Sunday, August 25, 2024

Primary Elements of A True Christian Faith

1st. John - - written to Christian Churches dealing with Gnostics - (claimed they had knowledge no one else had.  They perverted the gospel.)  written by John at about 90 years old.

1 Theme in 1st. John = "by this you can know you're a true believer in the faith."

Alongside that  = (1) characteristics of the TRUE FAITH  
                          (2)  the growth and development of that faith.

Which = this morning's topic!

Some primary elements  (components) of a TRUE Christian Faith!!

A True Christian faith consists of....

#1.  A Knowledge of God  (ie:  begins with head knowledge; based on actual facts, truths - reality
Because you are NOT going to trust unless your Know they are TRUSTWORTHY.
You can't be at ease with God if you don't KNOW God - specific revelation!!
2 Pet. 3:18 - grow in grace and knowledge   Prov. 18:15 - intelligent heart requires knowledge

#3.  Fellowship with God - (or Christ) - This is more than head knowledge = experiential
James 2:19    Gen. 4:1
This relationship/intimacy comes from....
   A  Knowing ABOUT God
   B.  Personally coming to God - ie:  born again, saved, etc.
        Rev. 3:20  - personal, intentional decision to receive Him as Lord and Savior

#3.  Obedience to God (Christ) 
      John 14:15   1 John 2:3-4    Luke 6:46
Keep His commandments - if say am a Christian but not keeping commandments, are a liar!

#4.  Confidence in God (Christ)  = called "trust"
      Confidence for ..... (1)  Salvation - John 3:16
                                   (2)  for preservation  (of salvation) - Jude 24
                                   (3) IN CONFUSION - Psm. 42:11  2 Cor. 4:18  - even when world is falling apart

#5.  Spiritual Growth  - 1 Pet. 2:2  2 Pet. 1:3, 5-8
       Living things grow  (develop)
BUT.... spiritual growth requires cooperation with God.  If is no growth, should question salvation.

#6.  Service for God and to God
       John 21 "if you love me.... feed mine..."
      Matt. 23 - "greatest = servant of all"
     AS seen in .... 1 Cor. 12:7     Pet. 4:10 - use your gift to serve other people - we are God's hands in the absence of Jesus.

#7.  Community  - Matt. 16:18  "build my church"
       Ecclecia = Called out AND gathered together
      (Church = Body of Christ ... we - His hands in His absence.
     Heb. 10:24-25  - church gathers

#8.  Perseverance - 1 John 2:19   Heb. 2:1
     The one who disconnects totally from God's people gives reason for their faith to be questioned.

Question:  How am I doing with these things????

Closing Scripture:  2 Pet. 1:9-10


Sunday, August 18, 2024

The Unhindered Incarceration

Paul is in prison but God's Word goes on and is not hindered.

We are coming from Acts - Paul's 3rd. missionary journey, testified before governors and kings, the Sanhedrin, and has ended up being brought to Rome.  

God did a lot of work during the trip to Rome.  

Acts 28:11-12 - finally set sail for Rome after 3 months layover.  Stopped at Syracuse and stayed three days.  Paul planted a church during those three days.   

Acts 28:13-15 - stayed at next stop for 7 days.  Brothers came from surrounding areas to see Paul.  Gave Paul courage.  Paul was encouraged.  

Why?  saw some effects of his ministry?  saw some fruit from his ministry? 
Probably just because he was revived to be in the presence of other believers.

Being around other believers is or should be an encouragement to us, refreshing.

Point #1:  Thank God for good fellowship.  Christian life is not meant to be lived alone.  We need one another, we are refreshed by one another, we encourage one another.

Acts 28:16 - Paul allowed to stay by himself chained to a Roman guard.  Possibly had 4 different guards every day.   You can imagine what these guys heard from Paul and what he did.

What happened to these guards?   Phil. 1:12-14 Has become clear and evident to these guards that Paul was in prison because of Christ.   Circumstances actually worked out for good.  Worked through speaking to the guards, but also encouraged the believers to speak out boldly for Christ.
When you are around someone with courage, it gives you more courage.

Point #2:  God doesn't stop working in "bad" circumstances 
God uses these bad circumstances to direct and correct
God does great things in bad times.
Examples:  through Paul's persecution in Jerusalem - before this, gospel message was staying pretty localized.  Then persecution came and suddenly gospel was spread out throughout entire area.
                 Rom. 12:12 - rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.  "help me to see what You are trying to show me in this situation."

Now Paul's custom was to go to the Jews first.  They were supposed to be waiting for the Messiah.  Had knowledge of the Old Testament, Jesus' ministry was mostly to the Jewish people.  
Paul says in Rom. 1:16 - not ashamed of the gospel .....Jew first and also to the Greeks.
Paul had a heart for those closest to him.  He was a Jew's Jew - Jewish to the core.  Had a great love and compassion for the Jewish people.

