Jesus - in Galilee, heart of popularity, moves around seeking rest and relaxation, disciple time, avoid crowds.
AND - ... possibly to avoid the Pharisees! Mark 7:1-2 - they are looking for ways to discredit Jesus, corner Him. Not yet time for him to be revealed as to who He is.
So.... went to Tyre - Mark 7:24
Tyre = seaport city NW of Galilee, in Gentile territory - 30 -50 mile journey. Modern day Lebanon
This area avoided by the Jews because to be in that land around those people would render them ceremonially unclean!
Story: Mark 7:24-30, Matt. 15:21-28 (dogs = lap dogs, not feral curs that ran the streets)
Note: greeting: "Lord, Son of David = Messianic designation.
This woman = (1) gentile ..
(2) had some knowledge of the Jewish Messiah"
(3) aware of Jesus' reputation as a healer! - healer of everyone. He didn't turn people away.
She comes ... IN desperation AND in FAITH!!
Jesus ignores/rejects/even insults her!!! Why??? (because bad day, burn out, no ompassion for a gentile?)
POINT: in light of Jesus' character, mission, etc. .... was HE ..
(1) turning her away to extinguish her faith? Or,
(2) challenging her .... to develop her faith?
Compare - Example: Rich young ruler - Mark 10:21-22 - on one hand, is harsh, yet "He loved him"
Other followers - Matt. 8:19-22
Point = cause to examine their commitment, faith. - rich young ruler was very attached to his wealth and position.
God already knows the heart!!!! This = for (1) the believer
(2) the observer
Necessary to take a close look at the profession made, the commitment agreeing to. Harsh words used to make us examine or real commitment.
Back to the story:
Jesus said she has "great faith"! what evidence? manifestiation? visibility?
Answer = combination of her boldness, her humility, her persistence. She showed her faith with these three traits that can be seen.
These = 3 important measures of Christian faith.
I) Boldness - Heb. 4:16
translations all = boldness/confidence (without fear)
On one hand, approaching a Holy, Righteous, GOD/JUDGE!
However, granted access by the SON! Examples: bridge, curtain in the temple
Don't confuse Boldness with Arrogance!! and flippancy
(the woman came begging, NOT demanding!)
II. Humility
based on the knowledge she had, she believed....
(1) Jesus could heal and (2) Jesus would heal
BUT she recognized no claim, right, privilege, reward due her
So... approached appealing to HIS GRACE NOT HER GOODNESS!
humility = knowing self ... NO exaggerated view!! (pride) - humility is opposite of pride.
This is huge issue in Scripture!!! James 4:6, Matt. 23:11-12, 1 Pet. 5:6, 2 Chron. 7:14, Rom. 12:3
2 examples: foot washing (including Judas) and the Cross - Phil. 2:5
GRACE - free of charge - unearned, unmerited, undeserved FAVOR
ENTITLEMENT - I deserve that! Is my right! even if unearned!!
Micah 6:8
III. Persistence ... as evidence of faith!!
Luke 18:1-8
example: Jacob wrestling with angel - "won't turn loose until you bless me" - angel wanted perseverance, persistence from Jacob.
Isa. 62:6-7
On one hand, can carry this too far! - example: Paul's thorn. finally "my grace = sufficient"
So, these = 3 visible elements of your faith.
(1) Your faith is of no value without the proper object of faith.
Example: if this woman had great faith in pagan gods!! would her request been answered?
Point = you need more than faith. You need faith in YHWH/Jesus!!!
It's not what you believe, but what you believe in!!!
(2) You never know where you might find "great faith".
Example: pagan woman in a pagan land!
POINT: be careful you don't cull people in your evangelism!!
(3) You don't have to KNOW EVERYTHING about Jesus to come to Jesus!!
She know of... His reputation to heal, His reputation to heal ALL!!
Which was enough to drive her to kneel before Him!!
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