In Matt. 3 & 4, are 4 miracles which demonstrate that Jesus has ALL authority over ALL things at ALL times!!!
Examples: Storm - over nature
Legion - over evil
Woman - over sickness/disease
And NOW Jairus' daughter - authority over DEATH!!!
Mark 5:21-24 (woman's healing) Mark 5:34-43 (at this point Jesus had never raised anyone from the dead)
1st Note: She was dead!!! Jesus knew it, the people knew it.... SO ... Matthew, Mark, and Luke all recorded it!! Luke 8:55
Question: IF dead, why did Jesus say "asleep"?
Answer: the word is used (1) literally - Mark 4:38 - Jesus in the boat 'sleep'
(2) figuratively - John 11:11-14 - Lazarus
ALSO note: 2 uses of the word "dead"...
(1) biological death: body no longer able to house the soul/spirit
therefore, separation of the body and soul (spirit)
(2) Spiritual death = separation of the soul from the Presence of God (the source and sustainer of life)
Rev. 20:6, 13-15 - 2nd death = Lake of Fire
This story = 1st. recorded instance of Jesus raising a dead person. So.... "completely astonished, overwhelmed, amazed, awestruck"
Because when person is dead, they are gone!!! (no healing now!)
So, this seems to be the ultimate miracle!!
BUT ... greater things will follow!!
#1. He will raise Lazarus after 4 days! John 11:39
(with no visible effects of having been dead 4 days!)
#2. He will rise from His own death
Which = central to the whole gospel! 1 Cor. 15:3-4
And the final verification of His Person and Message - was raised by God the Father.
#3. When He rose... it was to never die again. Rom. 6:9
He rose ... eternal and glorified (body more than restored; = perfected)
He rose totally victorious over death.
#4. He will deliver His followers from death
1 Cor. 15:20-23
Which does not mean we won't die (biologically)
But = death of body will NOT = death of the Soul!!! Biological death will not keep from Eternal Life!
#5. He will raise our bodies as well
He will Reunite our body and soul (I Thess. 4)
But ... in a glorified state!! 1 John 3:2
#6. He will abolish death .... forever!!
1 Cor. 15:24-26, 54-55, Rev. 21:4
So... (Paul says...) - 1 Thess. 4:18 - we should comfort one another with these words!!!
# 1) Jesus has ALL authority over ALL things at ALL times!
including death!! Rev. 1:17-18
#2) Christians need not fear death
ie: IF you are a follower!!! John 3:16-18
Contrast: fear of dying (act) and fear of death (state)
This does not mean we should quickly, easily submit to death --- (is our enemy!!)
Rather = when the time comes ... needn't be afraid!
#3) for a believer ... death is NOT the end!! John 11:25-26 "never (really) die")
So.l.. the important question is not where do you stand on 'death....
But = where do you stand concerning Jesus!!
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