Monday, February 14, 2022

Evil & Suffering - Part 1

 Mark recorded the miracles we have looked at to show "Jesus has ALL authority over ALL things at ALL times!!"

So???  IF  He has all authority ... WHY is there so much evil and suffering?

OR ... IF God is all powerful and all loving ... WHY is there evil and suffering?

The question is NOT new!!!  EXAMPLES:  The Greek Philosopher Epicurus (300 BC)
                                                                    Job - which = older than that and from the Hebrew viewpoint

       Written by Epicurus (a pagan) - around 300 BC - (big movement called Epicurianism)

His reasoning = "If God know about our suffering (ie:  all-knowing) and cares about our suffering (ie: all loving) and can do something about our suffering (all-powerful) .... then there shouldn't be any suffering."

So... Options = (1)  there is no God
or  (2)  He doesn't see  (not all knowing)
     (3)  He doesn't care (not all loving)
    (4)  He can't fix it  (not all powerful)
(or some combination of the above)

This is simple human logic.

The Biblical/Christian view adds ... Maybe He IS all seeing, all knowing, all caring, and all powerful...
BUT in His (infinite) reasoning and wisdom (which is FAR beyond ours) He sees it BEST to permit evil and suffering ... FOR a TIME  and FOR Good Reason(s) - example:  Job

(This defense of God's Justice (righteousness) is called a THEODICY)

One one hand, there is NO complete, satisfying answer.  (hence the ancient and Ongoing question!)

However, there are Partial answers.... which = helpful!
Compare to a pie:  we don't have the whole pie; but... we do have (some) slices; and ... the slices are helpful!

We will divide this study into 2 parts:

I.  Why do evil and suffering exist?  (at all?) - origin, cause, source

II.  Why does God allow evil and suffering to continue?  What benefits?  value?  good?

So.... Why do evil and suffering exist at all?  Example:  reasons - pie slices

Reason #1.  SIN - action, behavior outside God's will for us, contrary to His will for your life
How it works:
(1)  God created man without sin  "in His image")
(2)  Man chose (chooses) to act outside God's will
(3)  Sin has consequences
(4)  Those consequences included ..
      (A)  the Fall of Man (-kind) - Rom. 3:23
      (B)  the Fall of Creation itself - Gen. 3:17-19, Rom. 8:19-21 - personification

On one hand if the Naturalist = right ... then this = foolishness!!
However, IF there is more than physical life, physical world,  (ie a world beyond the physical) then.....?

Note:  NOT ALL suffering = result of immediate, personal sin  (example:  Job's friends' accusations)

However, ALL Suffering finds its origin in sin!! (nature)

Note:  God did not create evil/sin.  He created man with a capacity for evil, sin .... which leads to....

Reason #2)  FREE WILL "in His image" includes ability to think, to choose, to act accordingly.

Combine sinful nature + free will = ______________???

Illustration:  a car with free will = if going from Smithville to Honobia and it decides to take the shortest route?
We have the free will but not all the knowledge.


(1)  Your suffering is sometimes the result of a fallen world - Ex.  sunburn, windstorm, etc

(2)  Your suffering is sometimes the result of your on sin(s).  consequence of our own behavior

(3)  Your suffering is sometimes the result of OTHER people's sin(s).  consequence of their behavior - ex.  bully, abuser, drunk driver  (though not always intentional!)

(4)  To abolish evil and suffering we must abolish free will!  


REASON #2. Satan and demons - Bible = there is a spiritual world beyond this physical world - inhabited by good AND evil beings....

These beings:  (1)  created sinless BUT with freewill!
                      (2)  some chose poorly!  (and fell)
                      (3)  these are NOW enemies of God and good
      therefore  (4)  they are enemies of YOU!!!  (created in His image)

This = especially true if you = Christian!!  Rev. 12:17

Some conclusions:

(1)  If you live in this world you will experience evil and suffering.  (fallen world, fallen people, spirits!!)

(2)  If you live to yourself you will suffer the consequences of your own sinful behavior - your choices, decisions, etc.

(3)  If you live for Christ, there will be great blessings... but there will still be consequences for your sins!  Still live in sinful world, have sinful nature.  Christians are not exempt from the consequences of sin.

(4)  If you life for Christ you might open yourself to ADDITIONAL SUFFERING!! - 2 Tim. 3:12

It comes to this:

(1)  You can't escape suffering in this life (world)

But, (2)  You can anticipate a future life FREE of evil and suffering!! 

AND (3)  You can anticipate compensation for your suffering - Rom. 8:18, 2 Cor. 4:16-18 - if is not compensation, then full satisfaction

Meanwhile - (1) God = fully aware of your suffering.
                    (2)  He fully understands your suffering  (example:  the incarnation - so we can understand that He understands)
                   (3)  He suffered FOR US
and somehow (4) He suffers with us!!  _wept"  "agony" - Compare to parents at the bedside of a dying child.


Next week = more pieces of the pie ... But NOT all the pie!!  in the end... we walk believing He is all powerful and all loving ... and we can trust His wisdom, goodness, righteousness IN SPITE OF OUR SUFFERING!

This is called ... FAITH!!!

Closing Scripture:  Heb. 11:1, 6

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