From the Original minutes:
Some new beginnings....
(1z0 organized Aug. 7, 1905 (119 years ago)
(2) 1st. (official) church building = 1928
Church met there for 64 years.
(3) 1992 - dedicated New building (now 32 years old)
Today.... another new beginning...
Josh Smith - now the new lead Pastor - Pastor #31
(prior to Ed... had 29 pastors serving 40 separate terms over 78 years.)
The progress/ process over 119 years.....
On one hand, measurable # of souls, baptisms, buildings, dollars, etc.
However, immeasurable!! - the really important stuff
Examples: (1) salvation decisions (re-dedications)
(2) spiritual growth of individuals
(3) number of lives touched/changed (direct/indirect)
(4) influences, impact of community, Kingdom
These "immeasurables" = the eternal factor
the God factor
Things that will not be measurable in this life
We = MAD/MAeD = Make a difference, Make an Eternal difference..... which has always been true of Octavia Baptist Church
So---- Who did it?
On one hand, Many people worked, sacrificed, donated, remained faithful
However, it was God wh worked IN and Thru them!! He's chosen us to be the body of Christ.
So, on one hand, 2 Pet. 1:5 - "make every effort"
on the other hand, Eph. 3:20-21
In other words, on one hand, it doesn't happen without faithful servants
however, won't happen without God's involvement!!
Future of Octavia Baptist Church??
On one hand, numerical growth is limited, however, THAT doesn't limit...
(1) influence on individual lives
(2) impact on our community
(3) our contribution to Kingdom growth
Question: Remember this: What will Remain as legacy of OBC.... in heaven? eternity??
Answer = People!!!
God is faithful! He will do His part
So, our part, your part =
(1) remain faithful = "He can do more tat we imagine"
(2) seek His Vision (for OBC) - have "not yet arrived"
(3) work hard - "Make every effort"
(4) support Josh AS you've supported me!!
On one hand, don't want to "Bask on the Past" (rest on our laurels)
BUT... should (1) celebrate the Past
as We (2) move forward... to the future.
Phil. 3:12-15 - (pass the torch)
Josh: remarks as new pastor.
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