Wednesday, February 26, 2025

2 Timothy 4: 9-22

 2 Timothy is a personal letter from Paul to Timothy. Paul ends his letter to Timothy with a salutation with bits of news, updates, personal observations and personal requests. This is typically how Paul closes most of his letters. All of the information in the salutation was interesting to Timothy, but is it interesting or important to us today? There is not a lot of doctrinal instruction here. It includes a lot of examples and illustration of doctrinal truths... it is important to us!

So if 2 Timothy 3:16-17 is TRUE... "All scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work."  then there is value in these closing words for us.

People mentioned by Paul in the salutation

Demas (vs10) "fellow worker", but loved the world. Paul calls him a partner in the ministry, but he left Paul. Not sure if he just left Paul or left the faith. Col. 4:14, Philemon 24

Crescens (vs10) Don't know anything about him. Only mentioned here.

Titus (vs10) Book of Titus...Paul sent Titus to Dalmatia

Luke (vs 11) A doctor/ beloved physician. (Col 4:14 KJV)

Mark (vs 11) wrote the book of Mark and transcribed Peter's letters. aka John Mark. Mark went with Barnabas and Paul on their 1st missionary journey and then left.  Acts 13:13 Paul was angry with him. When Paul and Barnabas were planning the 2nd missionary journey Barnabas wanted Mark to go, but Paul said no. This caused Paul and Silas to go in one direction and Barnabas and Mark to go in another direction. Acts 15: 36-40  But during Paul's 1st imprisonment Col. 4:10 Paul and Mark were reconciled.

Tychicus (vs12) "beloved brother and faithful minister and fellow servant in the Lord." (Col 4:7, Eph. 6:21) He accompanied Paul on his last visit to Jerusalem. He carried Paul's letters (written while in prison in Rome) to Colossae and  Ephesus.

Alexander (vs 14) Not sure who he is because it is a common name. He was a coppersmith. "the Lord will repay him according to his deeds." the Lord will sort it out, but beware of him.

Priscilla & Aquilla (vs 19) Fellow tent makers, Paul first met them in Corinth. They accompanied Paul to Ephesus Acts 18. They established/hosted house churches (I Cor. 16:19) They were faithful workers. They went Rome (Rom. 16:3-4) and risked their lives for Paul. They are now back in Ephesus.

Onesiphorus (vs 19) 2 Tim. 1;16-18 all that we know about him

Erastus (vs 20) Rom. 16:23 He was "the city treasurer" at Corinth. 1929 excavation at Corinth they found paving stones (7 letters- originally bronze filled dated 150 AD) Erastus laid this pavement at his own expense. This is a historical reference that he did exist.

Trophimus (vs 20) Trusted assistant, was with Paul when he was carried off from gentile chaos to Jerusalem Acts 20:4 He was the cause of Paul's arrest in Jerusalem Acts 21:27-29 He caused the mess that put Paul in Prison.

Eubulus, Pudens, Linus and Claudia (vs 21) Unknown to us, but obviously known to them.

Col 4:10

Rom. 16: 3-4

2 Tim. 1: 16-18

Rom. 16: 23

Acts 21:27-29


1. People need people (Timothy "come to me") Paul can function without Timothy (Phil. 4:11-13) He desires his presence and assistance. He doesn't need him, he WANTS Timothy with him. Jesus at Gethsemane (Mt 26: 36-40) Jesus didn't need the disciples in the garden, He wanted them, He wanted their presence, He wanted their support.

Application....When people are in a rough patch ... DONT STAY AWAY! Don't avoid them, don't pull away. Be there for people. They want your presence. Don't avoid them because you don't know what to say. There is so much that you can do for people who are struggling.

2. People will let you down Demas abandoned Paul, at Gethsemane the disciples fell asleep

    A. People are flawed Rom. 3:23

    B. Sometimes your expectations are too high. We put people on a pedestal. People fall short.

3.You will let people down (not all 1 sided) Because you are not perfect. To never apologize is to say "I am never wrong".

    A. It's easier to overlook/forgive offenses when we see our own faults. (Mt. 7:3-5 speck/plank)

    B. The sooner you own up to this the sooner you can change for good. If you don't admit that you are broken, you cannot be fixed.

