Sunday, June 2, 2024

Parenting: The World's Greatest Children's Ministry

 Mark 10:13-15  Matt. 18:5-6  Children matter to Jesus.  God has a heart for children.  Children's Ministry matters.    The disciples probably thought they were doing a good thing by keeping the children from Jesus.

There is no greater responsibility than your own children/grandchildren, and no greater opportunity than in the home.

In a Barna Group survey, 94% of confessing Christians said they came to know the Lord under the age of 18.  Of those, the majority (75%) were under 14.   Key person leading them were parents or a close family member.

Salvation belongs to the Lord, but your children/grandchildren are your main ministry targets.  More important than job, hobbies, and other ministry.

So, where do we start?

1)  Give your heart to Jesus.  1 John 4:7-11 - you can't show the love of God if you haven't received the Lord of God.

2)  Pray.  Pray without ceasing, pray continuously, Phil. 4:6-7 but also pray with them, let them hear your heart.  Learn how to pray from hearing you.  There is no substitute for prayer.

3) Train.  Eph. 6:4  Discipline, instruct, admonish, nurture, train, teach, shape their minds, their morals, their actions, and hearts.  Teaching The What and The How but also The Why.  

4)  Discipline - Prov. 13:24 - kids crave boundaries,, security, safety, comfort

5)  Invest time.   Deut. 6:4-7 - It's always a good time.  The greatest teacher = Jesus.  He taught using illustrations, ie:  the lilies of the field, fowls of the air.  He brought the disciples along teaching as they traveled - taught in parables, as they were fishing, eating, walking, ministering, boat riding,   Asked and answered questions, gave illustrations.

6)  Be real.  1 John 1:8-10 - Don't glamorize your previous sinful lifestyle/behavior.  Is OK to admit you are wrong and ask forgiveness.  You should!  Model the faith for them.  1 Cor. 11:1  Your children will imitate you.

Lifeway survey:  Themes - Reading the Bible several times a week.
                                        Taking part in service project or Mission Trip as a family
                                        Sharing faith with unbelievers
                                        Encouraging Teenagers to serve in church
                                        Asking forgiveness from children.
                                        Encouraging children in their unique talents and interests.
                                        Taking annual family vacations.
                                        Attending church together.
                                        Teaching children to tithe.

Is a difficult time to be a youth.  Difficult time to raise a youth.  God can do an amazing work though young people.  Samuel was dedicated to God at a young age.  He served Him faithfully.  He heard from God, at a time when that was rare.  He was raised up to replace evil.

A couple truths for our young people.

1)  Your friends are Morons  from Moros meaning foolish.  Matt 7:26-27
2)  Your parents can have VALUABLE INSIGHT.  Prov. 1:8-9
3)  You are called to honor and obey your parents.  Eph. 6:1-3
4)  You can be a great witness to your family.  1 Pet. 3:1-2 - siblings, even parents
5)  No one can bring joy or grief to your parents like you.  Prov. 10:1

God is pleased with a harmonious home.  Let's strive for that.


Read through Proverbs with your children
Spend tech-free time together
Find a way to serve the Lord together
Plan a trip together
Pray for each other and pray together

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