Sunday, January 30, 2022

Unexpected Healing

 Mark = "Jesus has ALL authority over ALL things at ALL times".

1st. miracle = storm - power over nature
2nd. miracle = Legion = power over demons/evil
3rd. a healing ... power over sickness/disease

On one hand, Jesus did many healings ... example:  Matt. 14:14 - healed ALL their sick
But this one = without Jesus' knowledge, permission ... He doesn't pray, address, grant the healing BEFORE it happens!!!

Mark 5:21-34 - 'daughter' = person of mine - term of endearment

QuestionWhy was she afraid?
Answer:  (1)  Shew as ceremonially unclean  (Lev. 15)
Therefore (2)  knowlingly violating Mosaic Law - not supposed to be there in the crowd
(3)  potentially rendering others unclean!
possibly (4) taking from Jesus without His consent!!?   (stole something from Him)
(5)  embarrassed ... (issue of blood .. discuss this in a mixed crowd???)

So.... she came trembling
However, she CAME!!   (because there was no healing elsewhere!)  She didn't let her fear or embarrassment keep her away.

Question:  Why did Jesus expose her?
Answer:  FOR HER SAKE  (her GOOD)!!
Because, now (after exposure) she has more than physical healing.  NOW she has His acceptance and assurance (of His blessing)!!
She goes home not just with physical healing, but heart healing, soul healing.


#1)  All miracles are extra-ordinary (Biblical definition = a miracle is something totally outside of the realm of nature, science)
But THIS kind is Extra-extra ordinary!!
However, not TOTALLY unique!  Mark 6:52, Acts 19:11-12, Acts 5:14-16
This miracle was not normal.  That's why it's recorded.
Are more of these miracles possible?  Yes!!!  Likely???  NO!!!
Point = don't' expect to see/experience this!!

#2.  These healings did NOT come from a garment... they came FROM GOD ... THRU garments!!!
Illustration:  1 Pet. 4:10  Garden hose - from reservoir of grace to person in need.
Grace is not From the hose but THRU the hose!!!

So... #3)  The woman was not healed by FAITH but by GOD ... through Faith!!
On one hand, Mark 5:34
But explained/illustrated by Eph. 2:8 - "by God... through Faith..."
The hose is not the source of water.... = conduit of water!!!

So beware the ... "faith in faith" teaching.
ie:  "if I could only believe better ..."
Compare:  "if I only had a better hose.." - But the hose doesn't supply the water or control the tap!  (it is merely a channel, instrument, conduit)


#1.  Faith is important - hers was...
A)  what drove her to Jesus
B) was to conduit through which grace flowed
C) was commended and rewarded  (verse 34)
D)  probably ... was expanded!! - because our faith tends to GROW as we EXERCISE it!!

But .. #2.  Your faith is never going to be perfect!
Rom.3:23 - if perfect faith was necessary to salvation, then who would be saved?

#3.  Good news!  He is faithful even when we are not!!  2 Tim. 2:13
So on one hand, do all you can tod evelp your faith..., however, don't beat yourself up when it's not perfect!  

#4)  Jesus knows all your secret acts of sin... BUT... He also knows your secret acts of righteousness!!!
This woman's FAITH was not hidden from Christ. - Matt. 6:3-4

More Good News ...
#5.  Jesus is no respecter of persons
- He doesn't prefer one person over another.
He halts his trip with a synagogue ruler to assure a name-less woman!!
On one hand, you are not worthy of His attention.
However, neither is anyone else!!!!

#6.  Be careful how you respond to the Presence of the Holy Spirit!
Mark 5:17 - they asked Him to leave .... He Left!!!
Mark 5:23-24 - was asked to Come and He came!!!

Jesus went with those who wanted Him to come, and left those who asked Him to leave.

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