Monday, January 28, 2019

Closing Remarks

1 Thess -- ' final instructions' -- Closing Remarks 
ie:  subjects Paul alludes to but doesn't develop 

Examples:  Peace
                  Scripture Reading
All in 1 Thess. 5:23-28

I.  The God of Peace - in light of .... Joshua, Conquest - Matt. 10:34-36,  Rev. 19:11 - judges & makes war

Seems like not the God of peace at all.

Answer:  John 14:27 - "my peace" -
which = (1)  Peace with God  - reconciliation/ Bridge
Note:  this = state of Being, not of feeling  - Matt. 7:21-23

            (2)  Peace of God - Phil. 4:7 - this is not passive indifference, fatalism.
                 = acceptance of situation in light of God's:  sovereignty, love, will, presence, plan, involvement, etc.
So, Phil. 4:12-13
Example:  Hymn #410 - "it is well with my soul" - Peace of God transcends understanding

            (3)  The Peace God will establish  Rev. 21:4

II.  Total Sanctification - 1 Thess. 5:23-24 - sanctification = be set apart unto God
3 areas/levels ... (1)   Positional  Sanctification
                         (2)  Perfect Sanctification - will happen eventually, will be done by God
                         (3)  Practical Sanctification - process of becoming - one of the biggest complaints by non-believers against church people
On one hand, God does it for us - Phil. 1:6
However, it doesn't happen without our cooperation!
            Phil. 2:12-13 - effort, work, discipline
            2 Pet. 1:5 - make every effort
            Heb. 3:12 - see to it  (your job, your effort)

III.  Prayer - 1 Thess. 5:25 - seasoned Apostle requesting prayer????
Because, (1)  believes in Power of prayer - individual, and corporate
               (2) recognizes his need for prayer - Rom. 15:30, Phil. 1:19, Eph. 6:19-20

IV.  Greeting - 1 Thess. 5:26  example:  greeting time - this means more than a pleasant break.
Can = time of ministry, encouragement, bonding

V.  Scripture Reading - 1 Thess. 5:27  (1 letter, many Christians, churches) This was important stuff  -- they didn't have a New Testament.
These words = Accurate, Authoritative  Instructive 
1 Cor. 14:37   1 Tim. 4:13   2 Tim.  3:16-17

Close:  1 Thess. 5:28 -    paraphrase =  "may you continue to experience God's unmerited favor"

Closing Scripture:  Heb. 13:20-21

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