John 1:16 - (refer to Nov. 25, 2019 sermon notes for Blessings List)
Because you are so blessed, you should.....
#1) Be Grateful - Col. 2:6-7 - continue in Him - should overflow with attitude of gratitue
#2) Give Thanks - attitude to action!! Times action mentioned in Bible to times attitude mentioned = 50 to 1.
Example: 10 lepers - all were healed. Undoubtedly all were very grateful to be healed. BUT, only one came back to say Thank You!! - Luke 17:11-19 - we are called to give thanks.
#3) Give Thanks in proportion to your blessings. Deut. 16:16-17
#4) give thanks in midst of every situation. 1 Thess. 5:18 - (IN everything - not FOR everything!")
Because (A) in all things God WORKS! Rom. 8:28
(B) sometimes blessings come wrapped in the rags of a curse!! - examples: Jacob and angel; Paul and thorn in the flesh.
NOTE: Heb. 13:15 - "Sacrifice ...." because is not always easy!! But, is always acceptable.
#5) Be willing to give thanks publicly. Psm. 35:18, Psm. 105:1
(1) Giving thanks is a command - not an option - benefits us.
(2) Giving thanks is a reasonable command - Rom. 13:7
(3) Giving thanks is an action (as well as an attitude)
(4) Giving thanks is an act of worship - comes from weorth scibe = ascribe worth to.
(5) Giving thanks is a testimony of your faith -
a model for your kids
a witness to the non-believer
(6) giving thanks is a habit (like whining, complaining, etc)
Point - it can be developed!
(7) Giving thanks is contagious (like whining, complaining) Gen. 21:6 - Sarah @ 90
(8) Giving thanks is healthy - Phil. 4:6-7
contrast: Rom. 1:21 - being unthankful is unhealthy
Some online dictionaries chart recent usage of a word. Example "Blessing" (in English)
From 1800 to 2019, the usage has dropped considerably.
Meaning what? Why?
Not sure - But - we see American's increasing sense of Entitlement!! - advertisements = "everyone deserves the best!!"
In other words: (1) Good things are my right! It's what I deserve!! (not a blessing but a basic Right!!)
AND...... (2) it's God's JOB to give them to me!!! (no need to thank Him for doing His job!!)
SUMMARY: You Should Give Thanks!!!
Closing Scripture: Psm. 89:1-2, 8
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