Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Why the Bible is so Good

 2 Timothy 3:16-17

If you don't grasp this truth then you can't believe the Bible. The Old Testament points to Jesus

We have it so good! Many bibles, reviews, versions and study bibles

Paul to Timothy - final words, you will encounter trouble. Dealing with that

2 Tim 3:16-17  You have seen me live out my faith. All will be persecuted, evil men will come to deceive.... Pastors have a big responsibility.

2 Tim 3:14-15  You however know what's right.  You = taught by  Mom, Grandma, the scriptures, the Old Testament, salvation, faith in Christ.

#IScripture points us to Jesus

John 5:37-40  All of the Bible points to Christ. You can't separate Christ from the scriptures.  Scripture makes you wise in Jesus Christ. 

Liberal Theologian Dr. William Evans- Son Louis in First Presbyterian of Hollywood. Virgin Birth, Resurrection, Miracles, Supernatural

-If you remove miraculous or the hard to swallow you write your own book and create a God of your own imagination.                                                                                                                                        

 We see this often today - worldview/culture determines theology/bible. Liberal Christians drop the Christian eventually.

#II.   Some reject God and his Word because they love their sin

John 3:19-20 - God's Word reveals our sins, shows us where we need to be. 

BUT YOU, Timothy continue on in the scriptures. Why?

2 Timothy 3:16

III.  Scripture is God's revelation of himself

They had Old Testament books, sacred writings, read in synagogue, referenced in New Testament. Jesus Christ quoted from every collection (history, law, prophets, poetry), and he rose from the dead     

New Testament contains the life the words and teachings of the promised Messiah.  The fulfillment of the Old Testament. Contains the words and teachings of his apostles which they taught were scripture    
1 Thess. 2:13    2 Peter 3:15-16 
God is the ultimate author of scripture "God Breathed" or as it says in 2 Peter1:20-21 carried by God.
The Bible was written over1500 years by around 40 men.  Is 1 perfect story with ultimately 1 author. It is God's revelation of Himself.

IV. The Bible is profitable/useful for every area of life.                                                                             A. Teaching-What does God say? The Bible teaches us what to believe. It gives us information, teaches us doctrine. So important. This information cannot just stay in our head                      

  B.  Reproof- What have I done? The Bible exposes our heart  Heb.4 12-13. The Bible is only book that reads back. Liberal churches and ministries.                                                                                         

  C. Correction-What I must do? The Bible sets us straight, it improves us, it reforms us, it disciplines us.                                                                                                                                                   
  D  Training in Righteousness- How must I do it?
(preparing a child) Eph. 6:4, Prov. 22:6   The Word builds us up for the work. Bad theology hurts people

V. The Bible is sufficient- God uses it to build us, strengthen us, directs us, encourage us. God's Word prepares you for His work. Timothy 3:17                                                                                           

There are plenty of good books, but the Bible is #1. The Bible is a tool to measure everything else, prepares us. If you don't take the scriptures seriously then you have nothing to hang your faith on.

Confessions/statements of faith start with scripture, Baptist Faith & Message, Westminster, LBC 1689  
"The Holy Scripture is the only sufficient, certain, and infallible rule of all saving knowledge, faith, and obedience" - LBC 1689

 VI.  The Bible is for all                                                                                                                                  The New Testament was written in Koine Greek= common Greek for the "common man"                      
In the early 1500's  William Tyndale wanted to translate the Bible for everyone and this cost him his life.  
50 years later the KJV was commissioned.   
Missionaries risk their own safety to pass out Bibles ( in their own language) and share Christ with the lost.       

Priesthood of the believer. You can understand this book. Especially the most important things.

John Wycliffe 1300s English Theologian RCC dissident wanted Bible in English. Was a reformer before the reformers started reforming. Protestant before the protestants started protesting.
     "All truths necessary to faith are found expressly in the Bible, and the more necessary, the more expressly."  "The main things are the plain things". Salvation found through faith in Jesus Christ

Eph.2:8  John 3:16

Give your life to Jesus.
Love this book, cherish it, read it, apply it, grow in it - to prepare for the work that God has given. 


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