4.People can change   "bring Mark...useful to me"

 Some people start off poorly and end well...( Mark and Paul). 

Some people start off well and end poorly (Demas)

Some people start of well and end well (Luke, Timothy, Aquilla and Priscilla)

Some people will oppose you from start to finish (Alexander)

   A. You just never know...who is going to end up better, get it right... or worse... never find it.

   B. So never give up (never step back Paul and John Mark) You keep praying , you never give up

Note: 2 people changed John Mark and PAUL ( forgave /reconciled) Paul first said NO JOHN MARK! Paul changed his mind

5. People are God's most precious creation 

Imago Dei   John 3:16 Doctrinal truths are important to people, but people are the most important to God. People were created in God's image. What's left when the world 'burns up'? Nothing else remains, but people.

2 greatest commandments: Love God and love people. All the laws hang on our relationship with God and our relationship with people.

6. The Lord will NOT change

Mal. 3:6 "For I the Lord do not change"

Heb. 13:8 " Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and today, and forever"

People will change, but not God

2 Tim. 4:17-18 I was rescued...I will always be rescued

2 Tim. 1:12 If you are a believer He will deliver you into His kingdom

If 2 Tim. 3:16-17 are true then God ALWAYS has something to say to us (reveal to us) even in the most OBSCURE passages.

I hope He has spoken to you this morning, IF SO what is your response? Do you respond to Him? Is He calling you to your next step?

God is in the people business, Paul was in the people business, we are in the people business


Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Reflections from the champ

 2 Timothy 4:6-8

Paul is reflecting on his life. He was a hero of the faith. Paul has a great perspective. 2 Timothy is like Paul's last will and testament. It is likely these are his last words to Timothy.

Time is precious, life is meant to be used and invested. We take in a lot of screen time; we get distracted and waste our precious time.

2 Timothy 4:6  Paul is comparing his life to a drink offering (Numbers 15, 28 and Exodus and Leviticus). He is at the end of his life's sacrifice. He knows that his time is short. For the believer our lives should be a sacrifice to God. It is all that God wants.

Five years earlier Paul wrote this same hypothetical in Philippians 2:17. He said that our whole lives were a sacrifice. Romans 12:1 In Galatians 2:20 Paul says that he is dead in Christ. He no longer lives, but Christ lives in and through him. Paul says that his passions and desires are no longer alive in him, but Christ's passions and desires are alive in him. Do we live this way? Are our passions and desires Christ's? Are we a living sacrifice?

Departure-in Greek means loosed ship. Paul saw that "life" was holding him back from God.  

2 Corinthians 12:2-3 Paul had probably had glimpses of heaven.
Philippians1:21 To live is Christ and to die is gain. Paul is looking ahead to the glory now in vs. 7  He reflects on the past.

2 Timothy 4:7 The world's view of Paul is that he was "somebody", a Pharisees Pharisee, but now he was a nobody. He is alone in prison cold and clearly miserable. Paul viewed his life much different than the world. Vs 7 is a victorious look back at his life.

Fight the good fight                                                                                                                                      Paul was faced with confrontation throughout his life, he confronted the Jews about the Messiah and the Jewish leadership wanted him killed. He confronted the gentiles about their sin, false teachers, he contended for the faith. He even confronted Peter. Paul was stoned, whipped, chained, imprisoned, harassed, hunted, was on the run, hated, mocked and abandoned, but Paul was the champ. He fought the good fight.

Are we willing to defend the faith? Are we willing to go against the grain...against the flow? Are we willing to speak truth? Are we willing to stand against the changing culture?

Finish the Race  Acts 20:24                                                                                                                          Paul finished the race well. Paul cared for the gentiles. He cared for the nations. The race brings to mind a couple of scriptures from Paul.   Hebrews 12:1-2 and 1 Corinthians 9:24, 27

Are you running the race well?   

