Sunday, January 1, 2023

God's Plan for Changing You

 Are you planning a New Year's Resolution?
Polls = 40 -50% of Americans do!
And 1/2 of all resolutions = health related!  (#1 = exercise more.  #2 = lose weight)

New Year's Resolutions are not unique to Americans.  Are common throughout the world.
And are not a new thing!  common to Babylonians and Romans.

WHY???  Because (1)  people recognize need to improve, do better.
                              (2)  New Year's Day = great place to start!!
(polls show have greater success IF started on New Year's Day!!)

Question:  What does Bible have to say about New Year's Resolutions?
On one hand, Nothing!
However = a lot about ...
                             (1)  Resolutions - "choose, decide, determine, etc"
                    And  (2)  New Beginnings!  example:  New:  birth, creation, man, heart, name, family...
                                                                              new perspective, purpose, world view
Resulting in ... .NEW SONG  (Psm. 40) and New Walk (life style)

all of this = "change for the better"
But Biblical concept is more than change.  It = GROWTH!!

Personal growth, Spiritual growth, character growth, growth in wisdom, understanding, strength, abilities.  Even growth amidst trials and tribulations!!

Question:  difference in change and growth?
On one hand, they share a lot of similarities
However, there are distinct differences.

deals with actions, habits what you do!
focuses on attitude and heart.  Who you ARE!  which determines what you do!!

Generally viewed as external (actions)
includes internal - change of mind and heart which leads to change of hands (actions) - Rom. 12:2

tends to be event oriented
"this happened and I changed!"
is process oriented - ie:  gradual - over time!!

can be temporary - can easily "fall back into" old behavior
is permanent - may have setbacks - but can't 'UNGROW' 

something you accomplish.  Achieve on your own. 
(Self improvement ... which = good!!)
requires Divine assistance, = transformation beyond your abilities!!
We can't make growth happen.

Some things need to be changed without waiting on growth!!  Examples:  abuse, theft, chronic lying, meanness, laziness, etc.     (don't need to grow out of it!!   Just STOP it!!!

However, God's ultimate method of change = GROWTH!!!

Look at a parallel concept in Scripture ... Maturity.

Maturity Examples in Scripture:

(1) Parable of soils, seeds - Luke 8
3 groups never mature - (bear fruit - grow in to something)
4th. group - Luke 8:15

(2)  (Eph. 4)  God gives the church gifted servants and leaders to grow people into maturity!! - Eph. 4:13

(3)  Paul says 'mature' people will share this viewpoint.  - Phil. 3:15

(4)  Hebre3ws - Encourages people to persevere AND grow up ... into maturity!!!  Heb. 6:1

(5)  James - Perseverance builds maturity  (perfect and complete) - James 1:4

Point here = allowing God to change your HEART and MIND and therefore change what you do by changing WHO you ARE!!

Also note:  this = character development - not just behavioral adjustment!! God is concerned with a lot more than our weight.

I)  (this kind of) growth (Biblical), requires God's Assistance 

You might be able to change your mind. You won't  be able to change your heart!! - Jer. 17:9

Created in God's image, damaged in the fall, now being Re-Shaped! - into image of Christ.

II)  (this kind of) Growth requires your efforts!
God doesn't grow us ... against our will or without our cooperation.
So..... 2 Pet. 1:3, 5-8 - make every effort

Note:  you cannot Cause growth .... is a divine perogative
However, can create an growth environment!
Example:  a plant - can provide good soil, water, sunlight, etc.  (can't make the plant grow)

A spiritual growth environment WILL INCLUDE exposure to God's Word and God's people ... which = Church!!

III)  Growth begins with a recognition of need!
So.... (1)  I examine myself (assessment)
         (2)  I find (recognize) a need (shortcoming, fault)
         (3)  I confess (admit) my inability to fix it.
         (4)  I cry to God for assistance
Example:  Pharisee and Publican - Luke 18:9-14
  compare church at Laodecia - Rev. 3:17-18 - refuse to recognize their shortcomings

IV)  Growth is intended to be an ongoing process. 
example:  Abraham @ 114 years of age.  - "Father of the faith/ friend of God" - Gen. 22:1-2

Point:  still being tested (improved, developed) at age 114!!

--A Short list of things necessary to growth----

(1)  An awareness - (recognition of your needs) - never going to grow until you recognize need to change

(2)  Resolution - (determination to address the needs)

(3)  Effort/ action - (a "want to" is not enough) - God doesn't do it without your cooperation and action.

(4)  Consistency - on one hand, there will be downfalls, setbacks.  However, consistency = get back up and keep going!  No growth without consistency.

(5)  Time - this = gradual process!
As you grow, you become MORE aware of your faults ... Don't let that convince you that you haven't grown!!
If you haven't grown, you wouldn't have the additional awareness.

(6)  Proper information of who you should be and how to attain that ... ie:  God's Word!!!!

(7)  Jesus in your heart!!  need His forgiveness, reconciliation, instruction, Presence, Power AND especially... the Activity of His Holy Spirit within you!!! - Phil. 1:6 - will continue you to the end

Any New Year's Resolutions to change for the better is a good thing!!
BUT don't overlook God's plan to change you l.. through GROWTH!!  

If you are NOT growing, Why????

Closing Scripture:  Phil. 3:12-15


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