Monday, April 15, 2024

Paul at Ephesus

 Ephesus = port city, major commercial trade center, AND has temple of Artemis (4 time the size of the Parthenon in Athens) - one of the 7 wonders of the ancient world

Paul's 1st visit - Acts 18:19-21 - well received, asked to stay!  Only there a short time.
But .... left to check on other churches, then to Jerusalem, and on to Antioch (his home church)

Paul's Return to Ephesus - Acts. 19:1, 8-10
Again = well received ..... BUT within 3 months..
   (1)  some grew obstinate (stubborn, hardened)
  (2)  some refused to believe  (a choice in spite of the evidence)
  (3)  some publicly maligned The Way  (spoke openly against Christianity, tried to verbally discredit the message, Christ Himself)

NOTE:  gradual decline!!  Compare to Rom. 1:21 - followed by 3 statements of
"gave them up to/ over to"..... "reprobate, depraved mind" = 3rd. and final stage

POINTRefusing to accept, receive what God had revealed to you leads to HARDENING (callousness)

APPLICATION:    You may NOT be in danger of hardening to the point of Condemnation
Any/ALL refusal of God's revelation/Holy Spirit prompting leads to Some Hardening  (which = insensitivity)

Light received ..... increases light.
Light refused ......increases darkness

So... Paul left the synagogue for a lecture hall....
Note:  (1)  he took many with him
          (2)  (obviously) gathered many more
         (3)  lectured, discussed DAILY .... for 2 years!!!

Acts 19:10 - "word spread throughout the province"
Not all went to the lecture hall, however everyone heard....  likely the disciples/students took the gospel HOME with them.
This area includes the 7 churches spoken of in Rev. 2 and 3

NOTE:  on one hand, Paul encountered much opposition
             however, Paul experienced great success!!
Had highs and lows, ups and downs.
POINT:  that's how Christian life and ministry works!!!  is always going to be some opposition, but also successes.

So... Christian shouldn't be 'doomsday pessimist' - Matt. 16:18 - the church will rise and survive!
However, Christian shouldn't be a 'foolish optimist' - 2 Tim. 3:12
(between) should be a REALIST
BUT ... a Realist with a Biblical HOPE - Isa. 55:10-11

John 5:17 - "my Father is always at work...."
Acts 19:11-12 - "extraordinary miracles" - example:  Paul's sweat rag, apron healing people
compare:  Jesus' robe  (Luke 8:44)  Peter's shadow  (Acts 5:15)

Question:  Why such miracles?
Maybe because Ephesus was home to so much DARK MAGIC  (Voodoo)
Evil forces working in a big way here.   ( Hence, Holy Spirit activity to counter and verify the Gospel.)

Note again:  Acts 19:11 - GOD did miracles ... THROUGH Paul.  ie:  Paul - instrument, tool.... in hands of the Master Craftsman.
Question:  Is it any different for you and me?
TOOL need only be .... AVAILABLE and WILLING  

One Example of "unusual events at Ephesus.... - Acts 19:13-16

Note here:  (1)  The demon KNEW Jesus
                  (2)  The demon KNEW "about" Paul! - ie:  his reputation preceded him INTO spiritual (demonic) realms!
                 (3)  the demon Knew something about the Sons of Sceva - ie:  they had no real connection with Jesus, no authority!!

Question:  does your reputation precede you in the spiritual realm?
IF SO.... are you considered ... A THREAT?  or AN INSIGNIFICANT PLAYER?   ie:  bench sitter

Acts 19:17-20 - Result of ALL these things.....
    (1)  The WORD spread ... text/ the stories/ = WORD of GOD!

    (2)  people "seized with fear"... = ?  suddenly recognized you don't toy with the name of Jesus

    (3)  Name of Jesus held in high honor!!!  even by NON-Believers!

   (4)  there was EVIDENCE of REPENTANCE
ie:  believed - confessed - acted on that confession!!! (burned scrolls - estimated million $$ worth)

Acts 19:20 "in this way... word spread and grew in power"

(1)  Paul's preaching/teaching
(2)  Disciples doing likewise - carrying it to cities in surrounding area
(3)  extra-ordinary miracles

So...... in Absence of "extraordinary miracles... what are we to do?
(1)  teach/preach/proclaim/spread the Good news
(2)  Encourage our disciples to do likewise
(3)  trust the Lord to work according to His will and wisdom    
(4)  respond to promptings of the Holy Spirit IN YOUR OWN LIFE  (ie: be WILLING - be AVAILABLE)


Closing Scripture:  1 Cor. 15:58     

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