 1. Repent and throw off sin. Throw off anything that hinders you from running the race that God has laid before you.

2.  Focus on Christ  This is our goal. To know Him and to make Him known. 

3.  Run to win. If we were keeping score would we be winning? Are you doing a good job, or are we sitting on the bench. We are too often comfortable letting someone else do it... to share Christ. Are we doing just enough to get by.  RUN TO WIN

Keep the faith  Plenty of people walked away from the faith... Judas, Demas...guys who walked out. Paul is encouraging Timothy to guard the faith, to pass it on. When things got discouraging Paul never quit...he kept the faith.

Jesus and the soils:   

Some   1. Didn't understand 
Some   2.  Fled at persecution 
Some   3.  Riches and cares of the world 
Some   4.  Bore fruit and exceedingly

2 Timothy 4:8   Crown of righteousness, Imperishable Crown 1 Cor. 9: 24-25, Rejoicing Crown 1 Thess. 2:19, Crown of Glory 1 Peter 5:4,  Crown of Life Rev. 2:10  The crowns are pointing us to the reward...the prize.

Stephanos-Stephen means badge of royalty, a prize in public games or a general symbol of honor. A wreath was placed on the head of winners. Stephen saw a bit of this in Acts 7: 55-56. Jesus was/is watching and His saints are precious to Him. Jesus was not "sitting" when Stephen gave his life.

Suffering will come in this life. No one is immune to it. Paul suffered a lot:  Rom. 8:18, 2 Cor. 4:16-18  But suffering is nothing compared to the glory to come. If you are in Christ this life is as bad as it is gonna get.

Our desire should be to run a race to please God. Don't waste life, don't reach the end of your life and regret your race. Live your life to hear "Well done good and faithful servant"

Paul was beaten and battered into nothing, but look what God did through him. Imprisoned and executed, but went out the champ.

What if we lived our lives to truly live a life that pleased God?

What would it look like if we truly lived with eternity in mind?                                                                                                                 



Monday, February 10, 2025

The Effective Preacher

Paul to Timothy - remember the Word, you can trust it, it is powerful, it is effective, it will equip you for every good work.  

THE EFFECTIVE PREACHER  - 2 Tim. 4:1  Remember the Word of God is serious business.  Should solemnly testify, challenge, warn that Jesus is watching.  The lost will be judged by their deeds and cast into the lake of fire (Rev. 20)
Those who are saved will be judged at the Bema seat of Christ  2 Cor. 5:10 - accountability for things done and rewards.  We are saved by grace through faith. 

I)  The Effective Preacher Fears the Lord - James 3:1 - we who teach receive stricter judgment..
      Heb. 13:17 - are to keep watch over people's souls and will give account.  Present the Word with humility, submission, fear and respect for God and His Word

II)  The Effective Preacher Preaches the Word - 2 Tim. 4:2 - to herald, proclaim out loud - The Word - diligent, rightly divide, not teaching personal experience, not own opinion, not ourselves.  2 Cor. 4:5 - the whole counsel Acts 20:27 - whole books - topical rightly applied.  Clarence Edward McCartney - 1957 - "Put all the Bible you can into it!"  That's where the power is - comes from God, what God said

III)  The Effective Preacher is Always Ready - rests IN the Lord,, not FROM the Lord.  There is no off season.  Spend time in the Word.  Not always going to feel like it, but do it anyway.

IV)  The Effective Preacher will Offend - reprove, rebuke and exhort.  #1 and 2 - to expose, convict, confront, chide, admonish, warn.  Is a hard job - especially when the people you speak to pay you salary.  
"If you enjoy reproving and rebuking, you are likely not fit for the ministry, but if you do not do it, you are a shirker." - you are being lazy.  You will offend at times.
"The World is Watching".  even more so, "Jesus is Watching".  Are not to be a people pleaser, is not a popularity contest, your chief aim is to be faithful. 

V)  The Effective Preacher will also encourage - come alongside, exhort, comfort.  Chief goal is reconciling to God.  How to know when to do what?  Pray for discernment and seek wise counsel, be faithful to the Word and apply it.  Let the Word do the Work, with complete Patience and teaching.

