Monday, January 3, 2022

Lord's Supper Service

 The Elements of the Lord's Supper 

Bread = His Body - broken for us

Wine = His Blood - poured out for us

The Origin of the Lord's Supper = Passover Meal the night before His crucifixion - ie:  Last Supper
Matt. 26:26-28
As the Jews celebrate, commemorate their Covenant relationship with God through the Passover meal,
So Christians celebrate/commemorate  our Covenant relationship with God though the Lord's Supper

So, the Lord's Supper is celebrated and practiced in some, similar form by Christians throughout the history of the church AND throughout the world today!! - Form might be slightly different, but is practiced.

Primary text:  1 Cor. 11:23-26 

I) do this ... in Remembrance
of .... what He did  ie: substitutionary sacrifice
   ......why He did it - (John 3:16 - for the love of the world), Rom. 5:8
   .....who He did it for.  On one hand, the whole world (1 John 2:2) 
However, me/you individually  1 Tim. 1:15
This is very personal!!

II)  do this to Proclaim - 1 Cor. 11:26
Point = in partaking, you declare (non-verbally) your (A) belief in Him
                                                                                (B)  faith in Him
It is a demonstration of your faith in Christ and what He did.

III)  do this Together 
On one hand the Lord's Supper = a very Personal observation
However, it = traditionally and universally celebrated in a congregational setting (church)
Eph. 4:3-6 - the unity Paul calls us to
Illustration:  we (Christians) may not always sing in harmony, ... BUT! We all sing the same song!!

Question:  Who should partake?  Answer = believers 

                What if I feel unworthy? - 1 Cor. 11:27 = "worthy manner" = approach, attitude

               What if 'uncomfortable'? ... then just pass it by!

Lord's Supper Service

Passing Bread:

Isa. 53:1-7, 10, 12
1 Pet. 2:24-25

Eating Bread
Matt. 26:26

Passing Wine
John 6:47-56, 60-69

Drink the Wine
Matt. 26:27-28

Matt: 26:30
Closing Hymn = "Crown Him"

Closing Scripture
Num. 6:24-26

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