Acts 28:17-24 - mixed response but lots of rejection! - from his Jewish brethren.

Point #3:  Never give up on your family
Gal. 6:9 - let us not grow weary
1 Cor. 15:58 - be a witness to those closest to us.  Easy to become discouraged and give up.  God has called us to be a light, a witness to those closest to us.  It's hard to do.  But, do not grow weary of doing good, especially in witnessing to and ministering to your family.

God does bless our work, and is pleased with our work.

Acts 28:25-28 -Prophet Isaiah said Holy Spirit wrote....  

All views of Christian Eschatologies - believe that there is a time coming in the future where there will be a great revival among the Jewish people. 
Rom. 11:25-26 - partial hardening of Jewish people will come until time of Gentiles is fulfilled. 
However, for all - only ONE way to God and that is through Jesus Christ.

Acts 28:30-31
Paul perhaps supported by local believers, kept on with all boldness and without hindrance "unhindered"

He had very fruitful prison ministry. 
 - wrote Ephesians, Phillipians, Colossians, & Philemon

Encouraged and mentored several companions:

Timothy - (Phil. 1, Col. 1:1)
Luke - Acts 28:18
Epaphras - "Fellow servant", "faithful minister", brought the gospel to the Colossians, tradition says was martyred
Onesimus - ex-slave of Philemon, became a Christian - Phil. 1, Col. 4:7-9, Eph. 6:21-22
Philemon - became Christian - pastor in Ephesus after Timothy, filled in for Titus and Timothy
Mark, Aristarchus - Phil. 24 - Mark = former deserter - became helpful, fellow worker, called for
Aristarchus - travel companion - according to tradition - bishop in Syria and martyred by Nero

Phil. 4:21-22 - great ministry in Caesar's household
Paul preached the gospel unhindered, faithful and bold.

Who would have thought!!
Not the end of Paul yet.  Seemingly had a 4th. journey.  clues in the epistles and extra history.  visited old territory, plus
Clement of Rome AD 95 = said he went to the "farthest limits of the west"
Possibly went to Spain - Rom. 15:24, 28
Some even say, went to the British Isles

2nd arrest and traditionally executed by Nero.

Acts ends but the movement continues.

Monday, August 12, 2024

Miracles in Malta

 Acts 28

Last week - God worked thru shipwreck at Malta.
Malta - small island 17 mi x 9 mi.  50mi. south of Sicily.  180 miles north of Libya.  Descended from the Phoenicians descended from Canaanites.  Roman and Greek gods, a temple they claimed built by a giant.  Temple is still there.  Very interesting history.

Acts 28:1-2 - native people showed unusual, extraordinary kindness. 
Publius - chief man - brought all 276 people home with him for 3 days.  

These people showed the shipwrecked people incredible hospitality.  Interesting - they were not Christian people yet.  God blesses that.

Today = 3 points.

Question #1:  Are you known for your hospitality? 
     We used to be - Christians ought to be known for hospitality.  Heb. 13:2   Do we treat strangers that way?
Examples:  Abraham in Genesis 18 - God and two angels
Jesus sending out the 72 - shake dust off feet if not welcomed.

Even lost people can do good - Rom. 2:14-15    The law is written on their hearts - Romans 1, so without excuse.
We as Christians need to be more hospitable to people, not only to strangers, but each other. 
Gal. 6:10 - lest us do good to everyone, especially house of God.

Question #2:  Do you serve with humility?  Are you willing to serve without recognition or praise for what you are doing?
How humble was Paul?  Must be willing to serve wherever needed.

Example:  Mark 9:34-35 - Jesus washing disciples' feet.  

Acts 28:3 - here Paul is a servant with a humble heart.  Picking up sticks for the fire. 
viper latched on to Paul's hand.  

Acts 28:3-6 - Paul unharmed by snake.  Miraculous to confirm the message and the messenger. 
Example:  Mark 16:18, Luke 10:99
Elijah and the prophets of Baal - fire from heaven.
It became clear that God's hand was on Paul.

the Pagan interpretation of this = Pike - mother - goddess of divine justice.  They believed that gods exacted vengeance, were surprised that Paul lived.  So, viper was justice on land.  Took Paul to be a god when he was unharmed by the snake.
Paul did not welcome them proclaiming him a god.  Acts 14:11-17

Here's how we are proven to be Christians - Rom. 12:9-21

Acts 28:7-8 - Hospitality - (276 people in house)

Acts 28:8-10
Question:  why all the miracles in Malta?  Are less and less in Acts - been a couple years and 8 chapters back since any miracles recorded.
Answer:  God blessing their hospitality?  Maybe.  BUT, this was an unreached area - the frontlines.
Many miracles even today through missionaries to unreached places.
God works thought people still - one way he does that is he gives us influence.

