Saturday, April 11, 2020

The Lord's Supper


A.  The Origin:  was instituted by Jesus at His Last Supper with His disciples.  (which was the Passover meal)
Matt. 26:26-28,
1 Cor. 11:23-25

B.  The Meaning:  It commemorates and celebrates His death.
1 Cor. 11:26,
Luke 22:19

C.  It is a visible declaration of your belief that He died for your sins. (non-verbal)
Matt. 26:28
1 Tim. 1:15

So -- we take it individually, but we celebrate it corporately (gathered together)

PREPARATION - for the Lord's Supper:

1 Cor. 11:26-27 - do not take unworthily

Question:  Must I be WORTHY before partaking of the Lord's Supper?
Answer:  No.  You are NOT worthy!!!  (that's why He had to die for you)
BUT, you can partake in a WORTHY manner.
This partly explained - 1 Cor. 11:28 - Self Examination.
Includes asking:
1)  Am I a believer?  A Christian?  2 Cor. 13:5

2)  Am I willing to admit and confess my sins?  - 1 John 1:8-9

3)  Am I willing to make Him my Lord?  (my Master?  my boss?)  Luke 6:46

None of us is worthy of the Lord's Supper.  But we can prepare ourselves to take it in a worthy manner.

Think on these things.


Welcome to OBC and the first ever Drive in Service.

After the resurrection, the church established the habit of "gathering" for worship, Prayer, Bible Study, fellowship AND the Lord's Supper.
This was so well established that Paul addresses the Lord's Supper in his letter to Corinth ... (20 years after the Resurrection) (by that time the Lord's Supper was celebrated by ALL the Christian churches.)

The Lord's Supper was (1) established at the Last Supper (Passover meal)
now (2) Universally celebrated by His church.

We gather here today NOT because we are of the same community ... but because of the Same LORD, same Allegiance, same Hope, same Family (OBC)

The Bread represents His body - broken for us
The Wine represents His blood poured out for forgiveness
This Supper celebrates our common bond AND our common belief.:
   (1) in His death .. as literal, physical, historical
   (2)  as a Redemptive work - Acts 4:12    John 14:6
  (3) as Efficacious - effective - it accomplished what God intended!! - Rom. 10:9-10

So, we partake individually, but we celebrate corporately (as a church, as a family)

(Bread) - Isa. 53:1-7 a, 10 a, 12 b
            - 1 Pet. 2:24-25
Break bread and pass it out as we sing "Old Rugged Cross" - Matt. 26:26 - (eat bread)

(Wine) pour and pass as following is read:  Heb. 10:4-5  - 2 Cor. 5:21 -  John 3:16
(drink wine)

As sing closing hymn "Amazing Grace" - note
Vs. 1 - speaks of personal testimony
Vs. 2 - speaks of God leading through trials (ie:  Covid-19)
Vs. 5 - speaks of the eternal fellowship we will have with God and one another!

 The Christian Hope!!!

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