Mark 12:41-42
Offerings put into "TRUMPETS" - were freewill offerings - designated for Temple services.
The coins = lepton (singular), lepta (plural)
Were small, copper, rough stamped. Smallest denomination of that time.
Are Available today - $25 = $50 . Value then = 1/80th. of a workingman's average daily pay - OR 6 minutes pay for the workingman. (1/80th of a denarius which was a day's pay for a workingman.)
Why a "mite"?
When KJV = translated "mite" = the smallest English coin (2 mites = 1 farthing) = 1/4 of a penny.
Hence, "a penny" today)
Point being ... a mite = an insignificant amount by any monetary measure!!
Mark 12:43-44
The text/story = very simple /straight forward (4 verses!)
But full of truths, lessons, illustrations and life applications for Christians.
#1). Jesus was watching the givers.
He knows what we give; what we keep, spend, waste
Question: do $$ really matter? Is God interested in our $$??
A few stats regarding this:
The Bible devotes approximately 500 vs. to prayer, less than 400 vs. to faith, but over 2,000 vs. to money and possessions
1 or every 10 verses in the Gospels deals with money (in some form) and over half the parables have money as their theme.
The recorded sayings of Jesus deal with money more than any other subject except the Kingdom of God.
Question: Is money that important to God?
Answer: No. But (a) it's important to us (materialistic)
and (b) WE are important to God!!
The Bible deals with the proper attitude toward money and the proper acquisition of money
It instructs us concerning borrowing, lending, signing for other people's debts, charging interest and paying taxes.
It talks about financial planning; saving, investing, and sahring our money.
It addresses earning an honest wage and paying an honest wage.
It instructs us to honor our personal debts, give assistance to the poor and pay a tithe to God in support of His work.
It applauds the wise use of money and condemns the foolish use of money.
Scripture contains financial advice for the rich, the poor, the middle class.
It talks of wealth being both a blessing and a curse.
And says the way we use our money can lead to eternal rewqards.... or eternal loss.
Hence, is enough to give the subject consideration!
On one hand, God's interest = your HEART, not your money.
However, how you handle money = good measure of your HEART!!
#2). had they known ... The Pharisees would not have been impressed with her gift.
2 mites = insignificant (almost embarrassing)
How much practical good can 2 cents make in a temple?
BUT ...
#3). Jesus was impressed.... to the point that....
(A) He called the disciples to observe and learn! (remember this is 2-3 days from cross)
(B) He began the lesson with "truly I say...." KJV - "verily" - Greek - AMEN)
(C) He said "she put in more than all the others!" clearly God's math is not always the
same as ours
(D) He made her the model of Christian giving - for 2,000+ years!
This was more than an act of giving...
#4). This was an act of Worship
Definition of Worship = to declare His worth, value
example: offering plate = You are worthy!"
Not all are called to give up/ give away all their money - (contrast Rich Young Ruler)
However, all are called to give some $$
(Question? Why the LAW specify 10% - tithe?)
Guess?? if left to fallen man,,, what percent would he choose?)
#5). This was also an act of faith - confidence, trust in God's ability and willingness to PROVIDE!
Matt. 6:25/31-33
On one hand, Scripture calls us to GIVE!
However, scripture calls us to work, save, be industrious, be frugal, invest, handle money wisely to balance all this???
Answer (in a word) = Practice STEWARDSHIP
ie: it all belongs to Him, but He trusts ME to manage it for Him!
Which requires (1) a basic knowledge of His Word to determine His will for your money! Scripture is the answer!
(2) An openness to the Holy Spirit's leadership.
(3) Discernment - which often = get advice!! Prov. 11:14, Prov. 15:22 (Godly advisors)
Summary of all this:
#6. He doesn't want your money ... He wants you!!
And:#7. IF He has you (fully) He'll have your money!!
So.... question: How much of you does He have? (how far does His LORDSHIP go in your life?
Does it include Lordship of your money??
IF NOT ... adjustments are in order!!!
Closing Scripture: 1 Kings 2:1-3
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