Question #3;  Are you using your influence?  With your children, grandchildren, community, school, work, ball games, etc.
God gives us influence for a reason.
God gives us talents and abilities - He expects return...  and, He can just as easily take those things away.

How Paul used his influence:  
He led Publius to the Lord. 
Publius started the first church in Malta, was the 1st. Bishop in Malta, maybe was even the Bishop in Athens.  Malta became the 1st. Christian nation.

The effects are still felt today.  Are different than us, but a 2018 poll stated that 95.2% of the people claimed Christianity.  That all started with Paul using his influence 2000 years ago.

How will you influence those people God has put in your life?

Sunday, August 4, 2024

7 Spiritual Certainties to See When Storm-tossed and Shipwrecked


It's been 2 years since Acts 23:11

Paul had been arrested in the temple, testified before the Sanhedrin, the mob, Felix (Roman governor) and Priscilla, Centurions and soldiers, Festus (replaced Felix), King Herod & his sister Bernice.  In all these instances, God's message was shared - through his own testimony woven in with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

 #1.  God works in transitional times.  He used prison time (2 years) to get His message out.  God told him he would share the gospel in Rome.  Paul waited two years for that to happen.
Examples:  Matt. 10:18 - Jesus to disciples before Paul even in the picture.  

        A.  Don't spend so much time looking ahead that you miss God's call right in front of you.                                 B.  Don't idolize the future ie: when this or that happens, then we'll be ready.  We can miss out what God is putting right in front of us.  The future turns into the present and the present is never perfect.
        C.  Bloom where you are planted until He moves you.

Acts 27:1-3 - Centurions of the Bible:
                    a)  Julius - kind, listens later, saves Paul's life
                    b)  of Capernaum - asks for Jesus to heal servant - Jesus marvels at his faith - more than elsewhere in Israel
                    c)  of Caeserea - who feared God - 1st. Gentile convert, baptized with Holy Spirit

Question:  Why do storms come? - (really tough times.)
Answer:  1)  we live in fallen world
               2)  God redirecting, testing  - Job; blind man
               3)  our own sin
               4)  someone else's sin - ex.  Joseph
God can work in and through all these things.

Acts 27:4-12 - ESV study note:  they were already off course.  Things were getting worse.

2.  Seek God in your decision making

Adrian Rogers' 3 rules to sink your ship. 
      1)  Make your decision in haste - Prov. 19:2, Rom. 12:12, fruit of the spirit (patience), Gal. 6:9
      2)  Depend on worldly wisdom. - bad advice is everywhere.  What voices are you listening to.
           Can really get some bad advice from all kinds of places.
           Paul's credentials as to why should listen to him:  2 Cor. 11:25-27 - written from Macedonia before this
           shipwreck.  Prov. 1:7, Prov. 24:6
      3)  Just follow the crowd. - James 4:4 - problem with the world (crowd) they are often wrong!
           examples:  Shadrach, Meschach, Abendigo, Daniel - went against the crowd - 1 Pet. 2:9
           Atheist morality built on man's ideas and philosophies
If you are a Christian and build your life on the teachings of Christ, your life will look different!!   And that's OK.

Acts 27:13-26.
3.  God's Word is our compass  (should be)  We as Christians always have a way to know which way to go.
         Psm. 119:105, 2 Cor. 5:7

4.  It's OK to say "I told you so."   When the whole world is going crazy, we should look different and tell others why this stuff is happening.

Acts 27:27-32
5.  Faithfulness leads to influence
    example:  Joshua, Centurion here
    Matt. 7:24-27 - man who built on the rock.   Faithfulness makes people notice.  We should be living in such a way that says not terrified by what's happening.

Acts 27:33-44
6.  God keeps His word. - Prov. 30:5

7.  God takes care of His own.
    Doesn't mean that hard times won't come, death won't come, but through it all, God takes care of His children.  Always cares for His own.  Psm. 46:1, Rom. 8:28

God IS and always HAS been in the business of caring for His people.  Even when Paul loses his life.   Said for me to live is Christ and to die is gain.  And for the believer, that's the truth.  God works for our good and His glory.  BUT, that promise is only for believers - God's people.  

If you have never put your faith and trust in Jesus Christ, you certainly are going to run into a storm.  We all will, but you certainly will.  And, you are not going to have a compass, a guide, you have nothing.  Will be in it alone.

If you have never trusted Christ as your Lord and Savior, you need to do that.   Deal with that.
For believers, when we're going through tough times, there are truths God has given us to hold on to. 
Understand this, God is working.  We may not see it, may not understand it, may not ever understand it, but we can hold on to the truth that He loves us and He cares.
God does and will continue to do great things through His people in the midst of tragic times.