EFFECTIVE PREACHER - 2 Tim. 4:1 Remember the Word of God is serious business. Should solemnly testify, challenge, warn that Jesus is watching. The lost will be judged by their deeds and cast into the lake of fire (Rev. 20)
Those who are saved will be judged at the Bema seat of Christ 2 Cor. 5:10 - accountability for things done and rewards. We are saved by grace through faith.
I) The Effective Preacher Fears the Lord - James 3:1 - we who teach receive stricter judgment..
Heb. 13:17 - are to keep watch over people's souls and will give account. Present the Word with humility, submission, fear and respect for God and His Word
II) The Effective Preacher Preaches the Word - 2 Tim. 4:2 - to herald, proclaim out loud - The Word - diligent, rightly divide, not teaching personal experience, not own opinion, not ourselves. 2 Cor. 4:5 - the whole counsel Acts 20:27 - whole books - topical rightly applied. Clarence Edward McCartney - 1957 - "Put all the Bible you can into it!" That's where the power is - comes from God, what God said
III) The Effective Preacher is Always Ready - rests IN the Lord,, not FROM the Lord. There is no off season. Spend time in the Word. Not always going to feel like it, but do it anyway.
IV) The Effective Preacher will Offend - reprove, rebuke and exhort. #1 and 2 - to expose, convict, confront, chide, admonish, warn. Is a hard job - especially when the people you speak to pay you salary.
"If you enjoy reproving and rebuking, you are likely not fit for the ministry, but if you do not do it, you are a shirker." - you are being lazy. You will offend at times.
"The World is Watching". even more so, "Jesus is Watching". Are not to be a people pleaser, is not a popularity contest, your chief aim is to be faithful.
V) The Effective Preacher will also encourage - come alongside, exhort, comfort. Chief goal is reconciling to God. How to know when to do what? Pray for discernment and seek wise counsel, be faithful to the Word and apply it. Let the Word do the Work, with complete Patience and teaching.
2. Tim. 4:3-4 When does this happen? Answer: Every generation. Jer. 5:30-31
A 4th. Century Bishop = "itching ears syndrome ... when this syndrome is in place, people who call themselves Christian will find the truth n Christ Jesus intolerable and seek to stamp it out."
We see today, A bit of awakening, the winds of culture, ministers, churches, publications are happy to accommodate. We must make sure we are staying faithful to the Word. Is easy to fall. Hard to stay faithful. Let's pray for each other on that. Always easy to point at others.
VI) The Effective Preacher knows fights are coming 1 Tim. 1:18 - people will not put up with sound teaching and will leave to follow myths.
VII) The Effective Preacher stays the course 2 Tim. 4:5-8 1 Cor. 9:24-27 - Paul was faithful to God and His word. There is a great purpose and a great reward for faithfulness.
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