Sunday, September 26, 2021

The Healing of a Paralytic

 Intro:  Jesus = now 1 year into His ministry - Chapter 1 of Mark.  Popularity is growing.  Mark 1:45

Today = next of Mark's recorded miracles, The Healing of the Paralytic - Mark 2:1-12

Some thoughts, lesson,s observations from this story:

#1.  Jesus' emphasis was on preaching - Mark 2:2 
example:  feeding of the 5,000 - Mark 6:34
Miracles were a sideline to His preaching.

#2.  He did work many miracles .. because .. The Miracles were confirmation of His Authority
Had already shown he had authority over sickness, disease, demons, nature
But here... was to demonstrate His Authority over sin, forgiveness!!
Where are we going to put our faith?  our confidence?  In the words of a highly educated man or a man who heals at a word???

#3.  There's a difference in questioning His words and challenging His authority!
"who can forgive but God?" = reasonable question!!
The difference = the heart!!  Examples:  Nicodemus regarding being "born again" - "how can this be?"
The disciples and "eat my flesh" - "to whom will we go?"  - honest questions to confusing statements, but not said with bad attitude.   Attitude in this passage = one that rejects, challenges His authority.

#4.  True faith comes with visible evidence
On one hand = invisible (compare love, hate, joy, peace, jealousy, anger, etc.
However, it manifests itself!!! - "Jesus SAW their faith"!!  They had confidence that Jesus could heal their friend.
James 2:14-19, 26

NOW ... Some personal, practical application of this:

(1)  Jesus has all authority
OR in other words, Jesus is Lord!!
This has been demonstrated and recorded - John 20:30-31
And stated and noted by Jesus Himself - Matt. 28:18

(2)  All authority naturally leads to ... Jesus has SOLE Authority   John 14:6 - He is THE authority!!  Very exclusive!!

(3)  Also noted ... recognizing His authority won't save you ... (example:  the demons)
Salvation is found in Submission to His Authority.  Matt. 7:21
Note:  initial submission leads to Salvation
submission leads to Sanctification!!!

(4)  Faith without fruit is questionable faith - Matt. 7:20
Examples:  good fruit/bad fruit .... NO FRUIT?! - Faith without works is dead!!!

(5)  Your spiritual healing is more important than your physical healing.
Spiritual healing is eternal.
Physical healing is temporal.

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