2. Tim. 4:3-4 When does this happen?  Answer:  Every generation.  Jer. 5:30-31
A 4th. Century Bishop = "itching ears syndrome ... when this syndrome is in place, people who call themselves Christian will find the truth n Christ Jesus intolerable and seek to stamp it out."
We see today,  A bit of awakening, the winds of culture, ministers, churches, publications are happy to accommodate.  We must make sure we are staying faithful to the Word.  Is easy to fall.  Hard to stay faithful.  Let's pray for each other on that.  Always easy to point at others.

VI)  The Effective Preacher knows fights are coming   1 Tim. 1:18 - people will not put up with sound teaching and will leave to follow myths.

VII)  The Effective Preacher stays the course   2 Tim. 4:5-8    1 Cor. 9:24-27  - Paul was faithful to God and His word.  There is a great purpose and a great reward for faithfulness.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Why the Bible is so Good

 2 Timothy 3:16-17

If you don't grasp this truth then you can't believe the Bible. The Old Testament points to Jesus

We have it so good! Many bibles, reviews, versions and study bibles

Paul to Timothy - final words, you will encounter trouble. Dealing with that

2 Tim 3:16-17  You have seen me live out my faith. All will be persecuted, evil men will come to deceive.... Pastors have a big responsibility.

2 Tim 3:14-15  You however know what's right.  You = taught by  Mom, Grandma, the scriptures, the Old Testament, salvation, faith in Christ.

#IScripture points us to Jesus

John 5:37-40  All of the Bible points to Christ. You can't separate Christ from the scriptures.  Scripture makes you wise in Jesus Christ. 

Liberal Theologian Dr. William Evans- Son Louis in First Presbyterian of Hollywood. Virgin Birth, Resurrection, Miracles, Supernatural

-If you remove miraculous or the hard to swallow you write your own book and create a God of your own imagination.                                                                                                                                        

 We see this often today - worldview/culture determines theology/bible. Liberal Christians drop the Christian eventually.

#II.   Some reject God and his Word because they love their sin

John 3:19-20 - God's Word reveals our sins, shows us where we need to be. 

BUT YOU, Timothy continue on in the scriptures. Why?

2 Timothy 3:16

III.  Scripture is God's revelation of himself

They had Old Testament books, sacred writings, read in synagogue, referenced in New Testament. Jesus Christ quoted from every collection (history, law, prophets, poetry), and he rose from the dead     

New Testament contains the life the words and teachings of the promised Messiah.  The fulfillment of the Old Testament. Contains the words and teachings of his apostles which they taught were scripture    
1 Thess. 2:13    2 Peter 3:15-16 
God is the ultimate author of scripture "God Breathed" or as it says in 2 Peter1:20-21 carried by God.
The Bible was written over1500 years by around 40 men.  Is 1 perfect story with ultimately 1 author. It is God's revelation of Himself.

IV. The Bible is profitable/useful for every area of life.                                                                             A. Teaching-What does God say? The Bible teaches us what to believe. It gives us information, teaches us doctrine. So important. This information cannot just stay in our head                      

  B.  Reproof- What have I done? The Bible exposes our heart  Heb.4 12-13. The Bible is only book that reads back. Liberal churches and ministries.                                                                                         

  C. Correction-What I must do? The Bible sets us straight, it improves us, it reforms us, it disciplines us.                                                                                                                                                   
  D  Training in Righteousness- How must I do it?
(preparing a child) Eph. 6:4, Prov. 22:6   The Word builds us up for the work. Bad theology hurts people

V. The Bible is sufficient- God uses it to build us, strengthen us, directs us, encourage us. God's Word prepares you for His work. Timothy 3:17                                                                                           

There are plenty of good books, but the Bible is #1. The Bible is a tool to measure everything else, prepares us. If you don't take the scriptures seriously then you have nothing to hang your faith on.

Confessions/statements of faith start with scripture, Baptist Faith & Message, Westminster, LBC 1689  
"The Holy Scripture is the only sufficient, certain, and infallible rule of all saving knowledge, faith, and obedience" - LBC 1689

 VI.  The Bible is for all                                                                                                                                  The New Testament was written in Koine Greek= common Greek for the "common man"                      
In the early 1500's  William Tyndale wanted to translate the Bible for everyone and this cost him his life.  
50 years later the KJV was commissioned.   
Missionaries risk their own safety to pass out Bibles ( in their own language) and share Christ with the lost.       

