Monday, April 1, 2024

Easter Sunday: The Resurrection - Why It Matters

 I.  Why is the resurrection so important? 

     A.  The Resurrection Confirms Jesus' message - If Jesus hadn't raised from the dead, He would have been a liar.  Matt. 17:22-23, Mark 8:3, Luke 9:22
This confirms the message of God through scripture. 
Deut. 18:20-22 - false prophecy = false prophet.  Bearing false witness would have blemished sacrifice.
Jesus quoted or drew from all the Old Testament collections (history, law, poetry, and prophets).  The resurrection proves His words are reliable.
Jesus put His stamp of approval on scripture - adds to and gives weight to all the scripture.

    B.  The Resurrection confirms Jesus' authority - Rom. 1:4 - Son of God
          Rom. 6:8-10, Acts 2:24 - proves His authority over death - Matt. 28:18-20 - has authority over death - HE IS ALIVE!!!!

   C.  The Resurrection makes justification possible - Rom. 4:25 - Justification - to be declared righteous, acquitted
Who all is justified?  Rom. 4:18-24 -   
 Rom. 10:9-10 - resurection is essential for salvation.   What we believer about Jesus matters!!

    D.  The Resurrection gives believers a living hope!   1 Pet. 1:3-5 - hope = confident optimism.
         1 Thess. 4:13-14, 2 Cor. 5:8 - absent from the body, present with the Lord

II.)  What should we believe in the resurrection?
The Bible says so.  However, other things to consider:
      All 4 gospel accounts mention women as the first witnesses of the resurrection.  In this culture, women were considered of no account when it came to testimony.  If this wasn't absolutely true, it would never have been mentioned.
     Non-biblical historical accounts written by:  Josephus, Tacitus, Pliny the Younger.  There were people who were absolutely convinced of the truth of this.
    Eyewitnesses - the 4 gospels are supplemented with multiple letters and countless verbal agreement  - 1 Cor. 15:3-11.  The movement grew WHERE it happened (in Jerusalem)
    No body.  Many theories - swoon theory, wrong tomb?  They had just been there 2 days before.  Now the guards, women, Joseph of Arimathea - all forgot where the tomb was.  Not likely.  However, to disprove, still need to produce the body. 
The most famous theory perpetrated between the chief priests, Jewish elders, and Roman guard = Disciples stole the body.  Matt. 28 - while guards were sleeping??  Galilean boys vs. Roman soldiers???  Unwrapped and folded the linens He was wrapped in??? Hid the body successfully??? 
Supposed all that happened??

The Apostles were ALL willing to go to their deaths rather than recant their story.  Many of them suffered cruel and horrible deaths.  

III.)  How should we live in light of the Resurrection?
    Acts 17:30-31 - He's risen and coming again to judge the living ad the dead.  ARE YOU READY??? 
    John 11:25-26 - Will you believe like Martha?  

2 Cor. 5:17-21 - Go be His ambassador.  Go be a witness!!!

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