Priesthood of the believer. You can understand this book. Especially the most important things.

John Wycliffe 1300s English Theologian RCC dissident wanted Bible in English. Was a reformer before the reformers started reforming. Protestant before the protestants started protesting.
     "All truths necessary to faith are found expressly in the Bible, and the more necessary, the more expressly."  "The main things are the plain things". Salvation found through faith in Jesus Christ

Eph.2:8  John 3:16

Give your life to Jesus.
Love this book, cherish it, read it, apply it, grow in it - to prepare for the work that God has given. 


Saturday, February 1, 2025

2nd. Timothy - Chapter 3

Lead up - 2 Tim. 2:22-26 - to young pastor, but also to all of us

2 Tim. 2:22 - "flee AND pursue" - flee bad stuff, pursue good stuff - ie:  run FROM and run TOWARD righteousness.  = basic idea of Repentance!   ..... (put off/ put on)

2 Tim. 2:23 - "Have nothing to do with.... foolish, ignorant controversies"  example:  coffee shop gathering.  Argue NOT to learn, clarify, gain, but to show my smarts!!  (and your foolishness)
Prov. 20:3 - "keep aloof from strife"

2 Tim. 2:24 - be kind (to everyone)!    enduring evil - doesn't mean accepting, ignoring it, BUT not "melting away in its presence.  Correcting but with gentleness. 
The purpose of Christian debate us never to win arguments, it is to win souls!!

2 Tim. 2:25 - on one hand, "correcting"
                     however - "gently" IN HOPE that they may....
                                                   (1) come to their senses
                                                   (2)  repent
                                                   (3)  escape
In other words, 2 Tim. 2:22-26 equals a description of how you are to act, live, AND how to deal with non-believers.

Now to chapter 3 beginning with ...BUT                           

in other words, "pursue this, act like this... BUT... don't expect too much.... because... 2 Tim. 3:1-4
lovers of self, money, etc.
Judges 21:25 - no civil authority
                        no moral authority!

Entitlement = you are ungrateful, heartless, no affection for family
                     unholy = don't know God, without self-control - follow your heart, not brain

2 Tim. 3:5-12 with Heb. 11:32-39- these are Christian people but are not growing in Christian behavior

"Rescue" not always = deliver from suffering!!  (how you suffer = testimony of your faith)  Christians should be solid and stable.  

2 Tim. 3:12-17 - because stand contrary t the world

In this text, find 3 clear, explicit charges to
IF Vs. 16 & Vs. 17 = true... THEN also = charges to US!!!

#1)  2 Tim. 3:1 - "Understand this"  (mark down, know, remember)
On one hand always been so,
However, it's going to get worse!

Point = don't be alarmed!  surprised!  unsettled!
     (A)  Be concerned
     (B)  Do what can to combat it   but....
     (C)  Recognize it's going to happen!

#2.  2 Tim. 3:5 = "Avoid such people"   (have nothing to do with, stay away from ) - these people are heretics, can never be corrected

WHO????   False teachers and foolish followers.
           doesn't mean no contact (fellow workers, neighbors, people in need)
           means don't fellowship, listen to, "cozy up to"
These are more than people who've missed the truth.  These are people who've manipulated truth.

mistaken person vx heretic.  It matters who you hang with!!!
Prov. 13:20 , 14:7, 2 Cor. 6:14, i Cor. 15:33, Titus 3:10-11

#3)  2 Tim. 3:14 - "continue in what you have learned"  - taught by Paul, had good Christian mother, grandmother
IF (like Timothy) you're well taught, grounded in scriptural truth
THEN don't go chasing after new, exciting things!!! 
(IF NEW, probably NOT TRUE!!)  Eph. 4:14

NOTE:  "continue in" means.....
      (1)  remain faithful t scripture
     (2)  continue moving forward  (learning, growing) - 2 Tim. 2:15

Closing Scripture:  Rom. 16:17-20